
Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Good to Be Back

First I want to wish everyone a Safe and Happy Thanksgiving.  We are into a bit of a storm (as are so many areas) and conditions are horrid - so it may be a small gathering. 

It is good to finally be home and not traveling - great due to the sudden change in weather.  Just an in-house week end left and we can relax.  I didn't touch my machine for a whole 9 days!  I did start an Easter (yes, Easter) sampler so I had a little hand work.  But mostly I just collapsed with my furries at the end of each day.

And too funny, I won the raffle basket on the last day of the last show.  Each vendor donated items for these baskets - and my own was in this one, but it was gifted on.  Yes, the chocolate covered peanut brittle was opened and sampled as we were packing up.  And I don't know what I will do with the baby diaper cake or bibs.

I had to do some catching up - I am not sure I have been showing the blocks with this QAL group.  This is the Stash Buster QAL with Linda's QuiltMania.  I think my machine was angry with me for letting her sit idle for so long as it took me a long time to get her purring correctly.

I don't know how many blocks there are planned, but I hope I can squeek 20 out of my left over fat 8's (and scraps) of Boho and the chicken wire is a Moda Basic.

And I wanted to do the Temecula Quilt CO 'Count Down to Christmas', but didn't have the chance with everything picked up and packed out of the way.  I tried to make these little stars as shown and two other ways, but could not get them to look right at that small size.  So I am doing the quilt in a bit larger size - just to be happy with the stars.  Yes, I am playing with my MidWinter Red collection with this one.  I was going to save it for Lynn's Heartfire blocks, but I have a nice FQ bundle for a Summer quilt that I think I will use  for my Heartfire instead.

Now to announce the winner of the Olivia Collection for the Quilt Gallery Blog Hop Party:

Blogger Joan H. said...
Happy Thanksgiving!
I would like to live on Joy Lane (short and sweet). Pastel fabrics are my favorites.
November 24, 2013 at 6:27 PM
Thank you all for visiting and commenting - what fun it was to hear your selections of road names.  And a huge welcome to the new followers.


Sewingly Yours,


  1. Oh the really is no place like home. Happy Thanksgiving.

  2. Congratulations!

    You just got home and your blocks are already ahead of mine.....grin...I'm just so lazy.

  3. Sorry to hear about your terrible winter storm. Cold rain here. Know you are glad this is the last in-house weekend. Nice win. Lucky you! Turkey day poem put a smile on my face. Thanks for sharing. Stay warm and be safe.

  4. Welcome back! Stay safe and warm! Nice to hear of your win and to see the start of some more great projects. Happy Thanksgiving!

  5. Cuddling with the furries while it storms sounds so cozy, don't forget the hot cocoa. Love the poem,, especially that last line ;).

  6. Glad you are home and safe. Love the stash buster blocks and fabrics!!

    Happy Thanksgiving Sharon!! Stay warm and dry!!

  7. Glad to hear that you are back to the sew happy part of your life. Please have a SAFE and HAPPY Thanksgiving.

  8. Happy Thanksgiving to you too! Welcome back to quilting and home. I love the fabric you selected for Heartfire. It's perfect!

  9. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family. Congratulations to Joan. Thank you for hosting the giveaway.

  10. Isn't it great to come home? I love your blocks!!!

    Happy Thanksgiving.

  11. I have been thinking about you as I watch the weather reports! Stay warm :)
    And look at those tiny little! I am impressed!

  12. It is always nice to get home and settle back in. I bet you were having withdrawal symptoms not being at your machine for so long. You have been on my mind as I watch the weather down there . I hope it doesn't get too bad. Happy Thanksgiving

  13. Oh, I love that little Thanksgiving poem at the end. I have been watching the weather on the news, and wondered how you were faring. Have a happy Thanksgiving, Sharon.

  14. Your stash buster blocks look great. I have 3 to catch up on but they have to wait for now. Very cute poem; Everything I eat on Thanksgiving is thigh loving.

  15. Glad that you are home, warm and safe. Enjoy your Thanksgiving!
