
Wednesday, January 23, 2013

The Bite of Winter

It has gotten very cold here, but I am so glad it is not like in some areas - I'll take single digits to minus degrees any time.  I did my Love Your LQS yesterday - beat the crowd and get out in the sun shine even if it was cold.  Hardly a sole on the road or anywhere - smart!  I came home to this.  These two NEVER sleep in the same spot - it might of been because I was gone so long or it could just be the cold.  It took me a while to see Bella, she blends in with that blanket - I just had to take a photo.
I fabric framed the cross stitch piece.  Into the Christmas box with this.

And I didn't know what project to play with - partly why I hate BOM's and QAL's - waiting for the next step.  So I pulled another block from the Album Kit.  I decided there were too many applique blocks in this kit for me to stick with it if I did them needle turn, so I decided I will do them with fusible/machine buttonhole stitch.  

I played with the next Project Quilting Challenge - use your favorite color.  Only that color - can mix shased of that color with a solid.  So naturally - BLUE.  My 'Muse in Blue' pillow using the pattern I have the tutorial for HERE.

I finally got out to my daughter's on Monday - holiday, so schools and work day off and everyone finally well - well better.  The grands were a bit confused with the Christmas presents, but it didn't take long for them to dig into them!  And my daughter asked if I could quilt and bind this for her as she just didn't have the time - a baby quilt for a co-worker.  I love the backing fabric!  So the cold days are going to be spent on this as well as I basted up one of my Jelly Roll quilts as long as the big tables were set up - so have that one to play with too.
Remember the Dresden Hop begins today and the nominations for the Golden Quilter Awards are still open.
"There are two seasonal diversions that can ease the bite of any winter. One is the January thaw. The other is the seed catalogues."
- Hal Borland

Sewingly Yours,


  1. I'll send you some of our heat if you like... we have plenty!!!
    Always keeping yourself busy with wonderful projects Sharon! :)

  2. Your babies look so cozy! We bought Elly a new mouse on a stick today. She's so excited. The Grands destroyed hers at Christmas. We also have a backup mouse.

    Love your projects. Stay warm!!

  3. I love the cuddled up picture, maybe it's the start of something. I feel the same way about BOM, either I don't get it done in time or I lose interest waiting for the next installment.

  4. Move over kitties. I want to snuggle in that warm spot too!
    Love the cross stitch piece you framed. Beautiful.

  5. You've been busy. I think I would want to curl up with the cats.

  6. Ohhh. Love the picture of your babies! Beautiful cross stitch Christmas project finish!
    Winter mix tomorrow here in NC. I can handle the cold but not the ice and snow mix.
    Sounds like you have a full plate today :)

  7. I love the blues!!! So pretty.

    There has certainly been a cold front across the country. Stay warm.

  8. We had our 3rd late school start of the week today... my cat has taken to the laundry room to sleep on a pile of fleece blankets. Smart cat just like yours~ I'm grateful for my new heated mattress pad!

  9. I used to do cross stitch years ago Sharon but haven't done any in years. That piece is gorgeous and I love it framed like that. Love the applique piece too - and I'm with you, I'd be doing machine stitching. :) blessings, marlene

  10. I was wondering how bad it is at your place. The winter weather is really brutal up north.
    Your projects are awesome, as always! Love the blue pillow and the cross stitch. I used to cross stitch a lot, but quilting has taken that over. ;)
    Stay warm!!!

  11. Unfortunately I've had to work lots this week so I didn't get to go to my LQS but hopefully soon. And yes with these extra chilly temps it is tough to get out of the house at all. I just want to curl up with your kitties for lots of warmth.

  12. You have many beautiful finishes this your blue cushion! Thanks for sharing the tutorial:)

  13. Beautiful cross-stitching and applique and I love your blue pillow! I can tell when it is cold her (now) because our cats sleep on my feet...which I have to admit I like!

  14. You have a cat cozy! Or cozy cats, anyway! Your little cross stitch piece is pretty -- I like the little button embellishments across the bottom, too. And seed catalogs -- how I love them!! :)
