
Wednesday, February 27, 2013

February NewFO

A shorter list (for me) this month, but it was a short month.  Two projects done with the Project Quilting Challange, Crossroad Blocks done, Mini Cakestand blocks started (will use this as a leader ender project now), Monthly Doll Quilt/Doll swap, and made 20 of the Moda Friendsip QAL blocks (done with that as I don't have enough scraps to continue).  And I did get a cross stitch project finished.  Fabric framed and used mini stippling to quilt it.

And I think I am caught up with the Rancher's Daughter blocks with John'aLee at The Scrappy Apple Yard .  I am using 'Chateu Rouge' charms with left over charms/jelly roll strips and scrap shirting. **Yes, I noticed a mistake in the one block - have a pin in that section, so I can fix it**

Next month I have some donation and charity items that I really want to work on - it is an important part of my quilting and I think I have neglected that part of me.  I will be taking part in the Quilt Gallery Blog Hop (button on the side bar) - I haven't had a give away in a long while.

**linking up with The Scrappy apple Yard and Cat Patches **

Sewingly Yours,


  1. Great blocks! I think I have that fabric. I'll have to go check. If I'm not sure, does that mean I have too much fabric??? Don't tell Mick.

  2. how cute is that bear and your blocks are lovely Sharon,well done,xx

  3. Love that cross stitch. You always have a full selection of projects going on that are so great.

  4. Love the cross stitch project. Very productive month. What line of fabrics did you run out of for the Moda Friendship QAL? I may have some I can send you.

  5. What a pretty little cross-stitch. And I love the colors you've used in your blocks. Lovely. Thanks for linking up today.

  6. I love that little cross stitch, how sweet for a baby's room. And I always love your scrappy block quilts - you have a great design and color sense!

  7. I love the colours of your blocks - gorgeous,and also love your cross stitch - great idea to finish it off quilting style.

  8. Your little cross stitched bear is quite darling!! And I love your blocks -- gorgeous fabrics there!! :)

  9. Loved your cross stitched bear! It's so cute. I really like your blocks as well. I hope to be doing a sampler soon.

  10. Well even your short lists are amazing Sharon! Your little stitched bear is absolutely adorable!!!

  11. Awww! Your cross-stitch is "Beary" cute!!! You were very productive for a short month!

  12. Nice projects. I found a cute garden cross stitch at a thrift store last month (already stitched) and I'm going to turn it into a wall quilt for a good friend. Your 'mistake' is the same mistake several of my friends made at sew-in this week, turning the flying goose block backwards. You are in good company.

  13. Oh your blocks are beautiful. Love those fabrics! And that cross stitch is just precious!
