
Sunday, December 9, 2012

Quilter's Gallery 5th B'Day Party

** This give away is now closed and the winner has been pulled and contacted **

We congratulate Michele and her Quilter's Gallery in Celebrating their 5th Birthday!  Whoot!!!!  And she's celebrating with a Blog Hop Party.  Michele will be posting the registered blogs participating on Monday (10th) and will be open until  Saturday (15th) -  hope you all will enjoy the Party Give-Aways.

What party is not complete with some Chocolate!  Now I know quilters love chocolate, but I'm offering a different kind of chocolate for this party.

How about a box of Connecting Threads "Quilter's Chocolate Candy Gift Set"?  14 Fat Quarters and 5 coordinating Threads all in a pretty box.  Waiting to sit under someone's Christmas Tree.  You don't have to be a follower, but always welcomed - Just leave me a comment on what is your favorite chocolate candy (if you don't like chocolate - any candy).  I will ship international and comments will be left open until Saturday, December 15th (midnight EST).  All attempts will be made to contact the winner so be sure I have a way to reach you - I do not accept Anon.  
**I will respond to every comment - if you do not hear from me you may want to check your settings - see side bar red button for no-reply**

Seasons Greetings and Happy Birthday,
Sewingly Yours,


  1. Am I first? Oh well. I have spent the whole weekend making treats for my co-workers. Fudge, other candy and Cranberry bars. Can you believe it? The thought of chocolate isn't making my mouth water. My favorite, though, is Godiva.

  2. My favorite chocolate candy is a Canadian Aero bar!

  3. I love any kind of chocolate at all. Dark, milk, anything chocolate covered. Mmmmmmmm. That box of goodies is nice looking too.

  4. What a fantastic giveaway and all about chocolate. My favorite bounces between the large York mints to the small mini Butterfingers...yummmmmm

  5. I love chocolate! My favorite is Cherry Mash or Valomilk or Mounds. Just depends on the day I guess.

  6. What a great idea for a giveaway! Chocolate fabric candy is wonderful! But when I eat chocolate, M &M's are my chocolate of choice! Thanks for the chance!

  7. I love black chocolate and a cup of hot chocolate with churros is just yummiest!.
    The box goodies is just delicious!!

  8. This is an amazing giveaway! I am a follower. I love chocolate wine!!!

  9. I love truffles, dark chocolate... mmmm

  10. It is hard to narrow it down to one type of candy. I like anything dark chocolate! I love Connecting Threads fabric, what a great giveaway.

    PS, I am definitely going to check into Jamie Lee's "chocolate wine" :)

    Have a great week Sharon.

  11. I love chocolate and my favorite is Cadbury's Crunchie yummy!!! Thanks for your 'sweet' chocolate giveaway :o)

  12. Chocolate!!! I have never met a chocolate anything I did not love. My favorite today is Peppermint Bark - rich dark chocolate topped with white chocolate and crushed peppermint. Soooo yummy!

  13. I love Ritter Sport candy bars from Germany, but a good ole Reese Cup is a wonderful treat any day! Thanks for the yummy giveaway!

  14. What a great give away - and me a chocoholic!!!!!!?

  15. I have a sweet tooth on all chocolate candy, can you believe m&m candies, would be my chocolate of choice. The gift set of chocolate candy from Connecting Threads looks apetizing.

  16. OOh love chocolate ;-) as a special treat for myself around Christmas time I get some Haigh's chocolate, but for everyday stuff, you can't go past Cadbury's ;-)

  17. wow Sharon what a fabulous giveaway,my favourite chocolate is cadbury snack,have a good day Sharon.xx

  18. I LOVE chocolate, but my favorite candy are pralines!

  19. Hmmm, chocolate covered nuts for me, yummy yummy. What a fabulous giveaway! Thanks for letting us play along! Kate

  20. My favorite chocolate candy is Lindt dark chocolate truffles in the black rapper. I was just at their store buying some Christmas gifts last Friday. What a great giveaway a box of chocolate that doesn't end up on your hips. ;-> Thank you!
    Yes, I'm a follower of your's from Long Island.

