
Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Thursday May For Me

I would like to thank you all for spending my May For Me with ME.  I hope you found some time for yourself, whether it was managing some sewing time, organization, cooking, or a get away.

For the end to a great May, I would like to share a turorial and pattern with you.  I saw a number of bloggers struggling to make teddy bears to use their scrap batt as a stuffing - yes, let's use all our scraps.  So I have made up a little bear that is FQ and scrap friendly.

Bear Back

Bear Front

  Print front and back of bear - all supplies and instructions are on both printouts (no you don't need the velcro that is in the photo - didn't remove it from the table so it just popped right in there) 

The patterns will fit a 5" x 10" piece of fabric - FQs work well, left over layer cakes, or scraps.  Place your fabrics right sides together, pin patterns in place and cut out. **I used 4 different layer cakes for some fun** 

Either use a pressing sheet - I use an old dryer sheet - under the pattern pieces while pressing the fuseable batt in place on the ears.  Then trim to pattern.

Stitch the back center seam, leaving opening for turning.  Stitch the front center seam.

Open up the back and front, with right sides facing pin together - matching the center seams first and then work one side and then the other.  When stittchin, GO SLOW, lift pressure foot to turn around outer and inner areas if need rather than pulling the fabric.

After stitching all the way around, clip all seams.  Turn right side out thru the back seam opening.

I have some left over poly-fill, poly-cotton batt that I shred by hand, and the cotton batt I snip into little bits (other wise they make big lumps) - use those left overs and stuff your little bear.  I usually do the arms, legs, head, and then the body. ** make sure you stuff the neck firmly or his head will flop**

Stitch your opeing closed with prefered method.

I left the arm and legs lite so I could do a stitch with floss to make him a little dimensional - but you can stuff him full - this is your bear.  Either embroider eyes and nose - or little beads and buttons - a bow - he is yours to embellish as desired. **if this is for a baby gift, I don't recommend buttons**

If you don't like little bears, an easy way to increase size - print the pattern and draw a wide dark line half way thru him (just under the arms).  Cut  in half on that dark line.

Using you printer settings - enlarge one half at a time - I was able to enlarge 160% which when you tape the two pieces (using your dark line as guide) I can get a 14" finished bear.

Enjoy and thank you for sharing May For Me.

Sewingly Yours,


  1. Love your little bear! Thanks for sharing the pattern!

  2. Aww, he is super cute! Thanks for this Tutorial :)

  3. I love your techniques and stuffed bear is great. Thanks for sharing your tips and giving him a lot of personality.

  4. Thank you for sharing this sweet little bear tutorial - and I wish I had found more May for Me time!!! ;) But, I cannot complain, because my life is filled with sewing and creativity and that alone is quite a gift.

  5. Thanks you for sharing. I have some bits of super soft backing (that plush stuff that I can't remember it's name :-) ) and I think it would make a cute snuggly bear for my 3 yr old g-daughter.....

  6. That is super cute, but making stuffed animals is my least favorite sewing thing to do. I may need to force myself though considering my new grand daughter. She may like things like that where my grandson really didn't.

    Lovely work Sharon!

  7. What a great little bear! I may need to make some of those for the grandbabies....

  8. How cute! Thanks for sharing this tutorial!
