
Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Warming the Cold Front

I took part in Beth's 'Neighborhood' block party.  We sent one block for a block lotto and one block for a charity quilt.  

I came home from the hospital and catching up on some e-mails - there was a lovely note from Beth that I had won one of the block groupings.

As you can see I have quite a lovely variety of houses in my neighborhood.  Once I am a little more able, this will be a priority project.  Since there are 9 blocks and I would like a nice couch throw - some sizing up, sashing, borders are going to be planned.  Thank you to all who submitted blocks.

Since I only showed the tote of my 'something old' , I thought I should pull that project out so you could see - I actually have an old project.  I taught the 5-minute block at one of last year's Quilt Guild meetings.  We showed Suzanne McNeill's U-Tube demo

And then I demonstrated step by step for a little more visual understanding.  So I had all those components and units in various steps.  Time to put this puppy together.  Besides, the fabric is too pretty to just sit in a tote.

And the day I fell, this box had arrived and I only had a quick lookie thru it.  This was a surprise from my dear friend Tonya @ Hillbilly Quilt Shop.  Filled with Thimbleberry fabrics and buttons, beads, notions.  If I can ever get Moe from his new found bed, maybe I can go thru this again - to really pet this fabric.  Oh, and him too.


At the end of six weeks I did spy
A dawning of light in the southern sky
Though it didn't last long
It started a song
As a blowing sound passed by
For its warming wave
Caused the artic to cave
And move out to the world around

As the north begins to warm
The cold fronts start to form
In a move to the south
From the foul bear's mouth
It's January's frontal storm
The arctic air glides
‘til the bear subsides
And moderation in temperatures abound

by Udian

Sewingly Yours,


  1. I want to live in the kitty's house with the orange door...:)

  2. hope you are feeling better Sharon and good luck being able to look in the box,i think your pussy cat looks too comfortable to move,lol.xx

  3. How nice to have won some of the Neighbourhood House Blovks. Have fun putting them together Sharon

  4. Sharon, I hope you're back in tiptop shape soon. You got a nice assortment of blocks... as you know, I'm a nut for houses and stars!

  5. House blocks are so much fun! That is going to be a great quilt to make. I, too, have quilt blocks that I used in a demo to sew up into blocks and need to use for a quilt--thanks for the reminder.

  6. I can't wait to see the houses all done up - it will make a great throw. Hope you are feeling better

  7. I hope you replace the fabric in the box with some comfy stuff for Moe, he needs his box for warmth and comfort while he's worried about Mom. I love the house blocks, what a great win.

  8. Oh, my, Sharon, I just realized that I had missed something as I read your post - had to go back a ways to find out about your fall! I am so sorry!! Hope you're feeling ok and don't go too stir crazy!! Take care of yourself!!!

  9. Congratulations on your house wins. I can't wait to see what you do with them.

  10. I hope you're better now. It's great that you won Beth's houses. I had planned to make a house block but...maybe next year. Can't wait to see your finished house quilt.

  11. Congratulations on your fun win, Sharon!! Those little houses are darling!! My faves are the two with the cats in the window!! Hope you are feeling better and better each day!!

  12. Moe knows a good thing when he sees it! What a fun surprise, to win a neighborhood of houses! I can't wait to see what you do with it! :)

  13. I should those lovely houses would make a nice throw size quilt for you. Love the variety in them. Moe knows a good place to curl up when he sees it :) I'm going to go look at that youtube now - looks like a nice way to make a windmill/pinwheel block.

  14. Love the houses with the pets in the window. That will be a nice project. Moe is a sweetie.

  15. Sharyn, I'm so sorry to hear about your fall. Sarah filled us in at quilt ministry last night. We are praying for you!!

  16. Moe doesn't look like he's anxious to move any time soon. =) I love your house blocks - that's going to make a great project. Thanks for that link. I HAVE to see what a 5-minute block is!

  17. You furry assistants are always so helpful. Not only do they choose fabric, hold it in place, and comfort test it, they even guard it for you. I'm sure they missed you while you were away.

  18. Your Moe looks so very much like my Whiskers... and Whiskers loves to sit in and on my boxes and fabrics, too!
    Your house blocks look so fun... I look forward to seeing what you do with them!


  19. Very fun blocks. I think I've seen a couple of those posted on other blogs.
