
Saturday, October 12, 2013

October Christmas QAL Weekend

This month's Christmas QAL weekend is being hosted by Joanna of Needle Thread Happiness.  That day is fast approaching - do you have a project? Join us for the whole weekend or even just one day or even a couple of hours.

I'll be embellishing my challenge piece.

And I like to work on multiple projects, so I have these bits of scraps ready for a little project that was presented at our quilt guild meeting.

I will be stepping out for a little bit at some point as our LQS has another 'adopt a bolt' sale this weekend (25% off if you take the rest of the bolt)- yes, I'm shopping on my 'no-more-fabric' diet.  But I've cleared two shelves, so I need to fill them - and I need backing! 

** linking up with Joanna **

I will be updating on the same page thru the weekend


Some of my embellishing supplies - had to put the beads, buttons and metallic threads on the ironing board (kitties) and more is on the side table  - this is going to take a while.......

And I made my trip to the LQS sale.  What I am going to do with that wild rams fabric - hey, that half yard looked lonely.  Benartex, RJR, Red Rooster, Moda, Windham, Andover, (EEEKKK) Ro Gregg and Nancy Halvorsen!!!!

My sewing machine was feeling left out, so I quickly whipped up these log cabin blocks from those scraps.  That pin dot isn't really that bright  and I need to clean the glue off my cutting mat (SIL).

Sewingly Yours,


  1. Looking forward to seeing your finished Challenge piece. x

  2. Sounds like the perfect opportunity for backing fabric at your LQS. I'm really liking the Twister Tree. It has been fun to chart the progress!

  3. I like your Twister Tree and am curious about the embellishments. Have fun shopping:)

  4. Lovely blue twister tree--I love blues at Christmas...a rest for the eyes from all that red/green...nice one!! hugs, Julierose

  5. Your tree looks great. I'm looking forward to seeing how you decorate it now.

  6. Oh dear! Is the Christmas QAL this weekend? I'm buried under a queen-size quilt I'm trying to get quilted for a show next weekend. Drats!!!

    I love your Twister Tree is blues!!! I may have to make one of those one day :*)

  7. Love that twister tree Sharon :-)

  8. Nice haul. The steer skeleton heads do look a little interesting. Your log cabins are beautiful.

  9. Your challenge piece is looking great !! Great haul on the fabric and love the log cabin blocks :-)

  10. I love the blue Twister tree and those log cabin blocks are gorgeous.

  11. Ah, you r challenge piece is a beauty. Looking forward to seeing your embellishments.

  12. You had to refill those two shelves Sharon otherwise dust will get onto them!

  13. Your blue Christmas tree is adorable! Definitely a challenge well met! But of course I love the red and green blocks too!

  14. Oh, your tree is going to be so pretty. I love it when people say they just whipped up a couple of blocks, it would take me forever to do just one!

  15. Love those cabin blocks. Woo hoo on a good shopping adventure. :)
