
Thursday, November 14, 2013

First Snow

Yes, there has been more bloggers sharing their photos of the first snow.  And it went from pleasant weather, to boom - cold!!  You get up in the dark and prepare dinner in the dark - seems like it all happened overnight.

This was a leader/ender project - sashing for my 2013 BOM  with Quilt Doodle.  My days have been rather full, so running long strips thru the machine got the 'sewing fix' and when I was a little more focused, I cut to size and even did up the corner stones. One more block to go.  I hope I can steal some time to get some of the rows together.

This is another leader/ender project over at BeaQuilter - chains and links
which became these.....

I know they aren't real scrappy, but I had some left over dessert rolls and jelly roll strips of Morris Apprentise and the background is 'cut-offs' from a quilt backing.  The amount of scraps I have will determine how many blocks I get - then to think of the setting, borders, etc..

Than I had an afternoon of time - real time to play.  This is the Simply Small project over at A Quilting Life.  I went with just three 9-patches as no one in my family has a long table so something a little shorter works.  I used a gifted mini charm pack of Esprit De Noel and setting triangles are scraps from a quilt backing.  I should know the Moda used for the border, but slips my mind (so much does these days) - but I had just enough for the border and binding.

The backing is a left over piece of Red Rooster - used that up out of the scrap bucket.  Even the batt was a trim off.  Love it when those odds and ends get used.

I received this wonderful needlecase, FQs and sweet card in the mail yesterday as part of a swap group.

And look at all the goodies inside!  Just love the Create added - such a great touch.  I plan on filling this up for use this weekend - teaching a class at a quilt guild sew-in.

There are some new buttons on the side bar for you to browse and possibly join in.  I know it is a busy and stressful time of the year - but sometimes you just have to grab some pretty fabric and sew for FUN.


'The first fall of snow is not only an event, it is a magical event. You go to bed in one kind of a world and wake up in another quite different, and if this is not enchantment then where is it to be found?'
J. B. Preistle

Sewingly Yours,


  1. Great use of scraps - the table runner is lovely. Hope you enjoy your day with your quilt guild

  2. First snow always sounds so magical to me, of course the later ones are probably just a pain.

  3. You are the queen of making great use of scraps and I really must start this leader ender idea , I know it would save me time in the end. Love the runner , can't beat a nine patch . Love the quote :-)

  4. Cute project. We are still relatively warm here, but the rain is here to stay, I'm afraid. We don't usually see snow until January.

  5. you are so inspiring in your use of scraps. Great table runner. In my area if you weren't driving to work or school in it you missed it. I'm pretty sure there will be more.............

  6. Well, my dear friend - for not having any sewing time, you should did whip some some fun stuff!! I can't wait to see the red and white project as it moves along!! And your gifties are great!! Oh, how I love the first real snow of the year!! :-))

  7. You have some wonderful projects here. The 9- patch runner is my fact I have started a couple too! You always inspire me!

  8. Your table runner looks great Sharon. I haven't had a chance to make one yet. I've got several mini charm packs just waiting! Lovely needle case.

  9. I love your runner and how it makes a simple nine patch look special. I am definitely not too old to love the look of snow falling. Now the shoveling part is something else again.

  10. So many goodies! Ender leader project is going to be beautiful.
    It's cold here. Hurts after our nice fall temperatures. Oh yes. I noticed some interesting new buttons on the side of your blog : )

  11. You always seem to find the time sew and get so very much finished. You are one focused lady. I love all of your work and love to read your blog. have a good one Sharon.

  12. I love how you always use your scraps so wisely and beautifully! Love those runners.

    No snow here. I don't know whether to be happy or sad about that. ;)

  13. You have some wonderful looking scrap blocks. I especially like the fabrics in the runner.

    Love the CREATE in your needlecase. It looks like it was a great swap and I know you will enjoy it.

  14. I have to admit ... I'm a little jealous of all those bloggers' snow pics! I'd love a little of the white stuff, or even a bunch! What a sweet gift the needlecase made! Loverly! :)

  15. You know me...not happy about the 1st snow sightings but there is nothing I can do about it, other than move south of course and that won't happen for a number of years yet. As always you are super busy and get tons done. Yeah for you.
