
Friday, January 24, 2014

Grow Your Blog Party

2 Bags Full

I would like to welcome you to Vrooman's Quilts .  The Header photo is a painting of the farm/house/shop on the hill and yes, our road is called Quilt Lane.  You are welcome to read more about Quilt Lane HERE .

I prefer to work small projects that can allow you to play with a new technique, new threads, explore a design.  I take part in the Doll Swap Group and a small friends swap and occassionally the Bog Hops at SewWeQuilt.

I do make large quilts from time to time and like to play along with Block of the Month or Sew Alongs or Challenges.  I like to keep current activity buttons on my side bar.  NO, I do not do all of those, just like to share because there might be something someone else would like.

I do enjoy the NewFO and participating in the Something Old, Something New - and I just tried a new venture for myself.......

There is a page/tab set up for this with explaination.  Basically it is to encourage quilters to get out those books we so desperately bought to make that 'must' quilt/project - and now they sit forgotten on the shelf.  I see this working with NewFO, Something Old, Doll quilting, etc.........  Sew, we can multi-task with one project. 

I, also, like to participate in various charity quilting.  My Quilt Guild does a number of projects thru the year for local needs, but I have found some on-line projects that I like to contribute to each year.  

Get Your Mrs. Claus On (button on side bar) is a wonderful group that makes, collects, and distributes toys to children.  I try to send a doll quilt each month. 100 Quilts for Kids and Hands2Help (I add buttons as their new year starts) are dear to me and I try to send a couple thru each organization.

Thank you for visiting and please, take some time to enjoy some of the other participants.  Thank you Vicki at -2 Bags Full for organizing this wonderfull concept - there are over 500 participants - phew!!!!!  Yes, be sure to thank Vicki!! ** the complete list can be found HERE **

This doesn't look like much unless you are a collector and user of selvedges.  I had one gallon zip bag going and it overflowed and ripped, so more was stuffed with it into another zip bag...  Yes, there are a lot of selvedge, Moda ties, ribbons, lace, etc..............  This is my give away and open to all - international visitors welcome.  You do not need to be a follower, just be sure I have a way to contact you.  Due to the number of participating bloggers, Vicki has asked us to keep our give aways open until Feb 15th - to allow everyone to get thru as many as possible.  So comments will be open until Feb 15th 10pm (EST) and winner announced and contacted immediately after.

Sewingly Yours,


  1. I've been wanting to make a little selvage quilt, but I don't have many of my own. Thanks for the chance to win some of yours! :0)

  2. I've been following you for probably less than a year, but had not gone back and read your earlier posts. It was very interesting to read the post via the link regarding Quilt Lane. The genealogist in me recognizes you must have quite a family history to that area.

    Should you choose my name in your give-away, please pick another name as I have a sufficient supply of selvedges to make the only selvedge project I foresee in my future :)

  3. Sharon, I have been a follower for quite awhile and always enjoy your post! You are a very talented and giving person! Thanks for always inspiring me! Also, thanks for the giveaway!

  4. Of course, I follow you on Bloglovin. I need to do the book group, but I am already in several sew-alongs. I really would like the prize of selvages...I don't have enough to do a project yet. crystalbluern at onlineok dot com

  5. Oooo, I love selvedges! I've been a follower for a while now, and have you on sidebar as one of my favourite blogs to read! Thanks for the opportunity, Terri in BC

  6. I love following you around to see what you're up to!

  7. What a neat idea! Let's Book It ... how true that is and how many books I too have sitting on my shelf :) and yet still run to the computer for inspiration whenever I want to make something new ... major eye roll here, but at least I know I'm no longer the only one :) Thank you for placing so many wonderful links on your blog you Creative and Inspirational lady!! You know I will be back to visit again :) I so appreciate you!!

  8. I just had the nicest stroll through some of your recent posts. I love your slow stitching Sunday project. I look forward to following your blog. Quilting and stitching are two of my favorite things to admire.

  9. Oh my I need those so bad! I been thinking of joining your "Let's Book It". I have so many books with projects I would love to do!

  10. I'm a follower via Bloglovin'. I found you through Sewwequilt. I'm going to be having fun, fun, fun doing this. Thanks for participating. I want to make something with selvedges, just not sure what yet.

  11. Hi Sharon, already a follower but lovely to know you a bit more. Love the quilts. Susie x

  12. You know I just love your blog and am already a follower. I sure would love to win those selvages to go along with my collections. I need enough to make a string quilt.

