
Thursday, March 7, 2013

Beat The Winter Blues Blog Hop Party


It has been a long, cold, snowy winter here in the NorthEast USA and I can certainly enjoy a 'Beat the Winter Blues' party.  And for you in the other Hemisphere, looking for relief from the heat - join in too as I will be shipping international. You can click HERE to go to the Quilt Gallery party site.  There are over 125 registered blogs from 11 different countries registered.  The complete list will be available sometime in the afternoon on Friday, March 8th . 

I am offering a Jelly Roll of 'Apple Jack' by Tim & Beck for Moda.  I opened the one I bought for myself, so you can see the roll.  I  just enjoyed their 'Bungle Jungle' so much that I had to buy a roll for me to play with -  and one for the giveaway.

Here's a better picture of the cute prints and bright colors in this line.  Just leave me a comment - What would you make with this Jelly Roll?  I will ship international, be sure I have a way to contact you as I will make every effort to notify the winner.  I do not accept ANON due to spammers.  Comments will be open thru the Blog Hop Party - closing midnight (est) on the 14th.

Happy Hopping,
Sewingly Yours,


  1. I would make a quilt for my great niece. Thank you for the chance to win a fabulous giveaway!

  2. This would make a lovely baby quilt of course!

  3. What cute fabric! I would make a baby blanket with it for my brother's girlfriend's new grandson due sometime in April.
    By the way, Congratulations! I see you won a set of Aurifil threads at SewCalGal. You go girl :D

  4. I would make a small quilt for my 3 year old nephew

  5. I have three cousins expecting babies this year. I'd make one of them a quilt with this fun jelly roll. Thanks for a chance.
    whatthebobbin dot com

  6. What lovely fabric- it has to be a baby quilt for the next new arrival in the family

  7. Such cute fabric! Just found out last week that I'm gonna be a grandma again! #2 will be here around christmas, this would make a cute quilt for the new baby.

  8. I would make a quilt for a friends baby daughter

  9. Hi Sharon Love Blog Hops and thanks for the Giveaway. If I won I would make a Linus quilt with the fabric. My Boys are now 13 and 17 and gone past this type of fabric, but saying that probably if they saw it they would want it!!!! Susie x

  10. It is gorgeous, I am sure to make something cute for my nephews with it! thanks for the chance to win!

  11. HiSharon i would make a quilt for one of my grandchildren,thankyou for a chance.xx

  12. I was just admiring Apple Jack yesterday. My family has a new little boy on the way and this would make a wonderful, fun quilt for him. Happy quilting!

  13. What cute fabric. This is the first time I have seen this collection. Thanks for the chance to win.

  14. I love making quilts for kids and Tim and Beck's fabrics are so cute and cheerful. Perhaps this could be the start of a quilt for Hands2Help.

  15. I love this line! I'd make a nice baby quilt, thanks for the chance

  16. These would go well with a baby theme, bips, a blanket, wash cloths (binding). So adorable!

    Thanks for this giveaway!

  17. Would definitely make a quilt for my 2 year old great-nephew.

    Thanks for the chance to win!!

  18. I am currently making baby quilts for Operation Homefront-TX and would use it for just that purpose! How bright and cheery!

  19. I would definitely make a baby quilt for my little nephew. This is a fabulous giveaway... ThAnk you so much!

  20. Since I've never done a Jelly Roll Race Quilt that is what I would make, if I won. I also have new grandbabies coming at the end of Summer. Thanks for being on the Blog Hop.

  21. What a fabulous giveaway. Our guild makes donation baby quilts for our local hospital's layette project, so these fabrics would be going into a warm comforting quilt for a deserving little one.

  22. Thanks for a great giveaway Sharon!
    I'd make a quilt for 'Siblings Together'

  23. Oh, I would definitely make a play quilt mat for my expected new granddaughter in August, maybe backed with some minkee--yum--Thanks for the chance Julierose

  24. Generous giveaway and that line is new to me. I'd make a community project quilt with it, it's lovely. Jane

  25. What a great collection! I would make a child's quilt...maybe a braid pattern using my new ruler or maybe embellished with some kiddie embroidery or alphabet! Thanks for the giveaway.

  26. What cute fabric. Definitely a childs quilt will be made with this line.
    I too cannot wait for Spring Winter seems to be hanging on.

  27. This would make an adorable jelly roll quilt for Project Linus. Love the colors in this line! Thanks for your generous giveaway~

  28. I would make a baby quilt for our church quilt ministry that sends quilts to foreign orphanages and the local pregnancy help center. Thanks for the chance to win this darling fabric!