  21. At this moment my DH is opening up chocolate covered cookies and I am not too happy because I need to lose some weight... well, well, well, what a mood lifter for me when I saw 'your' chocolate giveaway and it is calorie-free too! Perfect!

  22. Oh My! I love chocolate.........especially if it covers strawberries or other fruit. As for candies, I think orange cremes are the best! Thanks for the chance to win those awesome Chocolate fabrics and threads!

  23. Just wanted to say these are luscious fabrics.....chocolate in any form is always enjoyed, especially truffles.

  24. Chocolate in any shape or form is mmm....good, but my absolute favourite are the Swiss dark chocolate truffles in the crinkly paper. Have one and then hide the rest...from me.

  25. My favourite chocolates are Turtles. My sweetie gets me a box for X-Mas every year! :-)

  26. I love homemade chocolate fudge. About the only time i get it is at Christmas time so I'm ready. I'm a follower who thanks you for this lovely chocolaty giveaway.

  27. I like pretty much any candy that has chocolate in it or on it. Thanks for the great giveaway. That chocolate fabric kit looks fantastic!

  28. Beautiful pictures of chocolate goodies! I love chocolate. I have three favorites. Chocolate covered nuts, raisins and cherries. Can't keep it in the house because I eat it up. No self control. I go on.
    Lovely give away, Sharon.

  29. I like chocolate covered pretzels. And anything with chocolate and coconut.

  30. Like many of you, my favorite chocolate is the kind that starts with "c", ends with "e", and has "hocolat" in the middle... But I think my all time favorite-est chocolate-y treat is Lindor Dark Chocolate Truffles. SIGH...

  31. I love chocolate covered peanuts or almonds.Your "candy" looks good too and I especially like that there are no calories in them.

  32. I'm a chocolate lover no matter the shape or form!! :)

  33. I love Cadbury Chocolate bar...thanks for the yummy chocolate bundle giveaway!

  34. Oh yes, please, let me win!!! Love those chocolates better than the sweet kind - I know I'm weird :*) But I do like Mr. Goodbars and the little miniature dark chocolate bars.

  35. Beautiful giveaway! My fave is Andes Candies...chocolate and mint...yummmm!

  36. Peppermint Bark (made with dark chocolate)

  37. I love Reese's Peanut Butter cups too much! What a great giveaway, thanks!

  38. Peanut M & M's!!! I could eat them for breakfast lunch and dinner. I consider them a basic food group. No day is complete unless I've eaten a bag of them! Mary

  39. I love chocolate and it's hard to pick a fave. In a perfect world I could eat chocolate truffles each and every day.

  40. I don't eat much chocolate but when I do I usually go for almond joy or mounds. Wonderful giveaway ....thank you!

  41. Those chocolates could definitely take over my favorites - chocolate covered cherries.

    I am one of your followers.

  42. Chocolate in any form is the best!
    (And you need a lot after all that hopping)!

  43. I love a Hershey Bar with Almonds! Thanks for the chance to win such a great prize. This would make a great Christmas present for me! :-)

  44. OK, super clever play on chocolate! Favorite? Well, I hardly ever meet any chocolate I don't like...LOL...but if I could ONLY have one it would be plain old Hershey's. I know, boring. Thanks for the opportunity!

  45. Seguidora.Gosto do chocolate brasileiro,as trufas da cacau show e as barras do cacau brasil,são o que há...Mas estou com água na boca(máquina)por estes seus chocolates.Obrigada por abrir internacional.FELIZ NATAL!

  46. Hmmm.. what a hard question. I love pretty much all chocolate and most candy.. but my favorite would have to be the little hard shelled Cadbury eggs that come out around Easter. Also Mallowcups :)

  47. Dark chocolate is my absolute favorite, but your chocolates are better for my diet. Thanks!!

  48. Hershey kisses are my faves followed by chocolate-covered pretzels. really, though, I wouldn't pass up any chocolate.

