
Saturday, March 1, 2014

March Goals

Good thing March is a long month and you never know what Old Man Winter and Mother Nature will throw at us - so I have a lot planned to keep me busy.  For my Something Old I will use the 'Count Down to Christmas' quilt along with Temecula Quilt Co.  I put all my blocks into rows and then struggled with the flimsie and then it got tucked away while I waited for the border fabric to arrive.  THEN forgot about it!!  So the border is cut and ready and I do have an extra wide backing on the shelf that will play with this.  Hopefully I can have this ready for my long armer next week.  

I had three books that I really wanted to make something from, but this time I want to challenge myself and chose this one.  Another book I could make every project - why did it sit on the shelf??

I told you I would surprise you.  I don't think I have made a hexie in three years and these are tiny!  But I like minis and I do have some special civil war print scraps that should work nicely for this.  This will  be my Something New and Let's Book It project. And I can use the Hexie making as part of Slow Stitching Sunday.

My NewFO project will have to stay under wraps as I will use one of my swap (have two) pieces for this and both of my partners read my blog.

I get lots of 'get your free magazine' ads in the mail and sometimes they have a free pattern insert.  This was from and it caught my eye for all those 2.5" squares I have.  Patches and Pinwheels just have to grab you and I worked up a lot of this as leader/enders.  Even if I just get the pinwheel blocks done for March, I will be happy with the progress on this project.

The next step of the Relaxing Round Robin is to add a round using triangles.  I have some baggies of HSTs and I am going to make them work for this. Why make more when all these cuties are waiting to play?

And I have four (I know there is another hiding) cross stitch pieces that need fabric framing.  If I get just one done this month, I will be happy - and will use it as my Handmade Christmas  project.

The Rainbow Scrap Challenge colour this month is Teal/Aqua and I do have a little more than last year (I think) - if not I may need to pick up some FQs to play with.

I don't want some of my 'waiting to quilt' items sitting too long either and will have to be aware to try and get at least one if not two of those done.  And I know my Goodnight Irene is waiting for borders and quilting (have the backing) - that one is going to be passed on to my long armer I think - just can't do it all.

So my March is full, how about yours?

Sewingly Yours,


  1. Great goals for this month! I think your Civil War book was waiting for just the right time for you to fall in love with one of their projects.

  2. You have plenty to do in March for sure. You always have such interesting projects.

  3. Your goals seem very doable for you! Love that red and tan quilt, and the cross stitch is so pretty!

  4. It sounds like you are up for a good month of sewing. Don't you love books that have so many great projects in them?

  5. Setting goals must be a good way to stay organized and get things done, because you accomplish so much. That red and white project is going to be gorgeous. The Civil War book cover has some great projects; can see why you like it.

  6. You astound me! Do you ever sleep! Have fun, I will be checking in to watch the fun.

  7. I really love the reds in your Temecula Quilt along top. That tub full of blocks looks really interesting. I can't wait to see more of what it turns into. I hope your lofty goals for March mean that you are healing well and getting around better.

  8. I just love your blog and all your beautiful work Sharon!!

  9. Looks like you will have a busy March Sharon! Love your counted cross-stitching!

  10. Good luck with your goals :-) You will have a fun March!

  11. You always do the most interesting projects, Sharon. I just love your posts. Thanks for sharing.

  12. oh sharon you do such beautiful work and i find you very inspiring with all the projects you tackle,well done.xx

  13. Countdown to Christmas is beautiful! You have placed a lot on your plate for March. I'm going to enjoy watching you work through these projects.

  14. All your projects look nice. I especially like the red fabrics and the doll hexie quilt. Enjoy your stitching.

  15. I'll be joining you this month in your book along project. I'm using the book challenge. I'll be using the book Quilty Fun by Lori Holt. I'm making the sewing machine pad and cover. I have the fabric cut out already.

  16. You're going to have a very busy month ahead of you. I love the look of the first quilt, in the Midwinter Reds fabric range. I'm really looking forward to seeing it in all its glory when you've finished it.

  17. You have lots of fun projects to keep you busy this month. My favorite is your Count Down to Christmas quilt. Love all those red!

  18. I love reading about all your projects. I'm still working on the binding for my king size DWR quilt my the 89 year old friend made me. She's 91 now. I want to put in a quilt show in June. I finally have two sides done. One would think I didn't prewash the fabric. It is a bear to get a needle through the fabric. The backing and the binding are the same fabric. My jaw is on permanent lock down when I'm working on it. I should have my mouth guard it - I'm gritting my teeth so hard. I feel the tortoise in the race. Eventually I'll get it done. I'm sure I have The Civil War Sewing Circle book, too. I love the quilts in it. I can just look and look at it. I have decided that I am going to make two Swoon quilts alike. So, yesterday I cut out the printed fabric for one block for each. Yep, not much - yet it's a start. I looked at the pattern and didn't think I could cut the pieces from 1/4 yard that I really needed a fq, so I figured I'd just buy a 1/2 yard and then I could cut two blocks of the prints at the same time and then with some extra sewing, I'll have a Christmas present probably for my brother and his wife. Of course, it might be for one of my chilren, too except they have king beds and he has a queen bed. Thanks for sharing your inspiration.
