
Monday, August 5, 2013

Pets On Quilts - Get Ready

It's almost here!  The Pets on Quilts Parade.  You know those lovable characters just can't keep off our quilts.  Get that camera............

Hey - they think they have us trained, well before that food dish gets filled again - bargaining time.  We need a photo of you on a quilt - you know you just want to.

If your cat or dog won't humour you - maybe you've made a quilt with your favorite pet captured.

Or maybe you have another type of pet besides the 'norm' - Hey, get them in the act!!

So feather your nest - grab your camera - grab your pet - and mark your calendar.  Pets on Quilts Parade starts August 11th and the linky will be found over at LilyPad Quilting.  Padsworth will be very disappointed if you don't join in.

Sewingly Yours,
**now if I can get one of my characters to cooperate**


  1. sounds like fun Sharon.xx

  2. I can't believe the last one was a year ago. Where did the time go? Will have to try to get Molly to behave for a photo!

  3. I've started my stalking but, of course, as soon as they see the camera they run away, little devils :)

  4. How wonderful Sharon... and so much fun! I'll be around to join in! :)

  5. I don't have any pets but I love your clipart! And that doggy fabric would fit just great in my stash as a neutral - have fun!

  6. Sharon, if I can't get my assistant to pose for a snap shot would my "stamp" of her from the stamp hop count?

  7. I enjoyed your post today. Love the pictures.