  29. I think it needs to be a baby quilt!! Love the cute fabrics.

  30. Lots of new baby's in the family right now, I see a baby quilt!

  31. Awesome giveaway! I would love to make two tote bags from this fabric for two of my kids, they just started piano lessons a month ago and this fabric would be perfect for them. Thanks!

  32. Lovely fabrics. I just recently started a pintrest board for strip tube quilting. I would grab one of those ideas and get sewing.

  33. Very cute. I would do a jelly roll race quilt.. untimed. Lol
    shuttermom77 at gmail dot com

  34. A close friend has just told me she is having a baby so I would use the roll to make a quilt for her new addition. The funny thing is, I made her a quilt for her first baby and she told me one day that it is too pretty to use and she doesn't want her daughter to dirty it, so it sits up high where her daughter can't reach it!! I laughed when she told me that, so I hope the next one gets used!!

  35. This will be an easy one... I would make a baby quilt for my new boss who is expecting her first!! The fabric would be perfect because the gender is not known!! Thanks for the chance!

  36. We just found out my husband's god daughter is having a baby. This would make a perfect quilt.

  37. I would make a gorgeous cot sized strip quilt - I just made a single bed size one, they're gorgeous! I'm joining in the blog hop too!

  38. Like everyone else, I think this collection of fabrics wants to be made into a baby blanket. Thanks for this opportunity, Sharon!

  39. I would use this jelly roll to make a play/picnic/drag all over quilt for my young neice. Thanks for the chance!

  40. This would make a perfect baby quilt!

  41. I would make a bright, fun baby quilt! Thanks so much for the chance to win!

  42. Probably make a baby quilt, though I have been thinking lately about making some quilts for my library at school.

  43. A baby quilt for my son's grade 3 teacher due in May! Too cute.
    Thank you for the chance :)

  44. Guess I am a bit quilt here. I think I would sew some of the strips together and make a cute little pouch...or maybe not so little so that a mom can carry all the needed stuff for baby. Thanks for joining in the giveaway!

  45. This would be great fabric to make a quilt for my nephew's new baby.

  46. I would make up some kids' pillow cases and maybe some small quilts. If I mix it with my stash, it could go a ways. Thanks for letting us stop by.

  47. I love Tim and Beck fabrics! I would definitely use those to make quilts for my twin boys. Apple Jack is adorable.

  48. Finally, something adorable for a boy! I'd make something for my son, most definitely!

  49. I would have to make a quilt for a little boy, of course. Thanks for the chance to win.

  50. Oh I just love jelly rolls, they're so versatile! I already have used 2 charm packs of Apple Jacks and the fabrics are so great :)

  51. i would make a small quilt for my grandson

  52. Thank you for the chance to win this yumy looking fabric, I would have to make something for my brand new Baby Great Neice, less than a week old.
    Cindy Aus.

  53. Thanks for chance to win. This would make a fun baby quilt.

  54. I have a jelly roll quilt book and I would choose one of the patterns to make a quilt top for one of my grandchildren.

  55. I would make a lap quilt for my kindergartener nephew.

  56. I would make a quilt for my best friends baby who is due in July.

  57. A quilt for my new nephew who will born in a few months.

  58. That jelly roll would make a gorgeous child's quilt. Thanks for the lovely giveaway Sharon.

  59. This would be perfect for a quilt for my little guy. Thanks for the chance to win!!

  60. I would make a quilt for a future grandbaby!

    Great blog.... thanks for a wonderful prize!

  61. I've been eyeing that fabric line for a while so I would love to win it! I would make a quilt for my son.

  62. That is a lovely bright fabric and unlike anything in my stash. However, we are having a Jelly Roll Race at one of my quilt groups and that would be ideal as some of us will be turing the results into Linus quilts.

  63. I would make a quilt for my baby boy. Thank you for the chance to win!

  64. Definately make a baby quilt for my friend adorable fabrics!

  65. Our guild is about to start making quilts for a hospital that one of our members once had a child in so it woulod be nice to make a quilt to donate. Great giveaway!!

  66. Oh MY!
    This fabric is the most adorable thing. I would make the next best baby/ big kid I-Spy quilt with it.
    THanks for giving me the chance to win.

  67. I'd sew some pillows for the charity which I'm doing with my friends from sewing forum in Poland :)

  68. Love these prints too! Especially the jacks themselves, and the musical notes! I would love to keep it for myself and sew up some cat beds, but it would really perfect to use for charity quilts for the premie ward in my town here-- so perfect and bright!