  49. I love milk chocolate with caramel or praline. Oh and M and M's...

  50. Right now, I think the Connecting Threads Chocolate Candy Gift set is my favourite candy. Apart from that, I love chocolate covered orange peel, chocolate ginger, in fact probably just any chocolate!

  51. Great give-away Sharon. Milk chocolate is my favourite, tho I prefer salty snacks.

  52. Oh I like your chocolate package! My favorite chocolate starts with dark chocolate and I like either a touch of mint in it or a coconut and chocolate combo. Thanks for the chance to win.

  53. Thanks for the chance. Check out my giveaway too. My favorite chocolate is Ritter chocolate. many wonderful flavors to choose from.

  54. I like a mix of mini cadbury eggs and flavor blasted cheddar goldfish. Salty and sweet.

  55. Thanks for the opportunity to win your wonderful prize, so delicious looking, for fabric! I do love chocolate, I make a great toffee at Christmas with a chocolate topping, that would be my favorite, although I do like chocolate fudge with peanuts! Hope you visit my blog for a chance to win my prize.

  56. My favorite chocolate was my grandmothers homemade fudge but Snickers and Dark Chocolate come in at a tie for a close 2nd!

    sowingstitches [at] gmail [dot] com

  57. Chocolate? All chocolate is good! but my go-to is m&m's!

  58. Thank you for the chance to win such a wonderful prize.. it looks yummy - Favorite chocolate anything dark chocolate - I think you should eat some chocolate everyday and that is what I always do.

  59. My favourite chocolate is Fry's Peppermint Cream - yum!
    Happy hopping!

  60. Favorite chocolate is dark chocolate - such a nice assortment of goodies your offering - Some one will sure be lucky to win these. Thanks for the opportunity.

  61. Oh my! What a wonderful chocolate-y giveaway! My favorite are little chocolate kisses or a Milky Way bar.

  62. My all time favorite is still the Hershey Milk Chocolate Bar. I think the Connecting Threads collection is right up there.

  63. Favorite chocolate is anything Cadbury...except for the ones with fruit.

  64. I looooove dark chocolate!!! Thanks for the chance to win this great gift!!!

  65. I never met anything chocolate that I didn't like! But I particularly love the Ferrero Rocher hazelnut gold wrapped candies....and your quilters chocolate gift set looks delish! It's so much better for my hips :)

  66. dark chocolate food for the gods

  67. We have a great chocolate maker here in allentown, pa, and I love their dark chocolate covered pretzels.Thanks for the giveaway.

  68. I love chocolate covered pretzels. There's something about the chocolate and salty, crispy pretzel together that makes my tastebuds happy. But every piece of chocolate in your picture could be my favorite.

  69. What a fabulous giveaway!
    Chocolate-covered caramels are my very favourite.

  70. What a wunderful giveaway. Thank you for the chance to win.

    I have severe allergies so chocolate is a no-no, but I sneak the occasional Aero bar every so often.

  71. Hershey Kisses with almonds is my favorite. What a very nice giveaway.

  72. Dark chocolate covered peanut brittle is a favorite around here!

  73. The best chocolate I ever had came from Germany and I don't remember the name of it.
    Your chocolate offering looks like it could melt in my hand. Thanks for the giveaway. Good Luck to all.

  74. Really just choose one favourite chocolate treat. I really love chocolate covered pretzels. yummy sweet and salty together! Your chocolate is calorie free!!

  75. After Eight mints, I love the combo of the dark and cold smack of mint!
    Thank you for the calorie free chance!

  76. Oh for me it is any dark chocolate, I especially like it drenched over Carmel but really any dark chocolate will do!

  77. That kit is the most amazing chocolate assortment I have ever seen...or wanted! Beautiful!
    But if I have to choose an edible'd have to be a bon bon style...with a flavored cream filling...nothing chewy, no nuts or carmel!