  13. how lovely to live on Quilt Lane.
    I knew a lady from the internet who lived on Paisley Road which I thought was cool. I too have enough selvages so if my name is picked please pick another. I follow you on bloglovin and love to see what you are up to in the sewing room.

  14. Thanks for the post, I think that your perspective is deep, its just well thought out and really fantastic to see someone who knows how to put these thoughts down so well.
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  15. I enjoy your blog very much and appreciate the side buttons. I've hooked up with a few things from them. Also, I will check out the Let's Book It because it's certainly one of my faults. Those book projects always attract.

  16. This is a lovely hop, particularly getting to know other blogs and seeing what they have done. Thanks for a fun giveaway too.

  17. I always enjoy visiting your blog and seeing your many projects . I must check out let's book it .

  18. Im sure I popped into your last year and lost you before if signed to follow and then couldnt find you again lol
    So this year following!!
    Love that you make and donate reguarly, I want to do that myself as a way of using up my stash before I pop my clogs!
    I too would love the selvedges!
    I want to make a draft excluder from them and am collecting them myself.

  19. I do like to visit your blog even though I don.t always comment. Was nice to learn a little more about you Sharon.
    Will look at your Lets book it....
    Please leave me out of your draw as I have a huge box of salvages.. Thanks.

  20. Love reading your blog! So much inspiration, so little time! LOL! Your one of a kind, and I want to live on Quilt Lane too! :-)

  21. I check your blog every day. Thanks for all the buttons on your side bar I use them all the time to look at
    things to do and dream about.Thanks for sharing all your thoughts and ideas.

  22. What a happy tour! I felt right at home -- good job! ;)

  23. Hi, I'm Beth one of Vicki's GYB party volunteers. Your quilting is gorgeous girlfriend... I am quite jealous!:D And what a great prize!!! I look forward to more visits as one of your new followers... we do seem to have much in common :D

    I hope you have lots of fun at the blog party and wish you much success at "Growing Your Blog"!
    Hugs and have a great weekend,
    Beth P

  24. Hi Sharon
    I've been following you for a while!
    I'm collecting selvedges but it takes so long to get a decent quantity!!

  25. Thanks, Sharon, for the promo for Mrs. Claus. I so appreciate you and your help. I always am amazed at your great variety of work and you patience in piecing the little ones.

  26. Oh, Sharon, dear friend!! I have been following you for as long as I have been blogging - years!! I love all your quilts, especially the little doll quilt and dolly!! :-)) May you have many more fun blogging years ahead of you!! You always amaze me with your work!!

  27. Love your blig and am so glad to be your bloggy friend.

  28. I am enjoying reading about the quilting. I did some earlier on in my crafting career. Love your quilts!

  29. Great "getting to know you" post Sharon! Your blog is one of my "can't miss" blogs when I sit down to catch up on those I follow :) I love that you are always working on something new and interesting, and that you devote a lot of your quilting time to charitable projects. Hope you get lots of new followers and friends :*)

  30. Hello!! I love the picture you are using for your blog header its to die for!
    popping by as part of the 'grow your blog day' Its such a lovely way to find super new blogs to read...I am joining along with you too
    bestest weekend wishes
    Daisy j

  31. Your little quilt with the Morton Salt girl really brings back memories. I can remember exactly where my grandmother kept it in her pantry. "When it rains it pours."
    Please don't include me in the drawing. There is probably some blog visitor that needs them for a project.

  32. Hi Sharon,

    I have a link to your blog from mine and see you are also on the Grow Your Blog party list.

    May you have many new followers and come for a visit to mine!

  33. Hello from another 'grow your blog' participant. Are you enjoying this party as much as I do?
    Evalina, This and that...

  34. Hello ,

    Nice to meet you.:)
    I would like to take part in your giveaway.Lovely presents.:)


  35. I can think of several fun things to do with selvages. I really should start a collection of my own. Thanks for sharing!

  36. Always enjoy visiting your blog, Sharon! So many wonderful projects :)

  37. I do collect my selvages, but I don't know what to do with them yet! Thanks for a fun giveaway!

  38. I always love coming here for inspiration...I have followed you for some time now...hope you are staying warm...

  39. I always enjoy reading your blog and seeing what you have been up to, Sharon. I've started collecting selvages, although I don't have a particular project in mind yet.

