
Sunday, May 19, 2013

Monday May For Me

I hope you have found some ME time.  Myself, almost burnt out with a lot of big quilts that all needed a deadline by the end of this month.  The last one is under the 'needle' as we speak.  

I did get some flowers/plants in the ground during the week, but my big ME time was to attend this:

A celebration of one year active in putting Schoharie County on the National Quilt Barn Trail.

Twenty are completed and another twenty are 'in-progress' with more sign-ups waiting for approval.

A lovely set-up and venue for the evening.

 This huge quilt was sent by Donna Sue Groves, Quilt Barn Trails Founder.

And this lovely crazy quilt was used as an introduction to another venture of recreating an 1830's community crazy quilt.  It was made by Betty Pillsbury who is internationally known for her work and lives in our valley - and she is spearheading this project.  So this will be some of my ME June/July time to go play with this.  

The winner of their choice of panel w/fat quarter bundle is

Stone Fence Farm - I will get in touch with Amy to pass on her winnings.
Thank you all for your comments - some lovely books were mentioned - a lot of good reads and maybe some that need a re-visit.

Since this week is my birthday week and what's a birthday with out a cake - how about a quilt kit from Connecting Threads 'Baby Cakes'.  This is a flannel quilt 58" square and all the fabrics are in here - you just add batt and backing.  I will ship internationally - Just leave me a comment on what is your favorite cake. 

Sewingly Yours,


  1. Wow, what a beautiful event!! Happy Birthday too!!

  2. Happy happy birthday, Sharon! Maybe the best "May for Me" activity for you is to NOT quilt for a day here and there...burnout averted!

    My very favorite cake is Carrot Cake. Runner up is Poppyseed Cake topped with warm buttermilk glaze. I'm gaining lbs just thinking about them! :D

  3. happy birthday Sharon and my favourite cake is carrot cake with cream cheese frosting.xx

  4. Happy Birthday , Sharon!
    I am not fussy....I eat any cake!! LOL. But I usually choose chocolate.

  5. Happy Birthday for this week Sharon.

    I think my favourite cake (at the moment) is Lemon Drizzle cake.

  6. How exciting Sharon! You are blessed to live in an area that is so quilt friendly!!

    Happy Birthday to you. :) My favorite cake would be Carrot...I think...pretty much anything with cream cheese frosting though.

  7. Very cool! I didn't know that we have barn quilts locally. I can't wait to check them out the next time I come your way. That venue is just gorgeous. Good thing you got some planting done with all the rain coming our way.

  8. This is a great week! I celebrate my birthday this week too. :)

    I'll be having a strawberry ice cream cake to celebrate.

  9. Sharon, looks like a great time at the quilt block trail event. Love the idea of the quilt barn signs. My favorite cake is angel food cake with boiled icing...yummy! Happy Birthday this week!

  10. I'm a big fan of Angel Food Cake with fresh strawberries on top. And recently I made a Boston Cream Poke Cake which was delicious.

  11. Happy Birthday Week!! Hope it is just wonderful!! My favorite cake is a hot chocolate pudding cake with whipped cream! So easy to make!

  12. Happy Birthday week! I am fond of devil's food cake with a choclate whipped cream frosting. I just like cake!

  13. Looks like a great time! I love a carrot cake with nuts and cream cheese frosting.....and sometimes something lighter, like a lemon cake. OK....if it's cake....I like it! Thanks so much!

  14. Happy Birthday! Can't go past a chocolate cake for me. I love the idea of a quilt barn trail.

  15. Wow Happy Birthday week. I make a lemon ice box cake that disappears as soon as it's finished.

  16. Happy birthday Sharon. My favourite cake is a jam and cream sponge! Thanks for the lovely giveaway. Hugs, Christine

  17. Happy Birthday! My favorite cake is Spce cake with cream cheese icing and Cocconut pecan Carmel filling made by DD#2. Yummy!

  18. Happy Birthday! I love cheesecake with berries on top.

  19. Happy Birthday, Sharon! The quilt trail sounds wonderful. Lots of fun. Like a nice birthday day trip. A Sharon May For Me Day.

  20. I love that big quilt. How fun to work with large blocks. Well HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! Thank you for the give away!. My favorite cake is white cake with cut up strawberries with sugar over the top with a huge pill of cool whip!!

  21. Happy birthday!
    My favorite cake is called Tosca! It's a sponge cake with chopped almonds in a caramel on top.

  22. Happy Birthday...and we get the gift?!?! LOL
    My favorite cake is any kind of Moda layer cake :)
    If you meant a real cake to eat... chocolate!

  23. Happy Birthday Sharon ! what a fun event that would be , I love those barn quilts . My favorite cake is carrot cake with cream cheese frosting .

  24. Happy Birthday Sharon!

    I have two favorite cakes ... homemade carrot cake without frosting and the other is chocolate mayonnaise cake with chocolate frosting.

  25. Well I am wishing you the best birthday ever lady! I like angel food cake as it goes all the sweetness you can add. Happy Birthday to you Sharon.
    HUGs patty

  26. Happiest of birthdays to you! I am a fan of all cakes; especially those I didn't have to bake. Tops of the list would be strawberry short cake; YUM!

  27. What a wonderful Birthday Week you are having. Happy Birthday my friend!

  28. A very happy birthday to you Sharon. My favourite cake is a lemon cake. I just love the sweet cake and the tart lemon together.

  29. I love pineapple upside-down cake. And it is easy to make too. Happy birthday!

  30. Happy, Happy Birthday! I hope I didn't miss it. May 'isn't' for me this year. Maybe June will be for me. Happy Birthday Sharon!