  78. Milk Chocolate LINDOR Truffles are my favorite. Thanks for the yummy giveaway! Merry Christmas!

  79. I like your chocolate package! My favorite chocolate Milka cream

  80. Chocolate! Yum! Gee, I like M&M's, Hershey Kisses, any chocolate with caramel....I have LOTS of chocolate candy favorites, can you tell? Thanks for the chance, Sharon. Merry Christmas!

  81. I hadn't seen that box of "chocolates" before, but I love it! My favorite chocolate is Terry's Chocolate Orange.

  82. chocolate macaroons.

    Been a follower of yours for awhile. That Bingo game was a little confusing but fun.

  83. My favourite is maltesers!
    Thanks for a great giveaway Sharon!

  84. My favorite choclate is milk with hazelnuts in it (or praline from nuts) I really love your choclate give away! So cute! Love to take a change to win those, thank you for the opprotunity. Have fun with this bloghop party!

  85. Definitely peanut butter cups or peanut butter M&Ms.

  86. ANY type of chocolate will do!!! Although a doctor had told me: "Chocolate - a minute on your lips, a lifetime on your hips", I really don't care!!!

  87. Holy cow...that's a generous giveaway! My favorite chocolate would have to be Reeses Peanut Butter Cups.

  88. chocolate, i like dark, mint or nutty chocolates

  89. Thanks for such a generous giveaway! I loooove chocolate-covered almonds.

  90. Oh yummy! My favorite is Lindt white chocolate truffles. =)

    Thanks for a chance to win.

  91. I like any kind of chocolate that involves almonds or toffee. Thanks!

  92. Oh such a lovely giveaway. Thanks for the chance to win. I really love Gertrude Hawk Smidgens. They are just the right small bite for a little treat.

  93. I love dark chocolate. Trader Joes has dark chocolate covered almonds that don't last long in my house. Thanks for participating in the Blog Hop Party.

  94. any thing chocolate except mint thanks for the chance

  95. What a generous giveaway! I always enjoy visiting your blog. I have always been a lover of Snickers bars. The chocolate, caramel and nuts are a perfect combination.

  96. I've yet to meet a chocolate I didn't like, but my favorite is a classic. Hersheys with Almonds. YUM! Thanks so much for a chance at your fabulous quilting chocolate!

  97. What a great present you are giving away! My favorite chocolate contains hazlenuts, mmmmmm!!!!
    Best regards from the Netherlands,
    Marjo B-W

  98. Wow! Love what you are giving away. At present my favourite chocolate is mint chocolates of any kind. Thanks for a chance to win.

  99. ohhh great giveaway thanks, I love ferrero rochers or the mon cheri's :)

  100. My favorite candy is anything dark chocolate. What a great giveaway.

  101. Hmm dark chocolate.. I dont get to enjoy it to often as it causes sever migraines for me.. but when I do.. I enjoy every little drop

  102. I love any of the Lindt chocolate , just so creamy and good :-) Thanks for the chance at this very nice giveaway !!

  103. I like most chocolate, choosing one is hard. I like chocolate covered caramel. Thanks for chance to win. Now I want some chocolate.

  104. Goodness Sharon, what an incredibly generous gift! Of course I love chocolate and I would have a hard time picking just one candy.....but Almond Joy would be at the top of the list I'm sure! blessings, marlene

  105. See's Candy especially the Bordeaux is my all time favorite chocolate.

  106. I love chocolate covered pecans, almonds, peanuts, walnuts. Also love this great giveaway from CT!!

  107. I love anything with very dark chocolate and no nuts. Thanks for the chance :)

  108. This is so gorgeous I might have trouble not licking them! I love spicy chocolate or something with nuts.

  109. Any chocolate at all! Rum Truffles are the best...

  110. My favorite chocolate is Cadbury Creme Eggs... lol

  111. I love choclate. Heath bars are delicios but I eat a sqare of 60% dark Ghiradelli cholate every day for my blood pressure. What a treat!!

