
Friday, January 3, 2014

December NewFO 2013

Like so many others, Celtic Soltice has been my Newfo and I have not been in a rush on this one - may even be a while for a 'finish' with the reveal given NY'sDay.

Some cross stitch happened, but it may sit and wait for a finish.

I always keep my empty spools of thread as an inventory for the new year's re-order.  I am actually missing two of the blue spindles as I gave them to someone to experiment  a project with them. And if I had not crawled in December that 'almost done' spindle would be finished up.  So roughly 365,000 yards of thread.

I would love to list more and I know I have been a bit absent - not just due to taking a leasurely month.  I am just home from the hospital - the feared falling down the stairs became a reality and I broke a hip.  I am home but will be requiring another month or two of 'leasure' sewing and projects as I mend. 

Thankfully I have my Kona project finished - just need a photo shoot and a post set up - so hope to have a little help with that this weekend and I'm good to go.  My Doll Quilt Swap project is at the point of quilting, which I planned on doing by hand, so my slow sewing. I have a post link with QuiltDoodleDesigns for the 2013 sampler finish later this month,  And I have something new to announce, but will wait until next week (when I can sit longer at the computer).

** linking to CatPatches **

Sewingly Yours,


  1. OMG. You take care of yourself. If I lived closer to you I would bring you chicken soup or something rich and fatting. I hope you have some hand sewing you can do.

  2. Ouchie, I wondered why you hadn't posted the NewFO yet. Falling down is a bad thing Take care!

  3. Sharon, so sorry about your accident. A broken hip is never welcome but especially not at holiday time and with this terrible winter we are having. I'm not far from you and I'm guessing your snowfall the past 36 hrs. was similar to ours. Please be careful. I'm amazed at all you accomplish. Love looking at your work...very motivating.

  4. Holy Smokes! I knew I had missed not seeing your blog, but I had no idea you were in the hospital. I sincerely hope you are alright. On another note, that is a heck of a lot of thread that you used. Take it easy and heal!

  5. I wish I lived closer I could bring you some soup on a cold winter day. I can only hope that all heals well and in a timely manner.

  6. Oh my I'm so sorry to hear about your fall. If the kids weren't keeping me on my toes (I can't wait for them to go back to school on Monday), I'd drive over to visit. Please take care of yourself and keep warm. These temperatures are brutal.

  7. Wow! So sorry to hear about your fall. Glad you are home and can start healing while entertaining yourself with sewing. Take care, stay warm.

  8. Oh my goodness! Good luck with the recovery. I too wish I live closer so I could help with your photography and whatever else you need. Be good to yourself!

  9. Oh Sharon -- I'm *SO* very sorry to hear of your fall and subsequent broken hip -- that's NO fun. :( I hope you heal quickly and completely and have lots of fun little things to help occupy your time while it happens. I'm totally amazed at your thread usage for the year -- WOW! Hugs to you! :)

  10. Ouch ,take care my friend,sending big hugs.xx

  11. Oh my, Sharon. I'm sorry to hear about your fall and broken hip! Bummer! Please take it easy and give yourself time to heal. Hope you can get away from those stairs soon.

  12. You just slipped that comment in so casually. "I broke my hip." OMG! You broke your hip! Take care of yourself. Hugs from me.

  13. Oh Ms. Sharon!! So sorry to hear of your accident.
    The empty thread spools speaks loud of all you accomplish. You are my hero in the quilting world..
    Take care and don't over do.

  14. I'm so sorry to hear about breaking your hip... how terrible! Please take care of yourself and heal quickly. I'm glad you have things to work on while it's cold outside and you have to take it easy. Hang tough!

  15. Oh what a rotten way to start the year. Get well soon Sharon.

  16. OH No! I did wonder where you were, but imagined you enjoying the holidays. Take good care of yourself and let us know how you're doing. I suppose sitting for any length of time is painful, if it's even possible.

  17. So sorry to hear about your broken hip! The cost of a fall really seems to increase as we get older, doesn't it? Best wishes for a speedy recovery.

  18. Oh goodness Sharon :(
    That is scary! Hope you are healing fast and soon back to your regular quilty adventures!

  19. Oh Sharon, I am so sorry to hear that you fell and broke your hip!! I hope you will mend fast, as I get older that is also I worry about especially with osteoporosis.

  20. Oh dear Sharon. OUCH!!! I hope you are feeling better and the mend will happen quickly. Take care and enjoy the slow sewing.

  21. Sorry to hear that "feared thing" became a reality for you. It's on my "fear" list, too. Wishing you a speedy and enjoyable complete recovery. Happier New Year.

  22. Sharon, I am so sorry to hear of your broken hip. I can so relate because I'm still rehabbing from the same thing although mine wasn't as a result of a fall. My hip just splintered as a result of weakening from radiation treatments.

    I hope that your recovery goes well and quickly. Try to keep you mind and hands occupied. It helps. All the best in 2014.

  23. Ouch! Sharon I am so sorry to hear about your broken hip. Take it easy, and let it heal good and proper. Better days ahead.

  24. What a smart idea hanging onto the thread spools like that! I have ONE! But - I use the 5,500 meter cones LOL! :)

  25. Oh no! I don't do ladders any more after my fall 3 years ago and still am extra careful (some might say paranoid!) on stairs... I hope you mend quickly and are back to using the rest of that thread soon!

  26. Sorry to hear about your fall! Take it easy, rest and rehab so you'll be much better by spring!

  27. OMGosh Sharon. I'm so sorry you fell. Healing prayers on there way.

  28. I am saddened to hear of your fall. I cannot image the pain associated with that. I had surgery on both my eyes six weeks ago and am still recouping. In 2013, I was able to make one table runner. I found out that I've had double vision for quite some time and had been able to deal with it on some level and had finally reached the point I could not. So, I could not see to even thread a needle. I really couldn't craft the entire year. I use my crafting to deal with the ups and down of life, and not being able to do that added to the frustration. I go back for my follow-up next Thursday to see if I have to have more surgery or get my new Rx for glasses. Praying that you have Peace and some level of comfort during your recovery.

  29. Oh Sharon! I knew something must be wrong when I didn't see your posts for so long. I sure hope you heal up quickly!!

  30. Sharon I'm so sorry! I am so afraid of doing that myself. I'm overly cautious sometimes for that very reason. I'm glad you're back home and am wishing you the quickest recovery ever! Blessings, Marlene

  31. That's terrible news. I'm so sorry to hear you're hurt. I don't know much about hip replacements, but it sounds pretty horrible. Will you have to have physical rehabilitation when it heals?

  32. Oh sharon a so sorry to hear that is something we all fear as we woe eat older.. I hope that you are feeling better. Were you alone when you fell? I was kicking a soccer ball with y grandson and fell flat on my back it shook me up but no breaks just bruises, take care hope you are not alone. Blessings

  33. Oh my goodness, Sharon. Hope you heal quickly. I fell down the last step last week, but, only bruising, thank goodness. I've always been afraid of falling down the stairs. Love that barn stitchery. Heal well.

  34. Oh that's a horrible way to begin the year! I hope you are not in too much pain and can move around a bit, although stairs would be hard I imagine. Was someone around to help you when you fell?
