
Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Traveling Stash Box

I won the 2-Sisters Traveling Stash Box from Ninna and I want to get this passed right on quickly.
Some books, notions, findings, patterns, etc........  It was refreshing to see a box that hadn't gotten book/pattern heavy!!

And quite a selection of fabrics to please almost anyone - mostly FQs.

This is what I chose - had to have that piggy pattern!  The Crane panel is gorgeous and I have the peony print that goes with this - future project.  And bits and fun and play items.

Since Spring is around the corner, I thought I would brighten the box with lots of flowers.  Several FQs in different colors, 2 charm packs of Tapestry. fun music and flower power prints, with a couple of baby prints.  Some spring color DMC floss and the poultry skewers? - for making quilter stillettos - there are some tutorials on the web, but I used the directions from a person who posted on Bonnie Hunter's site.  Once I pack these in the box, if there is room, I will top off with yardage of a floral.

Due to postage costs, only shipping in the USA.  Full rules and guidelines of the Traveling Boxes can be found here at Sewingly Along.  I will keep the comments open until Sunday, Feb 24th midnight(EST) and announce the winner immediately as well as a personal e-mail to them for mailing info.  The reason for the quick turn-around - I have another box on it's way!

Just leave me a comment on what is your favorite flower to be entered,

Sewingly Yours,


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. what a lovely selection in this box and i love what you put in Sharon.xx

  3. I love Peruvian lillies - they come in so many colors, and last forever!

  4. You get lots of traveling stashes! I wonder if you could track the boxes like the "where's George" site, how many miles they would each have by now. :o)

  5. I can't help but drool over double bloom azaelias. Being in the south this is the time of year for them to be blooming everywhere

  6. This question is a lot harder than it seems. My grandmother's favorite plant was the bleeding heart and I have them planted in my front garden in her memory. I love seeing the peonies open in late spring and my heart quickens when my 2 magnolia trees open. In July and August my wonderful hybrid day lilies open each day and we count the number of blooms and record them on our calender. Over the years our highest number of blooms open in one day was 132. I'm sorry that was way too much information.

  7. I got one of these recently and the pictures of the stash never do the box justice -- sign me up please.

  8. Hi Sharon,

    Great additions to the box!

    My favorite flowers are roses -- all colors and all varieties. But I will say that I am partial to ones that are very fragrant.

    It would be fun to win the box.

  9. Sharon I'd love to win the traveling stash box. There's just so much yummy stuff in there. My favorite flower has to be the bearded iris. I love the colors, the fragrance and the design of these wonderful flowers.

  10. As a kid I tried so hard to get bleeding hearts to grow but we just didn't have enough shade. Now, I have more shad ein my garden than I'd like but the bleeding hearts are the first spring plants to emerge - love 'em!

  11. I love morning glories. When I was little they grew wild in the fields near my house.

  12. I love the simple Daisy! I blog at & Would love a visit from the box!

  13. looks like a great selection of fabric! send it my way.

  14. Great looking stash box. My favorite flower is the Iris. I especially love the ole timey colors of purple and yellow.

    Would love to win the box.
