
Sunday, March 31, 2013

March NewFO

March was a a challenge in itself with my computer being knocked down and the scramble to get things working - some things saved and some things lost, but it all marches on (March /marches HA).

I took part in another 12" Mini swap with the theme for St. Patty Day.  Received a great box of scraps from fellow blogger - Selena - and boy that has been fun to play in.  Project Quilt Challenge was using a Publication (page28) for inspiration and that was fun.  And the new 'Forest' QAL started and the first block was the Pilated Woodpecker - which I can relate to as we have one of those odd fellows grace our yard thru Summer and Fall.

There was the Monthly Doll Quilt Swap with the theme - Animals and had a partner who was a new kitty owner.  Another project started with scraps from the 'fun box' - I actually have 6 projects that I am playing with right now from that box!  A cute mini from Konda's book 'Simply Charming-Minis' - Cherry On Top.  A great book for minis and I have another pattern picked out to use for April's Doll Quilt Swap.  And the last Project Quilting Challenge piece - Hurrah Spring theme - and I did up a small cross stitch and fabric framed.  I love our returning early (spring) birds, flowering fruit trees so the obvious choice with this project.

I ,also, finished off two UFO's - Jelly Roll quilts that just needed quilting and binding - but those photos were lost in the computer dilemma and have since gone on to new homes.  And another quilt went off to the longarmer and should return in April for it's binding/label.

** linking up with CatPatches-NewFO and be sure to see how everyone else played thru the month of March **

Sewingly Yours,


  1. You've been very busy this month Sharon. I love the woodpecker and the cat quilt and your embroidery is very cute and looks great in its fabric frame.

  2. Happy Easter! You started lots of fun projects. The Wood Pecker and your Kitty Doll quilt are probably my favorites.

  3. My goodness you've been busy! I love that woodpecker! Happy Easter to you and your family...enjoy the day!

  4. Everything you've done is really pretty, but the woodpecker is very cool ! Have a blessed Easter !

  5. My goodness! That's a haul! Love these projects, especially the shamrock...and the woodpecker...and everything else.

  6. Lots of good stuff there, I really like the woodpecker, I'm looking forward to seeing the rest of this BOM.

  7. Gulp! Wait for me! I'm trying to catch up but I'm out of breath!!! LOL!!! What lovely projects you have worked on this month Sharon :*) That woodpecker looks almost real!

  8. Great glad the computer trials at over.

  9. What a lot of great finishes - and glad to hear your computer problems are sorted and we will not miss seeing your wonderful things

  10. I think I love your woodpecker the best. Enjoy your Easter.

  11. Lots of lovely fabric goodies! Hope the computer problems are corrected now. Have a wonderful April, and Happy Easter!

  12. I agree, the woodpecker is outstanding. Happy Easter.

  13. Happy Easter to you and your family, Sharon.

  14. The kitties are sweet but that woodpecker is stellar. Glad the triangles have found a wonderful home.

  15. Wow, what a lot you've accomplished in one short month! I'm always amazed at quilters who are organized enough to keep all these projects going in rotation.

  16. You managed to squeeze a lot of great projects into the month of March. The pileated woodpecker is wonderful. We have one that visits our yard every year. You really captured it well.

  17. Wow, you have been a busy lady! Great projects!

  18. You amaze me with how much beautiful work you accomplish!

  19. Great Job! wonderfull month full of starts & some great looking projects.
