
Wednesday, October 9, 2013


I can share one of my projects.  This is 'Nabby's Dowry' - a quilt along with Pam Buda of Heartspun Quilts.  Rather than adding a border, I made my setting triangles larger so it floated the design.

A lot of stitch in the ditch, each surround block had a little button added to the centers, and then a few echo rows around the piece.

** linking up with Whoop Whoop Friday **


Lily Pad Quilting has a fun linky party going on - Prove You're a Quilter - go check it out

Fabrics N Quilts - deadline for Scrap Quilt Challenge is fast approaching - Tuesday, October 15 - I know I have seen lot's of scrap quilts, so be sure to add yours to the flicker group.

SewCalGal - help spread the word - 35th Anniversary of Quilt In A Day with Eleanor Burns

And now about this lovely fabric - a lot of you OOOO'ed and AAAAAA'd and wanted to see what I was making with it.  Wellllllllllllllllll

I'm not playing with it, but two of my followers will get to. These are twice the charm - 22 strips that are 5.5" wide - of "Tyler" by  Yoko Hasegawa for RJR fabrics.  My blogaversary is Oct 16th (I have a blog hop give away coming up and I don't want things getting confusing) so I am opening up comments for this give away and will announce the winners on the 16th.  One roll is for my USA folks and the other roll is for all the Out-of-States followers.  Just let me know where you are from and be sure I have a way to contact  you.

Now, time to clean my machine, put in a new needle, and pedal to the metal all day!!

Sewingly Yours,


  1. Oh, my goodness, it came out just beautiful!! You must be so pleased! Thanks for the reminders, that is very sweet of you. I'll be in TX soon, for the winter.

  2. Sharon this May very we'll be my favorite of all your quilts! I love the colors and I love the on point setting...really beautiful! Blessings, Marlene

  3. Your quilt is stunning! Love the fabrics you used and the way you made it your own with the little buttons and floating blocks. That border fabric is sweet...looks kind of Canadian to me, giggle! I finished piecing my Nabby this week, but it may be some time before I get it quilted. Good for you!

  4. Your sampler quilt is lovely! I follow your blog from Kentucky.

  5. Nabby's Dowry is stunning.

    Happy early blogaversary! I enjoy your blog. Home for me is Panama City, FL. Happy quilting.

  6. gorgeous quilt Sharon those triangles look so tiny,well done.xx

  7. What a beauty! I love the setting of the blocks - another great quilt. I enjoy reading your blog from the UK

  8. Sharon, I'm so glad you posted the Nabby's Dowry. I'm about ready to begin making mine and if it's half as nice as your's, I'll be happy. Beautiful fabrics for your givewaway--Happy Blogiversary!

  9. Love your Nabby quilt... the setting fabric is perfect to make the blocks stand out. Happy Blogiversary and thanks for the great giveaway!

  10. Nabby's Dowry is fabulous! I love floating quilts.
    Happy Blogaversary!

  11. I love the quilt, the large setting triangles really do make it float. As for you give away what yummy fabric. I'm a happy follower of your from London UK.

  12. YEA! another SAL Finish for you! I NEED to get mine done. Maybe for the Blogger's Quilt Festival coming up. Happy Blogaversary!

  13. Thanks for the reminders,I'm a happy follower, an expat Brit now living in france

  14. Nice piece of work, Sharon. I like the palette too. Earthy colors have turned into my favorites now. Who knew that would happen? lol

  15. Your Baby's Dowry is beautiful. The setting is spectacular. I am one of your Canadian followers. And happy Blogaversary, if there is such a word. Joanne

  16. Don't you just love auto correct. I typed Nabby but it was certain I was wrong. Joanne

  17. Oh it's gorgeous Sharon!!! Love the layout - it floats beautifully!
    And just the perfect amount of quilting :*)

  18. wow that really came out beautiful!! wonderful work

  19. Your quilt looks wonderful Sharon. I love how you have put it on point. Congratulations on your blogaversary. Doesn't the time go so fast! I'm one of your Aussie followers. Thanks for the lovely giveaway.

  20. I love your Dabby's Dowry, I decided like you not to put a border on mine too. Congratulations on having yours quilted and done. I just have mine stitched together.It was so much fun.

  21. Happy Blogiversary! I'm in the US and the 16th was my Dad's birthday. Hope that gives me luck. I love the quilt Nabby's Dowry and the name. Don't know how it was arrived at but it's cute.

  22. What a sweet giveaway for your blogisversary. I'm from the USA. Thanks for the chance to win.

  23. Your Nabby's Dowry is really beautiful. I love floating blocks.

    Happy upcoming blogaversary. I am in the US.

  24. I like how you finished your Nabby's Dowery. Should I make one of my own I will do the same. Thanks for the inspiration and for the chance at your giveaway. I live in the USA.

  25. Sharon - I love your Nabby's Dowry!! And it does float!! I have always thought that not every quilt needs a "Border".

  26. Your quilt is very pretty. I wish I had taken the time to join that quilt-a-long. I'm from Missouri and my birthday is the 16th. Let's celebrate together!

  27. It's beautiful... you are really on a roll!

  28. This is a very lovely quilt and the blocks do seem to float just as you intended.
    Congratulations on your block anniversary and may you have many more. Blessings Sandra

  29. so gorgeous and the larger setting triangles are a wonderful idea! Thanks for the chance at the giveaway!!

  30. Wow, Sharon, that quilt is gorgeous! Love the idea of floating the center design. And thanks for a chance at the giveaway!!

  31. Gorgeous finish...and thank you for the shout out! You are a dear!

  32. My goodness, Sharon. Beautiful quilt! Fabrics and blocks.

  33. Gorgeous quilt! Me, I'm living in Sweden!

  34. What a great setting for your photo shoot, it sets it off beautifully. The fabrics look lovely, so count me in from across the pond in the UK.

  35. Love that quilt and the fact you didn't add borders! And what awesome fabric for a give away! Just spotted your Twister tree quilt-cute!

  36. I always love your beautiful quilts.. Happy Blogiversary !!!!

  37. I just love the way your quilt turned out Sharon. Floating the blocks was the perfect design decision. Of course you already know where I can be found. Thanks for the chance to win.

  38. This comment has been removed by the author.

  39. That quilt is gorgeous! There is something about it that so appealing to my eyes, most likely the fabrics used in it. Makes me want to add another project to my list of to do's. I follow you from Western Pennsylvania.
