
Thursday, November 21, 2013

Black Tie Boogie Blog Hop

As soon as I saw this cute button I just had to join in.  Many thanks to our inspirational leader Mdm Samm and our head cheerleader Vickie for this very interesting twist on something fowl.

And I get to share this day with these lovely ladies:

Meet Elvis - the King of the Kool Koop.  This is a log cabin block with some alterations to make some interestingly fowl characters.  But someone has to rule the roost and I wanted a hip rooster - a little on the dark side.  Those bad boys 'dont cha ya know' - they attract all kinds of girls.  Want to meet the girls?

Ah, the meek and timid sort.  The young and prim, but so attracted.

The spikey hair - an attention getter.  Who will be Elvis' favorite girl.

The more mature chick.  The bee-hive hair-do and stars in her eyes.

Lol - she looks a bit angry, but there is always that skeptical one.

My, this one really is making quite the statement - or a little bit twittered.

A bit of a flirt this one with the bright red hair and wink of an eye.

But Elvis' knows he better keep his ladies happy if he wants to keep them home on the farm or off to the big city they will roam. 

So he made his chicks this Kondo Koop to keep them all kluckingly happy.

Now I know this wallhanging looks complete - with a cockle-doodle-do, but I would like to add name tags (cross stitch on Aida with a burlap backing) to each of the clucky ladies (and Elvis) - so I need your help.............

To win four half yards of "Country Touch' by Wilmington Fabrics, give me a name for at least one of Elvis' ladies.  Comments will be left open until midnight (EST) Nov 29  and winner announced the next day.  I will contact the winner, so be sure I have a way of reaching you.  I do respond to all my comments, so if you don't get a reply back, check your settings as you are a 'no-reply commentor'.

Sewingly Yours,


  1. the "more mature" chicken is surely Elvira....!

  2. What a cute idea for a log cabin block! The ladies all have such different personalities. I think Maxine, Cynthia, Edith, Evelyn, Trina and Jolene would be perfect names for the ladies.

  3. I love your Kool Koop! Poor Elvis, sew many chicks to keep in line, LOL! Lucy for the red haired one. Thank you for sharing.

  4. Oh are these ever cute! I love them all. I think the yellow one should be named Goldie since she is made of those wonderful colors. These really are cute. We have chickens and you have made me want to make some blocks for ours. We have names for our "girls". Our favorite is Calamity because she is really soft and has a cute personality. She likes to look at you with one eye like what are you doing? Did you make these up? Would love to know how you did them. Thanks for sharing- K-

  5. There's definitely a Gladys in that coop :)

  6. Love your wallhanging! And if you are going to have Elvis I think you should probably have a Priscilla - she would have to be the one with the beehive hairdo! Maybe a Goldie, Pinkie, of course Red. I'm drawing a blank of the other two, but I'm sure you will come up with some terrific names for all of your wonderful hens!

  7. I think there would be a Ginger in there (red head) and Trixie should be "twittered" Henrietta would be "oh so prim" and I also think Elvis would have a girl in the jungle room called "Lola "... his favourite.
    Oh such FuN! :)

  8. I would never have come to the idea of sewing chicks with log cabin, this is GREAT!!! I love the different blocks you did!!!

  9. yes you shine in black tie boogie..even your star features look they belong to a coop…totally boogie..
    log cabin chicks…brilliant idea

  10. I would name the "twittered" chick TEENA--short for TEENAGER. Elvis sure collected a lot of twittered fans.

  11. No need to enter me in the giveaway. I just wanted to say that your girls are sew very cute. What a wonderful block idea.

  12. One of them has to ba a Grace, don't you think? Awesome wallhanging! Such a clever way to use log cabin blocks. I esp. like the farmer's field block.

  13. The spikey hair - an attention getter. Who will be Elvis' favorite girl has to be Ann-Margret as we all know she was truly his favored girl.

    Lol - she looks a bit angry, but there is always that skeptical one has to be Christina - she did throw her drink in Elvis's face, you know.

    A bit of a flirt this one with the bright red hair and wink of an eye has to be called Lucy.. Lucy and Ricky were such sweethearts that Elvis has to love her too. :)

  14. I would name the more mature chick Isabella. Thanks.

  15. Love the whole chicken community and the different personalities. It's already been said, but Pricilla was the first name that came to my mind. Thanks for sharing!

  16. Can't help you with the names. Had a hard enough time naming my 3 daughters. But those chicks have such personality! The one with the twisted triangle is my favorite. Such a Twisted Sista to be sure!

  17. What a super cute quilt! You must name one of these lovely ladies "Susie" in honor of Elvis' Susie in the moving "Loving You". Elvis will like that!

  18. The lovely spikey haired beauty is none other than Rusty - the star from Viva Las Vegas!

    Your ladies are quite adorable!

  19. The Angry one has to be Matilda! She looks just like my Ameraucana! Did you know they lay blue-green eggs?

    This is very original, and oh so cute.