  40. long time follow and would love to win, i am a scrap quilter

  41. You always inspire me. I really like the bow tie quilt. I am always amazed how much sewing you get done. You are a very giving person. I will continue to follow your blog.

  42. I love following you, besides enjoy your projects you are my go to gal to see what is going on in blog land. Please allow someone else to win your kind giveaway.

  43. Such beautiful work, I've just popped in as part of the GYB party and I'm now a follower.

  44. Hi Sharon,

    How nice to meet you! I have never made a quilt, but who knows -- maybe that will change in future? I don't have an own sewing machine, but I have thought of getting one...

    Thanks for the chance to win those fabric goodies. They might just be the one thing which makes me picking up sewing again (I last used a sewing machine in school).

    Have a great day,
    lots of greetings from Germany,

  45. I am having fun finding new bloggers to sewing and quilting. Greetings from Oklahoma, USA. crystalbluern at onlineok dot com

  46. hi there. i'm Beth from E. Lizard Breath Speaks - so nice to meet you through the Grow Your Blog get together/party. ( :

  47. I just recently started following you, though I visited a few times last year as part of the NewFO linkys.

    How cool that you live on Quilt Lane. Love it!

  48. I've been a gfc follower...great post!!! I ABSOLUTELY LOVE YOUR BLUES!

  49. Hi Sharon, I've been following you for a while and I enjoy seeing your projects. Thank you for the chance to adopt your selvedges. :-)

  50. You are a very busy quilter lady!!! I never realized how many different quilt charities were out there. I've done some Project Linus and my son was blessed by a Project Linus quilt when he had his second brain surgery. I also enjoy cross stitch but haven't done any for a couple years. Currently I've started tackling my first King size quilt with Bonnie Hunters Celtic Solstice, am wondering the wisdom of the king size now...small quilts may be the right way to go! Thanks for sharing with us and letting us get to know your work.

  51. Enjoying your blog on my visit from GYB. I have been collecting selvages too but don't have many yet. Takes a while. I have signed up to follow.

  52. You know I follow you Sharon and I would love to win a bag of your selvedges!!

  53. Hello, I have hopped over to your blog from the grow your blog I don't have a blog but enjoy reading others. It inspires me to see all the wonderful projects everyone does. I have collected all selvages from any material I have used. I don't have enough yet to do anything but I know I will some day

  54. I have so enjoyed looking through all these GYB posts- thanks for sharing more about you.

  55. Hi Sharon. I am a new follower via GFC. I have seen some of your things through the blog hops at Sew We Quilt. But I really like the fact that you do things for charity. I like to give things to the needy, too. We have several groups of women in my county that do charity sewing and contribute to the needy. There is so much need in our country so I am glad there are people willing to do this. Thank you for being one of these people and for the great giveaway.

  56. Hi Sharon! It must be amazing living on Quilt Lane. I'd love to be entered in your giveaway as I lack materials for making my first fabric beads. I am holding a giveaway for a pair of beadwoven earrings at my blog

  57. Hi Sharon, I'm an old follower through GFC. I'd love to live on Quilt Lane, it's perfect!

  58. Love your blog! I am a follower via Bloglovin'. :)

  59. What a fun giveaway. My email is Thanks for the chance to win. Jackie

  60. I like all things creative n thrifty and I found you from the GYB party.
    I don’t have a lot of blog time in for I just started blogging when I joined the blog party it was my New Year resolution. 600 entries and I am Reading my 433 blog and more to go. Whew a lot of good read and great giveaways too. I know the importance of having blogging followers so I dropped everything and doing the web work. My site and contact info is I believe inspiration comes from all facets of life even knowing the great people out there with wisdom and knowledge the do's and don'ts and even the wonders of life from a personal point of view. And loving the crafting networks.
    Thanks for the opportunity to join your giveaway.

  61. Visiting from St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada. I've been a follower for awhile.

  62. Hello Sharon, I'm a new follower from the GYB party. Wow you are one busy quilter. I have spent the past hour reading your posts. Love to see all your work and the progress. Thanks for sharing! Happy blogging.

  63. Your blog is wonderful - thank you for sharing your beautiful work - it has been my pleasure to get to know you.

  64. I am already a follower of your blog. Your quilts are fantastic and I get inspired by your ideas.

  65. I've been collecting selvages for several years, Sharon! I've made a few small things using them, but would like to make something larger some day. It's fun! Thanks for counting me in. I've been following you in Feedly for a while.

  66. Lovely to see what you have been creating!