  69. This is such cute fabric. I would definitely make a baby quilt for a friend having a little boy very soon! Thanks for the giveaway!

  70. The fabric is adorable. I'd definitely make a quilt for a little one and maybe a toy to go with it.

  71. I have a new "adopted" grandbaby coming in June...what a cute quilt this would make for him or her! I always refuse the offer to know boy or girl...I love the surprise. Thanks for being so generous, as always.

  72. Love this fabric!! I would make a quilt for my nephew.

  73. This would make a wonderful quilt for my youngest granddaughter ,thanks for the chance,

  74. I love that fabric and have a grandson that would love a quilt from it!

  75. A nap pad for my great neice that just started daycare. Thanks for the chance to enter.

  76. Would make a wonderful quilt for a little boy! There are so few fabrics that geared toward boys.

  77. Oh my, how cute! I would make a baby quilt with that. Love the bright colors.

  78. A quilt for my friends new baby

  79. Baby quilt for my next nephew or niece

  80. What cute fabric for a child's quilt!
    My grandson would love it.

  81. A child's quilt of some sorts, probably for my PL chapter.

  82. I am always on the hunt for cute boy fabric. This would certainly qualify. It would be worked into a quilt for sure. thanks for the chance

  83. I have 5 Great Grandsons. I would make a quilt for one of them. Thanks

  84. I am thinking of making mug rugs for Christmas presents.Don't you think that this is a great idea? Or maybe I could just make a nice warm quilt for me to help chase away the winter blues. Thank you for giving all of your followers a chance to win this awsesome jelly roll.

    Sandi Timmons

  85. How cute is that jelly roll??? Would make a perfect baby quilt for my newest grandbaby - due next week!!!
    Thanks for the great giveaway Sharon :*)

  86. I'd give it to my mother. She's a talented quilter & loves jelly rolls.
    bandkgram (at) hotmail (dot)ca

  87. LOVE the fabric it would make a perfect quilt for a kid!

  88. I would make a baby quilt for sure! In hopes that our next child is a boy if not maybe my sister's first would be a boy and I could give it to him! Thanks for the chance to win!

  89. I'd make a jelly roll race charity quilt for a child in need.

  90. thank you for the chance to win. I would make a cute quilt :)

  91. How CUTE is THAT fabric !!!!!! ....and I have the perfect baby - to - be to make a quilt for ..... my niece's first baby is due in September .... and I'll be a great aunt ..... I'm already a GREAT (as in cool) aunt ... so now I'll also be a great aunt ! :)

  92. OH, YUMMY!! this would be a great quilt for my sister's first grandbaby expected this summer!

  93. I would make a jelly roll race quilt :)

  94. Very pretty give away. I do have small grand children so would make something for them.

  95. I love Jelly Rolls. I'd make a quilt for my BFF's son.
    Thanks for the chance!

  96. Iik, these are just too cute! Thank you so much for sharing! I haven't had any jelly rolls yet and would love to create a quilt (pattern) using the stripes.
    Sunny wishes from Greece!

  97. I would use the fabrics and some applique to make a baby quilt.

  98. Those look so fun would make a great lap or baby quilt. I have yet to make a Jelly Roll type quilt and was thinking to do something like that if I won.

    Richard and Tanya Quilts

  99. I would make a quilt for my littlest one (five months). Thanks for the chance!

  100. I would make a toddler's play mat with this fabric! Thanks for the great give away!

  101. I would make my two year old a quilt - fab giveaway xxx

  102. Cute prints! I'd make a kid's quilt for Project Linus.

  103. I would make a quilt for my youngest grandson

  104. What sweet fabric. I would make a little boy quilt to put away as a baby gift or for a future grandson(fingers crossed!).

  105. Nice fabrics. I would use some of it for my hexies, and the rest for a string quilt. Love bright colours. Thanks for the giveaway.

  106. Ohhh those look like fun fabrics! It would make a terrific jelly roll race quilt for a young child!

  107. Cute prints. I will make a baby quilt or a boy quilt.

  108. I've never used a jelly roll to make a quilt before but I would love to start with this one! Thanks for the opportunity!

  109. I'd use it as part of a quilt for my one, my only, my cutest, my sweetest-tempered grandson.

  110. thank you!! This would make a great quilt for one of my 4 grandsons.

  111. I would make a quilt for my cousins little boy. He is just recovering from a kidney transplant and doing well. Thanks

  112. What fun pillow covers this would make...thanks for the sweet giveaway :)

  113. I would love to make a kids quilt out of this fabric for my nursery! Thanks for the giveaway.

  114. I would make a fun kids quilt using the Missouri Star tutorial.

  115. I have the perfect quilt for that fabric. Great choice!

  116. I have been looking for some fabric to make a baby quilt for our son, who will be arriving in July. Thanks for a great chance to win. Maybe this would be a good granny squares quilt!

