
Sunday, July 21, 2013

DWM - 7/22/13

After finishing up a large project and so many QALs in the works, I needed something that went together really quickly - a diversion.  This is 'Morse Code' from Konda Luckau's "Simply Charming Minis".  I threw in some whimsy fabrics - black and white clowns and for a bit of color some flying pigs.  I'm using the pig fabric for the binding, too - uses that bit of scrap up.  AND I'll be honest, I have this piece already quilted and binding is in the process of being hand stitched.

And the reason I'm not doing all those tiny baskets and other bitties - this will be the only time you see this until it is completed.  A long term, slow, enjoy the process, wait for the color bits of squares to be added to the mini tubs, BIG project that I don't care if it takes a couple of years to get finished.

I've determined I HATE my new camera - my helpers holding down the fabrics while I try to get my 'official' July NEWFO project ready.

The FQs are all cut and I got the star and geese blocks done.  The rest is easy going from here on.  My Red Brolly cat embroideries playing with some Free Spirit - 'Fresh Cut' by Heather Bailey.  And oddly - my SIL about had a heart attack when she saw the cut stacks - then pulled her tote to show me her fabrics that had come in the mail.  She had bought some of the same in yardage to make aprons! 

The first two blocks of Pam Buda's 'Nabby's Diary' using Pheasant Hill.  I didn't pre-assemble all the HSTs in the step one of this project (that would turn even me off) - I am using the method of making 8 HSTs with two squares (two charms work perfectly) and doing the blocks as they come out.


I have seen so many blogs discussing slacking, loss of interest, guilt in not getting anything started or finished.  HEY - it's Summer, it's a heat wave, it's family time, it's outdoors, it's smelling the flowers.  I pre-scheduled posts and actually was off and away - yeah, me - not sewing.  Enjoying family, grandies, shopping, traveling.  It's Summer.

"No bought potpourri is so pleasant as that made from ones own garden, 
for the petals of the flowers one has gathered at home hold the sunshine 
and memories of summer, and of past summers 
only the sunny days should be remembered."

-  Eleanor Sinclair-Rhode

Sewingly Yours,

** linking up with Patchwork Times **


  1. Another inspirational post! Especially love your blocks for Pam's QAL. And that big project in the making is very interesting indeed! As for lazy, hazy days of summer, I hear you! Love everything that summer brings!

  2. lots of beautiful projects on the go there Sharon.xx

  3. As usual, there's some lovely things going on over your way.

    You're so right too about blogging. It's got a place in our lives, but shouldn't be our whole life!

  4. The Pam Buda blocks look super and the stars that you fussy cut are in beautiful fabric. It sounds like your and your SIL are cut from the same cloth, pardon the pun. I'm going to look up the Morse Code message, unless you can tell me. That's a cute project, too.

  5. Your productivity blows my mind. And then you write that you have been 'smelling the roses' this summer. I am amazed. BTW, thanks for the heads up about Pam Budda. I am now following her blog.

  6. I gave up on blogging regularly, there's so many other things I love to be doing. Why do you hate your new camera? You should do a review.

  7. Hear, hear about enjoying the summer, family, reading, gardening and whatever else one can squeeze in with comfort.
    Your projects are the kitties who help out in your sewing room.

  8. Oh, my! You do have a lot going on. I especially like the "Morris Code" quilt. It's so fresh and modern.

  9. Your post came at a time when I am trying to pay attention to my "light bulb moment" when I decided that at 70 I didn't have to complete several projects in short amounts of time. The difficulty is that I have always been a completer and it is difficult to slow down and still enjoy it. But I can learn...I know I can.

  10. LOVE your Nabby blocks...what a great idea!!!
    Why don't you like your new camera?!?

  11. Love your "easy" Morse Code - so simple and visual!!! And it looks like your workers are on the job, even if they do seem a teensy bit lazy and sleeping on the job :*) I have definitely been slacking this summer - due more to family and traveling than lack of interest, but I suppose as I think about it, I really have kind of lost the drive to sew, sew, sew. I'm sure that will return soon; it always does! Have a lovely week Sharon!!!

  12. Sometimes I just need a project that doesn't require too much thinking...your Morse Code quilt looks like something perfect for that. Love it! I agree with you about "It's Summer!" So true!

  13. I like the Morse Code - so clean and neat!

    The Nabby's blocks are beautiful.

    You are so right, summer and life is more about living than sewing.

  14. I SO agree with you on the Summer/blogging thing. I guess I blog for myself and therefore don't feel the need to apologize or feel guilty! Summer is way too short as it is.

    I hope you and your camera become friends soon.

  15. Love the Morse Code. Such a sharp look for a simple pattern. Does it say something?
    Thanks for pointing out Pam Buda's blog. Popped over and really like her work.
    You mentioned making 8 HST from 2 charms, would that be sewing 1/4 inch from each side of the diagonals and cutting crosswise? That just sounds to easy and since I'm at work I can't try it until later. Of course I won't see your answer til later either cause lunch is just about over.
    Have a great day.

  16. Awhhh! Morse code....that's really neat.

  17. Pretty cool Sharon!!
    Cameras can be very frustrating at times!!

    I'm trying to take your advice about the Summer. :)

  18. Me is thinking it is time to find yourself a new camera. Life is too short to struggles with the one you have. I schedule posts too when I'm away. So much easier. I hope you enjoyed your time away.

  19. You've certainly piqued my interest with your mystery project. It's nice to have something tucked away that is slowly cooking.
    I really like the Morse Code quilt. I don't remember the dots and dashes well enough to figure out what it says.

  20. Always something interesting going on over here! Love the flying pigs how sweet! And I can't wait to see that big project, looks so interesting with the little bits that you let us peek at!

  21. I agree with Sue. You always have interesting projects in progress.
    You may have a defective camera. Can you take it back?
    Sounds like you are having a good summer. Enjoyed your post today.

  22. I agree with you on the summer blogging thing. Enjoy your summer. Our posts have been hit and miss and quite boring as well.

  23. What a fun collection of ongoing projects. Each on is so unique.

  24. Always fun to check in on what you're doing and it's never a disappointment. Yep, busily into summer diversions and not feeling guilty at all!

  25. I love seeing what you are up to...funny that your SIL chose the same fabrics! Great minds think alike, huh? :)

  26. Your long term project looks interesting. Summer is a great time! I know my family has been having some fun. I don't mind not sewing if I can have fun with my family.

  27. A 'quick quilt', nicely done. Glad it wasn't done 'when pigs fly' ; ) I'm liking those star blocks. I should be stitching, but, I just don't want to. Like you said, it's hot, it's summer. There's always tomorrow.

  28. You always make such fun scrappy quilts and get so many done!
    I still can't believe it's the end of July. This really is the fastest year yet!

  29. Sharon, I am making the Nabby's Dowry thanks to you with the button on your blog.I check you out every day to see what good things you are sewing. I am using the easy angle ruler to cut my triangles each day a few. I lay them out to make each block and they are a challenge so far. 2 inch blocks. I have three done so far. Thanks for all your ideas.

  30. Hi, Sharon. Nice blocks. And I agree with your closing thought. Who needs a guilt trip when it's 100F. outside? Hope you're staying cool.
    best from Tunisia, nadia