  20. Well; one has to be Priscialla!!
    Great them

  21. Love your quilt! I think I would have to name one of them Chickella...probably the winking one....

  22. Spikey hair is Priscilla, of course.
    What a cute idea, and the chicks are all dolls.

  23. Hahaha those chickens are hilarious!! The "skeptical" one is my favorite!! :)

  24. I really can't say, just why the song Hunk a hunk a burning love is running thru my mind right now!!! You dog Elvis! LOL!! What a cute quilt and fun post!

  25. Bwah, thanks for the smile...I love a good dark side chicken :)

  26. I love your chicken quilt and Elvis is a cool figure.
    I think one of his ladies is called Priscilla.
    Thanks for sharing your awesome project.

  27. Elva could be one, Ava could be another, Vava could be still another and maybe Lava for the fourth! running out of ideas for the fifth.

  28. What a genius you are to create chickens from a log cabin ! Stars for eyes...haha...most girls were starry eyed when it came to Elvis ! You could name one Babe, he called all the girls that.

  29. What a fabulous quilt. Love what you did with the blocks. Lets see names fo rthe ladies. What about Bertha, Velma and Rhoda. Thank youf ro the chance to enter the giveaway. Which is beautiful also.

  30. Love your quilt, thanks for sharing

  31. Someone already said it, but my first thought was Gladys. The yellow one looks like a Cindy to me.

  32. I think one should be Elvira (goes with Elvis, I think)..

  33. How about Bella for one of the ladies? And Daisy in honor of Ann Margret? (Daisy is the english translsaiton of margeret/merguerite/margret)

  34. Adorabe creations. I love how you made your blocks. They turned out beautiful! As for names... I was never good with names. I am sure his favorite is Precilla. Oh and I bet one is Suzie Q and Tammy. I cannot remember his other girlfriends names.

  35. One of them with the big... hair ...needs to be named Dolly Parton! Darling! blessings, marlene

  36. A fabulous quilt Sharon!
    How about Elsie??

  37. What a great quilt--I love that you used the log cabin--one of my favorites. I love that each of your ladies has an attitude. What about Cheeky Chick for one of them?

  38. Haha - I do love your Elvis and his girls!! Priscilla? Elvira?

  39. That is just darling, Sharon. Well....the obvious girl would be Priscilla, but how about Gidget?

  40. Hahahaha, I love it! That is one great wall hanging!

  41. Great quilt. I love the individual attention each chick has. Berty, Mertle, Gerty, Winnie, Dot, and Elly May. The youngest is Elly May. I need more coffee...

  42. these are so adorable. and I love your little story to go with it. How about "Caroline the country chick"
    this is a fun way to go about a give a way. thanks for the chance

  43. You have to have a Wilma, no farm is complete without one.

  44. Love that fun quilt! For a play on the word "hen" how about naming one of them Henrietta?

  45. They are all so cute. I love them. I would think you could name one of them Sassy.

  46. Oh my gosh, these are just the cutest chicks! I love how the eyes change their personalities.

  47. Ah, the meek and timid sort. The young and prim, but so attracted.--Priscilla
    The more mature chick. The bee-hive hair-do and stars in her eyes. Lucy
    The spikey hair - an attention getter. Who will be Elvis' favorite girl. Roz
    Lol - she looks a bit angry, but there is always that skeptical one. Madge

    My, this one really is making quite the statement - or a little bit twittered. Gladys
    A bit of a flirt this one with the bright red hair and wink of an eye. Marilyn

    Love the chicks, and Elvis too.

  48. Great!! That must have taken some planning. It is amazing to look at.

  49. For some reason Lulu jumped into my head and won't leave. Maybe she was a character in one of his movies?

  50. What a wonderful quilt. Love all of the chicks and Elvis too. The names that come to mind are Ava, Sophia, and Gina.

  51. One at least must be called Elvira

  52. One has to be 'Ann' like in Ann Margaret. Another needs to be 'Priscilla'. What a cute quilt! I love how you did the blocks.

  53. Gotta love Elsbeth..... Thanks so much for sharing..

  54. These are just brilliant blocks. What a terrific take on a log cabin block. Great, great job.

  55. I think of Clucky and Flirty for two of them!

  56. Your blocks all have quite the personalities. Is Thelma and Louise there?

  57. Love the quilt. What a nice give away and thanks for the chance to win.

  58. The skeptical one looks like a Gertrude! My Granny was Gertrude and she name her momma hen Gertrude the skeptic always looks after all the little ones and granny sure did! The Red feathered lady would be Red! The flirt would be Lucky! How fun your beautiful quilt is! You are so fun!

  59. I looked up some of the names of Elvis' girlfriends and found these names and thought they might work:
    Dixie, Priscilla, Tempest, Linda, Dolores and Ginger
    Cute blocks!!
    array-dawn at cox dot net

  60. I think Ann-Margaret would be a great name...his leading lady in Viva Las Vegas. Your quilt is so adorable - clever way to use log cabin blocks. Thank you for sharing! anglanouette at gmail dot com

  61. Elvira, was the first name that came to mind. I am thinking one should be Ethel and one Lucy. I think the mature one should be Maude.