  117. I'd love to make a fun, happy, Bright and cheerful baby quilt with this fabric. Right now I know about 4 possible quilt recipients! Thanks for the chance to win!

  118. I would make a quilt for my niece or nephew who is due in April. Thanks for the giveaway.

  119. I've got a new grandson coming next month, surely he will need another quilt. Thanks for the chance to win.

  120. I have a great nephew due July 1st. This would make a fabulous baby quilt.

  121. the jelly role would be perfect for a few little boy quilts I see in the near future. Thanks for the chance to get some goodies

  122. Love the fabrics. I'd make a quilt for one of my great-nephews. Thanks for the chance to win.

  123. I would make a strip quilt out of it for one of my nieces or nephews, Thank You!

  124. My daughter's trying to conceive, sew I'd make a baby quilt for my someday grandbaby! Thanks sew much for this chance to win your generous giveaway. :-D
    back2loghome (at) yahoo (dot) com

  125. This fabric would make a cute quilt for one of my grandkids. Thanks for the giveaway.

  126. I would likely make a strip twist quilt of some sort. Thanks for the giveaway!

  127. I see a lego bag/playmat for the youngest grand son thanks for the chance to win

  128. Beautiful fabric, I would make a quilt for my classroom at school.

  129. A memory quilt for my grandson.

  130. I love making baby quilts and this cute jelly roll would be perfect for that. Thanks for the giveaway!

  131. I would make a quilt for my because you matter charity, which is quilts for children in the receiving homes before being placed in foster care.

  132. I would use these adorable fabrics in a baby/child's quilt .

  133. a quilt for the new baby that is coming soon

  134. Seguramente tendría esto un tiempo en mi escondite ,seria feliz de solo mirarlo y luego se .Se que lo mirare y me inspirare.

  135. The fabric is so cute...I will use it for baby quilt! Thanks for the generous giveaway!

  136. That jelly roll would be perfect for a couple of baby quilts I'd like to make as charity donations.

  137. Those fabrics are great for pillows for my little girl's room :) Thanks so much for the chance to win :)

  138. fun fresh colors and prints. play mat or quilt would be nice. thanks.

  139. A few days ago it was 15 degrees celcius, sunny and spring! But now it's cold again and there is even a bit of snow.....brrr. Those loveley fabrics of yours give me a sping feeling and make me smile! This will make a beautifull and fun picknick quilt
    Thank you for this great give away!

  140. Those would make a great play mat quilt for my 9 month old grandson. Can't have enough of those.

  141. Great give away...I am already a follower and really like your blog. You do such beautiful work and I think my taste buds are changing to include some wonderful brights so would love to jump in with winning your give away and I want to thank you for joining mine....

  142. Oh, that's an easy Q...I have a new grandchild being born in Sept. Love these fabrics! Thanks for the chance to win them :)

  143. I would make a quilt for a new niece or nephew that my sister is expecting. Thanks for the giveaway and for sharing your blog!

  144. What a cute jelly roll! I'm making a quilt for my new grandson, now 4 days old. This would be perfect! Thanks for the chance.

  145. I'd love to win this jelly roll. I'm making a baby quilt with Bungle in the Jungle. I'd be able to make another!

  146. Most of my grandkids have grown beyond babyhood and are into the young kid stage. What a darling quilt that jelly roll would make for the under 10s. Thanks.

  147. My son's teacher is pregnant with a boy. Wouldn't this make a cute baby quilt?

  148. I would make small quilts for my little granddaughters with most of the strips, but would save out the music prints to make myself a tote bag. As a musician, I'm always having to lug music here and there, so go through tote bags pretty quickly. A new one is just what I need. Thanks for the chance to win these cute fabrics.

  149. I've been following you for a looooong time! This jelly roll is cute - and I have so many ideas for baby quilts with strips!

  150. These look great for a childs quilt. I have a few fabrics that should match.

  151. That would be the perfect material for a kid's quilt ! as a friend of mine is expecting a baby right now ... thanks for a great giveaway !


  153. oh I loved bungle jungle too, I'd make a quilt for Siblings Together charity

  154. I would make different sized blocks for my baby grand daughter. I love the prints they are so happy and bright! Just what you need to draw babys attention! Great giveaway!

