
Friday, August 2, 2013

Catching up on QALs

This is the Tinkerbell Lantern for the next step of the Lantern Along over at Quilty Habit.  These blocks go together so quickly, you certainly could join in and catch up.

I finished all the leaf blocks for the Flower Patch QAL with Green Fairy Quilts.  I don't know why they look so yellow as they are actually a spring green colour.  I still haven't gotten the rick-rack needed for 5 of the flowers in the pattern.  Not sure what width to use - how funny that 'jumbo' rick-rack can be any thing from a half inch to 1.5 inch and spring green really is in the eye of the beholder.  I think I will need to take a block with me and shop as I am getting no where via the inter-net.

Our next step for the Star Surround QAL with Melissa at Happy Quilting was to make all the HSTs for each star.  I love making HSTs, but come the ninth Star, I was pooped!!

The next block for Cindy's Quilt Doodle Designs 2013 BOM was an easy log cabin block.  I need to decide on my sashing fabrics so I can get that made up and ready for a quick finish once all the blocks are done.

Ah, Nabby's Diary with Pam Buda at Heartspun Quilts.  I had stated on a previous post about using the '8 at a time' method of making HST's and a lot asked what that was.  Rather than explain it, I will direct you to Lynn's Virtual Class Room at Sew'n Wild Oaks.  She has a wonderful tutorial and all the math for sizes charted out for you.

I wasn't sure which block I last showed on the blog, so laid out a series of the latest blocks with John'A Lee of The Scrappy Apple Yard  - The Rancher's Daughter QAL.

This is the 'Easy as A B C' QAL with Blossom Heart Quilts.  The next 5 letters - F thru J.  Again, these blocks are very quick to make and you could catch up quickly.

The other QAL I am doing is the Sampler with BeaQuilter, but the next two blocks don't come out until Weds - the 7th.

The final border for  the Mystery Quilt with Quilts By Darlene came out, but I haven't even decided if I am doing the previous border(s).  It is LARGE - so I may go with just one final border rather than adding 5 more.  But this one is going to sit out another month of being played with as I have other priorities.

Did  you take a breath yet?  Yeah, a lot of things and I am one to do up the new step of a QAL as soon as it comes out - well not the mystery quilt.  I have my monthly swap projects all done and ready to mail out on Monday so I know my high priority projects are DONE.  I want the rest of the month to tackle that pile of 'to-be-quilted'.  Most I can do and the others that need to go to a long-armer may get dispersed to several LAs so they are DONE.  

And I have the need to PURGE - our community wide garage sale is coming up in early September - so I will be cleaning house and boxing/pricing things to go into sale.  OH YEAH - those apples need to be dealt with too!

Sewingly Yours,


  1. Love those Tinkerbell Lantern blocks. Hope to jump into that QAL in a week or two.
    Love all your QAL blocks. I don't know how you do it all. But I so enjoy watching you work your way through all your projects.
    Good luck with the garage sale.

  2. Goodness me Sharon!! It never ceases to amaze me just how many different projects you can have on the go and still be relatively up to date on all of them!! You have done an incredible job getting all these blocks together!! I agree with Sheila - I don't know how you do it, but I sure love watching your progress through each one!! x

  3. I suspect that you never sleep. All those lovely balls (or should I say blocks?) in the air at once.

  4. Some really nice blocks are going to become some beautiful quilts. Your tinkerbells look great; I love that chunky lantern.

  5. I'd be so confused! And you make me tired! Whew! Just how ADHD can a gal be?

    I teasing, of course. Well, I would be confused. You must have an amazing system for keeping track of the QAL's and all the other stuff you do. Really, it's all overwhelmingly impressive!

  6. Sharon, I love how you jump from quilt to quilt! You always choose such wonderful projects...I started to pick a favorite but couldn't...I love them all!

  7. You are tireless. You must not sleep much. It is all lovely as usual.

  8. Wow! I'm tired just reading all you've done! Good for you! I wish I lived close enough to go to your yard sale!

  9. Woo! That is all I can say! I was proud of myself getting my HST done for Melissa's QAL!!!
    Love all your are an inspiration!😊

  10. O.K., now I'm exhausted. I still don't know how you do it all, no sleep, don't eat? Tell us your secrets :)

  11. Oh my goodness Sharon, that is a lot of projects all at once. I am totally impressed!! Great job on completing your HST's :)

  12. My gosh Sharon you have a lot of great projects and QALs going on! I'll have to check out the Tinkerbell cute! Have fun this month and I hope you have a good garage sale.....don't sell any fabric though!

  13. That's a lot of stitchin' my friend.

  14. You are a busy bee as usual Sharon! :) I see those lovely blocks and my mind immediately thinks - custom quilting!!! ;)

  15. Wow! You are amazing!!! I love your organization on how you keep up on all of the quiltalongs! Great work! -- and pretty too!

  16. I always love seeing all the blocks you are making. You are one busy quilter!!

  17. All of your blocks are looking good. I haven't sewn this week.

  18. You are the QAL Queen!!!! I am doing the Star Surround as well. Must get sewing today on them.

  19. Wow! This is a fabulous post. As I read it, the projects just kept getting better. I love the Rancher's Daughter blocks. Your fabric choice is perfect.

  20. Well, I did take a breath finally, and I'm hoping you took time to breathe too :*) If I had that many blocks that needed to be done each month, I'd never get anything else done! Come on, confess.... where are you hiding your super-cape and mask?

  21. Wow, that's a lot of quilt-alongs you're participating in. Don't forget the Mini Charm quilt-along. I think you and I are the only ones still doing that. I finished the Morse Code. What do you want to do next?

  22. Beautiful blocks, Sharon - but then, that's no surprise to me! I don't know how you keep up with so many quilt-alongs! Whoop whoop for you!!

  23. Your alphabet blocks look fabulous! And my, what a busy month you've had!
