
Thursday, June 13, 2013

Rain, Rain......

Like so many areas, the storm has hit our area - BUT we are lucky that is just rain.  Lots of rain, which scares this area that has been so devistated with flooding.  Yes, we are high on the hillside, but we do worry about neighbors and community.  I am spending these days just flitting from one project to another. 

The binding did get done, but I so want to get outside photos of this huge quilt - So playing with the next step of the Jelly Roll Mystery.  Normally I don't mind mindlessly chain piecing, but I have this need to change it up constantly - restless.

Always a distraction to pull the scrap bin - but my SIL and I have been throwing our left overs from projects into one of my cute, colorful mini washtubs.  So I decided to play in that making little bags.  Need to find my snaps and pull the button boxes out.

And yeah - this awaited roll arrived during the heaviest of rains.  Looks like I will be sandwiching up some quilts and maybe getting some more finishes.  But I have some fun planned for the weekend.......

I will be going up the road to the neighboring town to work on a community project at the library Community Crazy Quilt Project .  And do some stitching under the eye and help of BettyPillsbury, reknown fiber artist and fellow Quilt Guild member.  You can click on both links to read about the original quilt, the project and about Betty (and drool over her work-watch the slide show).

Hope everyone is safe and weathers out this storm,
Sewingly Yours,


  1. wow what a beautiful quilt, I would love to see your guilds quilt when it is finished. I hope this rain stops soon we have had a lot up here in Ontario , I know you had a bad flood not long ago. Keep on quilting, I love seeing all you do. Blessings and prayers for no more rain.

  2. I did visit both sites and feel myself take a step back in awe at both the community quilt and Betty Pillsbury's work. That's a nice project to get involved in. Rain here too, and then some sun this weekend, then more rain. It's just a bad weather system. Love your little purses.

  3. Fingers crossed for "less" rain in your area. Sounds like you can keep yourself occupied nicely though! :)

  4. I love the cute little bags....what a great way to use scraps!
    And that Community Crazy quilt is amazing !!
    Stay dry....looks like you will keep busy :)

  5. I think the weather makes us restless, and so we jump from one thing to the other. We got thru the storms safely, too.
    Small bags are great, but that quilt is amazing. My first passion was crazy quilting....till my fingers gave I have a soft spot in my heart for those who create such beauty. Sounds like an exciting and fun time. Enjoy.

  6. Cute little bags , I must check out those links , I love crazy quilts , this one looks wonderful . Sorry to hear you are getting even more rain , that means we will likely get it as well , I am starting to feel like a duck :-)

  7. love those bags Sharon,what a wonderful way to use up scraps.Hope your area stays safe and take care my friend.xx

  8. Rain, rain, go away! But at least you are cozy and dry and have lots of sewing to keep you busy! The little bags are sweet, and that quilt is some thing else! Thanks for sharing!

  9. Wish you could send some of that rain to Colorado! So many blogging friends in harms way...from the threat of floods to fire.
    You have made some lovely things, using up your nervous energy and your scraps. Keeping you in my thoughts, Sharon!

  10. So glad it is just rain and not flooding. We almost got a small shower today, but alas it missed us.

    Enjoy all your projects.

  11. Oh Sharon stay safe!!! The storms hit very near my Mom at one point today. I'm with you - there's nothing more soothing than playing in a bin of scraps and strips and making something out of "nothing"!!! Enjoy your day with Betty!

  12. Hopefully the rain stops in your area soon. At least it looks like you have a lot of things to do indoors :)

  13. Enough with the rain already, right? Today I guess isn't going to be too bad and tomorrow will be nice but I hear there is more coming Sunday and early next week. We sure need a break from this and I'm praying that our entire summer won't follow this pattern. Enjoy the stitchin.

  14. Wow -- that's a honking big roll of batting!! And what a beautiful crazy quilt, too! How fun you get to work on it!!!! :)

  15. Love the blocks in the the first picture. Beautiful fabrics. I may have to jump in this sew along.
    Have a good time this weekend.

  16. I like all the greens...can't wait to see what the whole project looks like. I have a hard time doing a mystery project...always want to see how it is supposed to look before I start, LOL...

    In stitches,
    Teresa :o)

  17. Last year it was no rain and this year is an abundance. Go figure!! It looks like you are making the best of inside time and getting lots accomplished.

  18. Cute bags Sharon, using up scraps is always fun! Looks like you'll have plenty of batting for a bit, I'm almost to the point of needing to order some, what kind is that?

  19. With that roll of batting on hand you won't need to go out for a long time. Looks like plenty of great projects to keep you busy through the storm.

  20. What great use of scraps!! And that quilt is unbelievable! Looks like it required a mountain of work.
