
Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Baby It's Cold Outside

I know most of us are cold and some snowy, too.  We are having a bit of a white out tonight, but warm inside.  Although we may curse out the window at it, it does add to the charm of the season.

This Saturday we will be linking up with Sue at Quilt Times for the final Christmas QAL & Challenge.  It will be fun to see how everyone did on their challenge piece - no red or green and less than 96" total around the outside of the finished piece.

Luckily Tuesday was a lite snow so we could hold our Quilt Guild meeting/Christmas party.  A soup, salad, rolls and tons of deserts night with some great quilters.  Instead of exchanging gifts we do pillowcases for a local children's hospital and new this year - made placemats for Meals on Wheels for their Christmas dinners delivery.  We also donated food and personal items to one local pantry and money to another.  

Our program committee had us bring one FQ to win a raffle of bundled FQs and an ugly FQ which was put in a papersack - we got one to take home with the challenge to make something with it and bring it back next meeting .  I won one of the bundles and the bright is my ugly.  I also won a pointsettia plant on one of the tables, but gave that to my Mom.  

My BIG box of thread came - rather jumbled in it's travels, but what fun to sort thru this and put all those colors in place.  AND I can't wait to use them!

My brother & SIL took Mom into the city shopping for the day, so I was home alone (sort of) to watch the shop.  And with no sewing machine, pushed the Bah-Hum-Bugs into the closet and decided to do a little decor.  It was a little difficult with this helper claiming everything in the tub as his own.  Bella hates anything 'different' , so hid upstairs in the spare bedroom.

So the tree is up and I only put my blogger swap ornaments on it.

And the mantel with just some of my snowmen along with my Dec 2012 Doll Swap.  That poor empty table  is where my New Home machine should be.
And the new machine hasn't arrived yet.  There is a long story on that whole mess for another time, but there is one on it's way.

I will be making changes on the side bar - QALs and hops and events that finish up and adding new items as I come across them.

 Just remember with the hustle and bustle of the Season - take time to breath.  See you Saturday.

Sewingly Yours,


  1. Your tree looks pretty Sharon. I've just bought a new smaller tree this year for all the lovely decorations I have received from blogging friends too.

  2. What a lovely post, Sharon!

    I'll be putting the decorations up this weekend (although I've already made the wreath for the door and put that up) so the Christmas QAL will be really festive!

  3. I'm waiting to hear the story of the machine. It looks like you used the down time beautifully. I'm hoping to breath today, our tree is up, no lights or ornaments yet so at least lights and tree skirt is my goal for today, small goals seems to be the only way to get anything done, LOL.

  4. I'm planning to put up my decs on Saturday - what an appropriate way to spend part of a Christmas QAL weekend don't you think?

  5. What a pretty mantel display. I miss having a fireplace to decorate at this time of year. Thanks for sharing.

  6. Your tree and mantle look lovely! That basket of thread is gorgeous!

  7. Hope new machine arrives soon :( Love the decorations. Poor Bella. I'm a snowman person. Congratulations on wins. Lucky you! "Ugly" bright yellow is really pretty. Have a few in my stash, haven't been able to think of a way to use them yet. Wonderful community guild Christmas projects for those in need.
    Looking forward to seeing your updated side bar. That's how I find most of my QALs.

  8. Very festive and not bah-humbuggy at all! Love your comment "take time to breathe"...yes, we all need to do that!

  9. "It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas....." I like the snowmen on the mantel.

  10. Everything is looking very festive. I agree about snow adding to the charm of the season. I only wish we could get a little more.

  11. I love your décor. And oh what fabulous assortment of threads

  12. Oh my gosh you are one busy Gal! You put me to shame. I love your decorations. It is fun to use what we make and enjoy.
    I hope your machine comes home soon. I see you box of fun is waiting to be used.
    Thank you for posting on your side-bar. I always know where to look to find out the going ons in blogland.
