
Wednesday, January 30, 2013

January 2013 NewFO

I just love NewFO - a reason to start something new with no quilt. Ah, who am I kidding - I would have done it anyway.  Maybe being down with the Flu so long, waiting for the new Year to start, all those lovelies all over blogland waved under my nose - well, here it is:
Scrappy Trip, Self Portrait, Temecula Row-A-Long, Pam Buda's Scraps & Orphans Mini, Cross-stitch Shops mini, Album Kit(3 blocks done), Project Challenge (2 projects), StarBurst QAL, Handblock for Sarah, Country Charmer QAL, Favorite Block QAL, Darlene's Mystery QAL, Monthly Doll Quilt Swap, Quilt Doodle BOM, Words Blog Hop quilt,Rainbow Challenge, Quilter's Secret's Blog Hop
I know a lot of these are starts that will last for a while.  The short time ones will be replaced more than likely with something new that comes along.

And I am such a DUH!!  Add to all that laughable goop on the last post - this is the backing fabric on my daughter's quilt - just that little bit of selvedge - Chantilly by Chanteclaire.  AND ALL the fabric in the quilt my daughter made - came from MY STASH!!  Granted that was at least 3 maybe 4 yrs ago, I do not remember this piece - maybe I wouldn't have let her take it had I seen it - nah!  I don't know how some of you pull a fabric and remember you bought it on your vacation trip to 'this place' 10 years ago - I'm just glad I remember my name when I get up in the morning and my underwear is on the inside and not the outside, GEESHHHHH!!!
Sewingly Yours,
**linking up with NewFO at CatPatches **


  1. Wow....are we suppose to list them all too?? Grin. You will have them all finished by next month.

  2. LOL, I am in the same clue where or when I got it...

  3. lol,thats so funny and i really love that backing fabric too.xx

  4. Wow I'm worn out reading your list and you were ill this month. I hate to think how much you could get started on if you were at the top of your game. Love that backing fabric.

  5. Love your humor. Sorry you were sick. I think I have too much in my brain to remember everything. That is my story and I'm sticking with it. XX Kathleen

  6. That is sure a long list but I know that you will do it all. Glad to know that you don't turn into a Sylvia or a Susan or a Stephanie overnight. And panties on the right way is always a good thing.

  7. That's quite a list! Looks like you had lots of fun in January.

  8. ***giggle*** You started my day off with a grin with this. I actually think the world would be a better place with more of us, like us, around. We start a lot, we have finishes, we get thru the flu and come out on top! Yep, you did great this month. As for the fabric....I would have complained and then given in and used it too!

  9. Too funny - yeah, we're at that age where remembering anything is noteworthy! Great list of NewFOs to start the new year!

  10. I don't know what you had for breakfast this morning, but I want some, too.
    Loved your post! Please blog on.
    By the way, lovely backing fabric :)

  11. LOL! Sister of the cloth! I know you so well, though we have never met....Well,maybe in a quilt shop. LOL

  12. You wear your underwear on the INSIDE???? Seriously though you have a lot of Newfies that you can look forward to finishing - and that I can look forward to seeing you post!

  13. NewFO's listed on paper, need to link up too. Not sure how many will get worked on but I can DREAM. You have a good list to choose from. Even added one more to my list after seeing Temecula on yours. Such enablers we are...

  14. Hope you are much better now....I'm in the same boat there. I'm doing good to remember where that bin of a certain color FQs or scraps is, much less the name of the fabric or where I got it! Giggle!

  15. The other day I found a whole, almost finished quilt top in my basement stash area. Hows that for forgetting??? Loved you hand print at Sarah's.

  16. I DREAM of the day when I can have a NewFO list that is longer than my UFO list. Enjoy those a bit for me too would you?

  17. Holy smokes , that is one long list of NewFO'S , Good for you , I am sure we will see lots of progress an finishes from this list :-)

  18. so far I've only started one new ufo but not sure how long that will last lol!

  19. I'm sorry you weren't feeling so good =(. I kind of remember my name...underwear? ooops, Uh oh =P


  20. I love the fact that you jump right in and do all these are an inspiration and a lot of fun and I'm glad you remember your name in the morning! We have lots of cold winter days ahead, and it is always cozy in your sewing room!
