
Wednesday, May 8, 2013

May For Me

I hope you folks are finding some ME time - it doesn't have to be sewing.  A long soaky bath, a pedicure, a walk, a good book, listen to some music, family time, or a long put off phone call to a friend.  A few nice days had my SIL and I doing up the flower beds - new plants (annuals and perrenials) and moved some shrubs - all mulched up ready for the next few days of rain.

And welcome to all the new followers, too - 

  The winner of the box is Julie Rose of JulieRoseQuilts - I will send her off a personal e-mail to get her mailing info so this box moves right on.

  Since I had some questions on my trimming up of scraps and storage, I thought I would share my system again - it works for me, you need to find what is comfortable for you.

Yardage gets folded and stored on my shelving units. Yes, these are a mess again as I have been pulling fabrics to finish up some big projects.  That top shelf has my extra wides for backing and use to be crammed full - so you know I am using this up fast.  I stack them by color, but you can see I need to get them tamed again - tomorrows project as my SIL needs all 3 tables to finish up a large quilt. **the one shelving unit has my purchased pre-cuts,Jelly Rolls, FQ bundles, and panels**

 Next stop in the fabric food chain is my rolling cart - under a yard but bigger than a FQ - I have two colors per drawer.  These are what I go to when working minis - why cut into yardage when these are waiting their turn to play.  The smaller cart is all my threads.  The crate has BOMs and some kits (my upcoming NewFOs).  This is slowly emptying - we start preparing for Christmas Shows in July and this rack becomes 'base' point.  The strips sort of hanging into the picture are actually bindings clipped to a hanger - waiting for those projects to return from longarmer(s).

Then the FQs are stored in plastic shoe boxes by color.  My SIL and I have a FQ buying trip twice a yr - these are about ready for a re-stock - a June trip.  I have my cute little 'laundry baskets' (Dollar Store finds) on top - these hold larger on-going projects so I can grab and go.  The little white wire rolling rack holds some orphan blocks and piles/stacks of scrappy 6" blocks I just love to make - yeah, I can spend a day just piecing up some tiny blocks for instant freedom and inspiration - so fabric sitting in a block instead of a shelf. BUT they do get used up or passed on.

This is the final journey of the fabric trail.  I don't cut into those sizes on purpose - I trim up those bits at the end of a project that most fit the catagory - 1.5", 2", 2.5", 3.5", and 5" (usually left over charms are tossed here).  My beads, buttons, metal charms are here and those white 'desert' tubs are perfect for holding 6" blocks - currently I have one with stars, churn dash, and two of them hold Dear Jane.  Oh, the styrofoam balls and eggs are for those prairie point star Christmas Ornies (the little paper strips in there are from my grandies playing-need to clean those out)

And those strips I pulled from that tossed salad of scraps at the bottom of the tub - they went into a half-log cabin block.  I now store my strips and skinnies on hanger clips (like the bindings) sorted by lites, mediums, darks - I can't show you that system because TA-DA they are all used up.

So this is my fabric food chain system that works for me - it took some time to develop and sometimes I have to kick myself to keep it maintained, but it is so much easier to grap a drawer or tote or hanger or barrel and then just sew my brains out!


In keeping with Strawberry Month, here is a very quick,easy recipe perfect for Mother's Day.  Get the little ones to help - they will love this too.

Easy Strawberry Mousse

1 quart fresh strawberries
1 package (1.4 ounces) 4 serving-size strawberry gelatin
1/2 cup boiling water
2 cups whipped cream
Whole strawberries and whipped cream for garnish


  1. Wash and hull strawberries. Cut each in half and puree in a blender or food processor until smooth. Set aside.
  2. In a large bowl, pour boiling water over gelatin and sugar. Stir until dissolved.
  3. Pour pureed strawberries into gelatin and stir until combined. The mixture should be room temperature at this point. If not, refrigerate until cool.
  4. Fold whipped cream into gelatin and strawberry mixture until well blended.
  5. Spoon into individual serving dishes or keep in bowl and refrigerate for at least 2 hours or until set.
  6. Garnish with whole strawberry and dab of whipped cream** or kids may like a side of gram cracker or ginger snap cookie**
Sewingly Yours,
**I am experimenting with fonts and size  - I want you folks to be able to read - so bear with me**
***linking up with Marcia's linky May For Me Party  ***


  1. what a great system Sharon,i like it and thankyou for sharing your lovely strawberry mousse recipe,enjoy your day my friend.xx

  2. Yum to the mousse... and you have a good system there... and it WoRKs for you too! Great post all round! :)

  3. Great system. Thanks for the tips. I'm working on a system to tame my stash and scraps.

  4. Almost forgot. Great recipe!

  5. Sharon, can I convince you and your SIL to come to California to organize my fabric food chain? I need help!

  6. thanks for sharing your "system"...I keep trying to reorganize mine!!

  7. You really have a great system and well organized ,I need to take a few tips from you :-)

  8. You have a great system. I am not sure I could do all this but I do have a system but I really need to work on it. The strawberry dessert looks delicious. Thanks for sharing.

  9. That is quite the system for arranging your fabrics!

  10. I enjoyed seeing your system. I like getting things in order, I just can't manage to keep them that way.
    Thank you for sharing the recipe. There are lots of strawberries on sale right now so it's perfect timing.

  11. No wonder you can do so many fun scrappy quilts. You have some great fabric and a system that works for you! A thumbs up!

  12. Fabulous system...I need to get more organized! Thanks for the great recipe, too!

  13. What. Great system you have...and love to see those yummy log cabin blocks made from the strips. Smart girl!
