
Friday, March 14, 2014

Make it a Handmade Christmas Challenge - March

2014 Christmas Handmade Pledge
Hard to believe that we are half way thru the month of March and it really has roared in like a lion and rather happy to stay that way.  I am happy to have another gift to add to the box.
This was a pattern offered by Sheri at A Quilting Life  for the little project for the month and I thought it would make a great Christmas gift.  I did change her little white flip corners in the center of each flower so I could use some pretty white pearlized buttons I had.  I used Moda 'Audra's Iris Garden' candy charm pack for the flowers and corner stones and some scrap Kona Sand for the background/sashing.  The outer border and binding were from my scrap basket.  Also, the batt and backing were 'cut-offs' from a larger quilt.
I will be linking up with SewCalGal

I haven't had an 8-10 bobbin sewing weekend and this is the perfect time for that.  I have a few blocks done for Bonny Hunter's leader/ender challenge - LOZENGES.   I think I will be dumping barrels and bins, sorting, cutting, and stitching away in celebration of National Quilting Day. Hope you get some sewing time in.
Sewingly Yours,


  1. Love you mini, the buttons are just such a sweet touch. Enjoy your sewing day! May all you bobbins become empty ones!

  2. Your little quilt is lovely Sharon. I haven't had a chance to make this one yet.

  3. Love your fabric choices and the buttons really are just perfect! Happy Quilting Day to you.

  4. Your little quilt is adorable! The fabrics are so perfect with the pattern and those buttons are terrific as the final touch!

  5. The buttons make the "O's" for a X's and O's quilt, so cute.

  6. Gorgeous Quilt Sharon,love the colours in it.xx

  7. Pretty little quilt and a nice gift. The buttons add a nice touch.

  8. So cute! Your Christmas bag is going to be bigger than Santa's :)

  9. Your mini quilt is just sweet and will make a wonderful quilt. Hope you had fun today sewing :-)

  10. Good one! I love this getting things made!

  11. Love your new finish!
    I didn't get much accomplished, but
    i had some fun!

  12. I love the your little Mini and the idea of using buttons sounds like something I would do. I have not joined in on the Christmas gift challenge but have been inspired by those participating. You are always working on something that inspires me.

  13. I love the little quilt; very pretty colors.

  14. Very cute little quilt. The buttons are just right!