  155. I would make a quilt for my new grandbaby boy. I would use a lattice style pattern. :)

  156. I would make a cute quilt for my newborn grandchild

  157. A quilt and bag for my son (3 years old). ehodasz at yahoo dot com

  158. I would make an eye-spy quilt with this! Awesome prints. Thanks so much for such a generous giveaway!

  159. I would make a toddler quilt for my soon-to-be 3 yr. old granddaughter. Orrrr.... I might just make a woobie for my grandchild from my newlywed son and his wife. No telling when I will have another grandchild, but here's hoping!

  160. What a fun jelly roll. I have never used a jelly roll before and would love to make a baby quilt with this one. Thank you for the opportunity.

  161. It would so come in handy right now. I have a new grandson on the way in July and this would make a really cute tag quilt for him.

  162. This is such fun fabric, I think it would be perfect for charity quilts to put a smile on a child's face.


  163. This is such fun fabric. It would be great for a Linus quilt! Thanks for the giveaway!

  164. A new quilt for my nephew is on the horizon. Thanks for sharing and for the opportunity on the draw.

  165. Such cute fabric. This would make an adorable quilt. Thanks for the great giveaway!

  166. I would absolutely make a baby quilt. Two of my beasties are preggers - and one o's having twins! That's a lot of sewing I have in my future!

  167. I would make a playrug for my grandsons

  168. I love to make a babyquilt every year for the grandchildren (I don't have yet) and put them away in, what I call, My Little Treasure Chest. That fabric would be an excellent choice.
    Cath @ Bits 'n Bobs

  169. I would add a solid red to the mix and make a scrappy trip-along quilt for my son for when we go camping and it is cold. I love this range, definitely one of my favourites I have seen on the blog hop or on any blogs recently.

  170. I would make a quilt for my baby boy. Maybe add some solids to make it a little bigger.

  171. Nana Rose

    Some of these prints would make great ties for musical Dads-- with more yardage of course.

    nice giveaway and intro to line

  172. I'd make a baby quilt for my nephew.

  173. I would make a "jelly roll race" quilt. Possibly to donate to the oncology department at CHEO. (My second cousin is a patient there, she loves the quilt I made for her, and the ward could probably use a few more!)


  174. This fabric is so cute. And, since I sew for babies, it would be perfect to make a baby quilt. Thank you so much for the giveaway.

  175. hi
    the colours are so vibrant. It would make a cute quilt for my new granddaughter (will be born august 3rd) so I will even have enough time to make it!! lol thanks for your generosity

  176. I'd have to use some for my postage stamp quilt. Then I'd probably share a bit, too (I love trading fabric).

  177. I made it to the "v" letter! AND I'm all "Jacked" up for "Apple Jack". I'd make a baby quilt for chairty!

  178. This would make a nice baby quilt... love the prints :)

  179. By the look of it, I think it will be perfect in a baby quilt! Suddenly I know a lot of women who are expecting this summer :)
    Gun, Sweden

  180. This is such a cute line! I'd make a nice summery picnic quilt looking forward to some warm weather!

  181. I would share it with my mom and help her to piece some tops for future great grand babies.

  182. Cute,Cute! mAkrE MY Grands Sons A Nifty Wall Hanging Or Some Banners

  183. These would be so cute for a child's quilt or pillows!

  184. Thanks for a great giveaway! I'd like to make another Jelly Roll Race quilt with this jelly roll. Have a great week!

  185. I would make a quilt for myself. thanks!

  186. Auch ich würde gerne einen Baby-Quilt aus dem wunderschönen Jellyroll nähen

    Liebe Grüße aus Deutschland

  187. I would make some spring accessories for my home.Thank you for the chance to win this lovely prize and taking part in the hop.

  188. I would make a quilt for my friend having a baby in August. Thanks for the giveaway!

  189. Such cute fabric! I have several Great Grand neices so one of them would get a quilt.

  190. I would use the fabric to make a quilt for my granddaughter.

  191. I have a baby quilt to make for a little boy to be named Henry. This would be perfect for an "H" block quilt I found a tutorial for.
    Susan in PA

  192. What fun fabrics Sharon, I can see a baby quilt out of these! Thanks for a wonderful giveaway!

  193. I would love to make this:

    It is a design from my friend Jodi (yes we have the same first name) I bought the pattern quite a while back and have been thinking about the right fabric for the project. This would be perfect.

  194. Our first grandchild is on the way and I have lots of sewing to do! Thanks for participating in the Quilters' Blog Hop Party.

  195. Thanks for being willing to post international Sharon! I would make a quilt with the strips representing coloured pencils. To me the colours are clear and vibrant just like kids coloured pencil sets.
