
Monday, February 3, 2014

Just For Fun

Well, I don't watch sports, so found it fun to participate in the Super Bowl Sunday Mystery with my LQS The Quilt Bug - this link will take you to the pdf files if you wish to save them.  And scroll to the bottom to see some of the photos sent in of finished tops.  I changed mine a little from the directions to get a little smaller top.  Check out Kathy's Quilts as she and some friends got together for a fun 'sewl' day for this mystery and boy are those quilts gorgeous.

This pretty FQ was given at a quilt guild meeting a few months ago - each member asked to make at least one 12.5" unfinished block using their FQ.  These blocks will be donated to the church quilting group to make much needed charity quilts.  You could use as much or as little as you wanted - well, I have been called an over acheiver...........

  I just find it relaxing and fun to make blocks.  I call these 'flies in the barn' - using a Shoo Fly block (my FQ) for the center and a Hole in the Barn Door to surround them.  Just pulled my scrap bins - good to use them up and I will get at least a dozen if not more. 

I didn't get to join the Slow Stitching Sunday because of the Mystery, but I have been working a little each night on my 'Apples' cross stitch.  Just have the lower left corner with the basket of apples to finish and then the back stitching.  This piece has been fun to work on, but I am ready to move on to something else - this does get finished before I do that.

And we had a very cloudy day, yet Phil saw his shadow - must have been all the special lights for the cameras/photos.  We do have a big storm rolling in Tuesday night into Thursday morning - so if I go silent, we got buried.  But I will make the most fun of it with sewing and stitching - as long as the power holds.  Everyone be safe and warm,

Sewingly Yours,


  1. Your Appian Way quilt is very cute, and I love your Flies in the Barn blocks - and the name of them too!! It sounds likeyou will be happy to get to the end of your Apples, but it will be well worth getting there - it's lovely! Good luck with the weather and keeping your power!

  2. Your mystery turned out great... very dramatic colours!

  3. I love your Flies in the Barn blocks.... they are so beautiful! Getting snowed in and being able to stitch and sew sounds heavenly to me. You are doing a great job on your Apples cross-stitch. I used to do a lot of those - before I found the quilting bug!

    Hope you get to stay in and stitch and sew! I will be there in spirit

  4. You did a great job of picking fabric for the Appian Way. The quilt is astounding. Something happened to my tv yesterday. I woke up with no cable. I thought it was because I forgot to pay the bill which was due yesterday. I had a blistering headache. So, I slept most of the day. My son came over late when he got off work and paid it. I'm not into football either, so I didn't care. Today I turned the tv on upstairs and had cable and none down here. So, I futzed with the tv and I think one of the furry creatures (cats) stepped on the control for the tv and changed the setting so the cable wasn't on. Oh, well - it was nice to have quiet. I love the flies in the barn (must be the manure attracting them - you can tell I grew up on a farm - lol). They are beautiful. I'm seeing more and more posts of people making blocks that are going into charity quilts rather than one person making the quilt. I love that idea. I know it's diffiult with 1/4" being different for different folks. I need to see if I can get back to x-stitch. It's been too long and when I see your post, I remember how I much I used to enjoy it. You do beautiful work. I hope your recovery is progressing beautifully.

  5. Very cute projects! Your mystery quilt turned out great. Great choice of fabrics.

  6. What a wonderful quilt - the greens are just vibrant! I hope your power doesn't go out and I hope mine doesn't either. :) We're getting sleet here right now and it's supposed to continue until noon when the temperature is due to rise. I don't mind the snow but ice is usually what takes the electricity. blessings, marlene

  7. Gosh that first quilt is AMAZING!! I so love that.
    We are having freezing rain here today and schools are closed again. I hope you don't go dark on us! And I hope we don't go dark either. Ha!!

  8. your mystery quilt turned out great. love your stitchery project too.
    we too are hunkering down for the snow. is there any place warm and sunny any more?

  9. Love the quilt. THe nicest I've seen so far. Great blocks and what a good idea to use as charity quilts xxx

  10. That first quilt is so eye catching. Amazing job with your colors!

  11. Nice Shoo Fly blocks inside a Hole in the Barn. You accomplished more sewing than watching the game.

  12. Those blocks are lovely Sharon. Your cross stitch is coming along nicely.

  13. Love that mystery quilt pattern. Each one is a winner. You Shoo fly/Barn Door blocks will make one whole quilt. Nice.

  14. I love your mystery quilt, the colours make it look very dramatic.

    I hope you're not suffering too much with your threatened storm.

  15. Sharon, I love, *LOVE* your Flies in the Barn blocks!! What a wonderful combo! The mystery quilt turned out quite nicely!!! :)

  16. Love your Flies in the Barn blocks! Stitching is lovely too. Janita

  17. What a gorgeous Super Bowl did an awesome job! Nice to see your cross stitch so close to a finish. As for your blocks, absolutely gorgeous!

  18. Your version of the mystery quilt turned out great. Love the wine glass fabric you used.

  19. I love your mystery. I thought about joining in on that but knew I just really wouldn't have the time. Sew away today!!! I hope I can do some sewing today too.

  20. I like that Superbowl Quilt, you picked the perfect colors!

  21. I just love your colorway...beautiful. crystalbluern at onlineok dot com

  22. I love your "Over Achiever" blocks. They are really a great twist on an old favorite.

  23. Just thought I'd let you know that I am about to read all your blog posts from this point forward. I have got so far behind with blog reading because of buying a new house and moving. I won't be commenting much -- nine months is a lot of posts to catch up on but, rest assured, I will read every post.

    I also want to thank you for your support of Something Old, Something New throughout the year.