  62. awww, love the chickens! they're perfect!

  63. Your quilt is gorgeous Sharon. You could call the young and prim one Primrose.

  64. You are sew very clever with your Chicken Koop and Elvis ruling his Roost. One chick's name is Saucy! Thank you for Black Tie Boogie hopping. Creative Stitching Bliss...

  65. My first thought was that you cannot have an Elvis without a Pricilla, it wouldn't be right. The young chick should probably be Lisa Marie!

    Sharon your work is wonderful as do you come up with such great ideas?

  66. Such fun blocks. I like Dolores and Eulalie. Thanks for the chance to win.

  67. Your gals have such personality! I'm thinking, Cora-skeptical, Mildred-mature, Marge-bee hive, Cory-flirt, Emily-innocent. Fun project. Thanks for the chance at your giveaway.

  68. This is just fab! The flirt is cute!

  69. I think one should be named Sylvia. This a fantastic quilt and I bet you enjoyed making it. Thank you for inspiring us to keep on sewing and quilting. Your blogs keep me going everyday.

  70. How about Nancy?? They are all cute.
    smjohns63 at yahoo dot com

  71. Very cute chicks. I would name one Lonesome after the song, Are you lonesome tonight.

  72. From top to bottom - Rebecca, Pippi and Bea, then Madge, Josie, and Pinky Tuscadero (she's Elvis's main squeeze!) Such a cute quilt!!!

  73. I absolutely think one of your 'ladies' should be Elvira - that's a perfect 'country' name and it's memorialized in song, too. Great quilt and I think the Kondo Koop was quite the right touch! Thanks for such a fun blog post.

  74. Oh Sharon, the King and his Kondo Koop -hilarious. You must have been smiling the whole time you worked on this. I know Lucille Ball wasn't one of his girls, but I can sure see her in that winking red head.
    Great job!

  75. Here is my take on the Chicks!! Which I love by the way.

    Lucy- red hair and wink
    Ann- tattered look
    Lisa- angry
    Momma- Mature chick
    Pricilla- Spike Hair
    Goldie- Young and prim

  76. Beautiful quilt! One of them just has to be named Priscilla.

  77. Oh I see Janarama beat me to it , I was going to say Priscilla , how about Eva , great fun little quilt !!

  78. I think I would name one Twitter because they are alway chirping away just like everyone does on Twitter.

  79. One should be Priscilla for sure. Also Wynona, Reba and Ruby

  80. We love all those log cabin chickens - and Elvis for sure should have a Delilah in his chicken coop. They are fantastic

  81. I love your chicken blocks! I have a potholder like that and I've always thought those blocks would make a cute quilt! :0)

  82. Very creative chicks. You did an awesome job. The one winking looks sneaky and maybe you can call her Mdm Zen. Thanks for the giveaway chance.

  83. Such an amazing quilt, thanks for sharing it. I think your 'little bit twittered' girl is called Patsy, and your redhead is called Ruby. They just look that way to me. Thanks for a kind giveaway too.

  84. Such cute chickens! I think Scarlett would be a good name for one of the Chicks.

  85. I think one of them, maybe the spikey haired one, should be Rosie.

  86. You are one talented chick yourself! There should be a Camilla in the flock :)
    Thank you for sharing.

  87. I love it. What a wonderful idea! Thanks for sharing.

  88. I think the flirt will have to be called Priscilla.

  89. Sharon i love all your chicks. That is such a cute idea.
    xo jan@sewandsowfarm

  90. I love your log cabin chicks! I think one of them is called Myrtle.

  91. Well of course there has to be a Priscilla, and I think the spiky one looks like a Spice.
    Matilda is a great name for a mature female.

  92. I love this quilt. It is so clever the way you gave each of Elvis's ladies a different personality. I think the mature one should be Henrietta, the skeptical chick looks like Eulalie, then of course there is Gertie who is always a bit twittered. That spikey haired beauty is definitely Hattie. The red headed flirt must be Miss Scarlett. Sweet Sue isn't really shy and timid. I'd keep my eye on her.
    Your Kondo Koop is so much fun, it has been the highlight of my day.

  93. LOL - very cute story for your wonderful project. I love the colors and what a cute idea for a log cabin square.

    As for the names: Meek and timid looks like Ms. Sarah; Spikey hair looks like Ms. Pecks; More mature looks like Ms. Hennie; a bit angry could be called Ms. Claws; twittered looks like Ms. Tweet; flirty could be Ms. Gaggle

    Have a wonderful and joy filled holiday season.

  94. I am so incredibly late getting around for this hop---on deadline, 3 must get done soon items---but now that I am on the binding I hope to check in on all of you!

    LOVE the wall hanging. Looks like you will have plenty of options to chose from name-wise.
