
Sunday, March 16, 2014

8 Bobbin Weekend

I hope you all had at least 15 minutes of stitching time for National Quilting Day - maybe you got lucky and had the whole weekend like I did.  First was getting 180 (pinned in groups of 20) lozenge blocks done.  There is still a long way to go with these, but I have a basket of pieces set up for leader/enders for now.  Maybe there will be another marathon stitching weekend.

All the pinwheel blocks got finished for the 'patches and pinwheel' quilt. Now all the blocks are done, this will go on next month's goal list for putting together.  That's not an 'oops' - half of the pinwheels go one way and the other half need to go the other way for the layout.

And I really felt guilty that my Celtic Solstic is still sitting.  The 'Fight or Flight' blocks were done, but those sad pinwheels - no.  So all those pinwheel blocks are now finished and I actually put these into rows, but I didn't have a large enough area to photo them.  This went back on the shelf possibly for next month.

I ordered this fabric shortly after coming home from the hospital.  My daughter saw it in one of my fabric catalogs on the table when she and the boys came for a visit - of course I went to the inter-net and searched for the best price.  Perfect timing as I found all of the 'requests' on sale (last day) at the time.  The littlest guy is just so in love with Thomas, so I got yardage for the top and some plushy for the back - he loves this shade of blue too.  No batt needed and a simple pillowcase technique of piecing.  Just used my walking foot (I pin plushy like crazy to hold it in place) to quilt it with a serpentine.

The older one is very into The Angry Birds.  This is the first time I have used a plushy on the front and back - think I used every pin in my box!  Again, just the pillowcase method to join front and back (no batt)  and the same serpentine with the walking foot. Just took my time (I know - me sowing slowly) and had no problem with slippage or puckers.  This guy loves the color red, so glad I was able to get the last of the red print.  What a snuggly quilt this is.

Both drag-along, snuggle quilts are washed, dried, and boxed up to be mailed out.  I hope she takes photos of their faces when they open this box.

** linking up with Design Wall Monday with Judy at Patchwork Times **

Sewingly Yours,


  1. These are so cute! Is Plushy like fleece?

  2. Love your plushy quilts! My daughter made fleecy pillowcases for her girls--quick ones but they love them for snuggling with! She made some for the nephews, too. I had to chuckle a bit at your pinwheels--that spinning in two directions is how my ONE pinwheel quilt is morphing into SIX pinwheel quilts! Let's just say it was part pattern-drafting fail and part math fail. Oh well, they'll all have good homes!

  3. I have some Thomas the Tank Engine fabric that I was going to make into a couple of charity quilts.mi hadn't thought of doing them whole cloth, but it's an excellent idea. :) i even have fleece to back them with! Would make lively blankets for a little boy or two. Great idea. And the leaders and you just sew two together as you go along with other projects?

  4. You have some great projects here. The patches and pinwheels grabs my attention, as do the blocks for your solstice quilt. Both sets of blocks look very interesting! Looking forward to seeing them put together.

  5. Lots of pretties. I enjoyed sewing this week-end too. I really like your leader/enders. I look forward to seeing the completed quilt.

  6. You've gotten a lot done! Your Celtic Solstice looks great. I need to get mine done!

  7. Love the CS blocks, they look so wonderful. And the plushy quilts are definitely going to be a big hit! So adorable.

  8. Your plushy is adorable, and Oh! National QUILTING Day. I must have thought it was National COOKING day because that's all I did!

  9. Wow! You were productive enough for ALL of us, LOL. It does feel good to fill lots of bobbins and USE THEM! Your work ethic is a real inspiration! I've started cutting some random scraps for losenges as well...I need them for leaders and enders (that little basket by the machine is sadly empty!).

  10. Always fun things going on at your house. I think those little guy plushy quilts are great. 180 Lozenge blocks--WOW!

  11. Oh my you had a busy, productive weekend of sewing! I'm a bit jealous of your leader-ender project, I haven't done any more - congratulations, they look great!

  12. really did have an 8 bobbin weekend! Those Solstice blocks are really beautiful. I can't wait to see that one finished.

  13. WOW! I'm totally impressed with all you got accomplished! That feels so good, doesn't it?!? :)

  14. Love your Celtic Solstice colors - much softer than my in the face brights :) While I was supposed to teach a class Saturday, it fell thru so after some afternoon shopping I spent the evening doing hexies and watching a Downton marathon on DVD. I wasn't half as producive as you were but it was relaxing :)

  15. Wow! You really got a lot done! I never thought to count the bobbins~ good idea! :-) May I ask how old your youngest DGS is? I want to make a train quilt for my DGS, but I'm not sure if he is getting too old for Thomas... he's 5. Have a happy day!

  16. That was a marathon weekend of sewing with lots accomplished , lovely work Sharon !

  17. Oh my goodness! What a busy and productive weekend. It was an eight bobbin run.Love the quilts for the boys. I know they will love them too!

  18. What a productive weekend. Love the quilts for the boys, those will be well loved. Not much stitching for me, it's spring break and Drama Teen had other plans for us.
