
Tuesday, September 17, 2013

"Favorite Quilt Blocks" is HOME

At the end of May I heard that I had won a gift certificate for a quilting with Marcia'c Crafty Sewing for my 'Favorite Quilt Blocks QAL' with Persimon Dreams. I sent it off to Marcia, although she had a lot of personal things going in her life and told her to sit it on the shelf and when she is ready, fine.  Well it came home and I am sharing some of the photos taken by Marcia as I could never capture her quilting like she does. 

Please visit Marcia's Crafty,Sewing HERE as she has done up a lovely post of 'up cose and personal' with her quilting on this quilt.  Thank you Marcia for such a lovely job on this quilt.

Winner of the Pin It Give Away is:

Thearica of Pigtales and Quilts 

Thearica said...
Your pincushions are really cute cute!! We learned the one where you have the pockets around the outer edge to put spools of thread.

My favorite notion has to be my marking pens. I use them every time I sew. Of course I also use my seam ripper but he is definitely NOT my favorite tool. lol

Sewingly Yours,


  1. What a masterpiece! Marcias quilting is always magnificent and your handiwork is amazing. Were these all orphan blocks? They are perfect together!

  2. Gosh that turned out so well!!! Both you and Marcia do such beautiful work.

  3. The quilting compliments your quilt really well- what a wonderful result

  4. Fabulous quilt and fabulous quilting! I love sampler quilts and this one is gorgeous! Well done by you and Marcia!

  5. I think I'm in love!! You must be so pleased with how well it turned out!!

  6. Your quilt looks fantastic! and I wanted to say thank you for the Pin It blog hop prize! It surely put a big smile on my face!

  7. This is just so beautiful... you must be thrilled to see it first hand!

  8. You created a beautiful quilt top and I believe my free style special area quilting brings out and compliments each of your blocks. It was a joy to quilt --- fun and whimsical. I can't wait to finish mine! I love your quilt!

  9. Gorgeous. Marcia is so talented, and your quilt is fabulous.

  10. It is really gorgeous!!! How nice it is to have it home too.

  11. It is beautifully quilted; the border is lovely.

  12. It looks beautiful Sharon. i love both the quilt and Marcias quilting.
    xo jan@sewandsowfarm

  13. Beautiful quilt, Sharon and the quilting is so fun!! Be sure to put a label on it if you haven't all ready!! :-))

  14. Your quilt looks so beautiful...I love sampler quilts and this is amazing!

  15. I saw her post and knew you'd do one too. It turned out just lovely.

  16. The quilt is absolutely beautiful and the quilter did a marvelous job.