  112. Dark Chocolate with Almonds is my favorite! Especially since I now can't have any dairy... So this box of Chocolate you're giving away would be perfect for me. :) Thanks for a chance to win!

  113. WOW - a chocolate box of thread and fabric - how clever is that!!? And yummy - you have me drooling over here ;) I love Lindt/Lindor chocolate and Peanut Butter Kit Kats :) Thanks for the chance - my fingers are crossed!

  114. Sweet Marie and Oh Henry! Love the combination of nuts and caramel and chocolate. Also love the fabric and thread combination you have. Thanks for the chance to enter.

  115. my sister-in-law makes this toffee that is to die for. it's just the right consistency, covered in a thick layer of chocolate and some toasted pecans. oh man... i am drooling just thinking about it!

  116. My favourite chocolate probably would be Aero from Nestle...yum...or Chocolate Cream with rice crispies from Ritter Sport... if you don't recognize those names it's probably cuz we have different chocolate names here in Germany ;) Thanks for the chance to win!

  117. Strawberry truffles, or for something more budget friendly... reece's peanut butter cups. Yum.

  118. I love dark chocolate anything!

  119. Great giveaway! I love Mr. Goodbar chocolate candy bars:) Would love to welcome your giveaway to my sewing room! Merry Christmas!

  120. dark chocolate :) but, I make these truffles that are absoultely decadent :)

  121. Oh Yum!!! I love chocolate truffles!
    hulseybg at gmail dot com

  122. I love Peanut Butter cups but especially the holiday variety. I think they are fresher and have more peanut butter. Yummy!

    I love this collection. I spent a fortune at the Black Friday sale and had to put these on hold! Now I have another chance. Thank you for the opportunity to win them!

  123. I love Whittakers 5-roll refined milk chocolate; yummy!

  124. Mmmm...chocolate! My favorite are chocolate covered almonds :)

  125. I love chocolate! I love chocolate cake :D I love Hershey Kisses. I love M &M . Anything that had chocolate on it, I will sure loved it.

  126. wow. great giveaway. I want to make a brown quilt sometime. i love Zero bars. thank you for the giveaway.

  127. Chocolate? Not so much -- not as much as peanut butter, anyway! Peanut butter fudge is my fav....what a wonderful set! Thanks for hosting such a nice giveaway.

  128. What a great giveaway! I am not much of a chocolate lover but I enjoy dark chocolate is very small doses!

  129. Chocolate M&Ms, cherry filled Hersey Kisses, and Reese's Peanut. Butter Cups...mmm. I do like chocolate. It took me a few years to like chocolate in quilting. I just recently made my new grandson a crib quilt with chocolate. It came out beautiful.

  130. This is such a great giveaway!! I love hershy chocolate bar.

  131. After Eight mints - delicious! Thanks for the lovely giveaway!

  132. I love chocolate creams and your giveaway! :O)

  133. my favorite chocolate is Lindt Chocolate's orange & chocolate bar - yum!

  134. Oh yum! That photo looks good enough to eat!A bag of chocolate covered peanuts, a good book and I am all set for a couple of hours. Thanks for the giveaway.

  135. I like any kind of dark chocolate! Yummy! Also, I love that the fabrics are all shades of brown. I have found that the fabric stores near me do not have many options for brown fabrics!

  136. Dark Chocolate - because really...there isn't any other kind! LOL

  137. I love dark chocolate - any Lindt chocolate is especially yummy!! Thanks for the chance.

  138. It has to be Kinder Eggs. Not available in the US so I have to wait for friends or family to go to Germany to get some. So it's always a treat. Thanks for the giveaway.

  139. 'Specially love M&M's...then Reese Peanut Butter Cups! YUM!

    Would love to win your Chocolate gift tho!! Gorgeous! thanks for the chance! :)

    I also became a new Follower...thru GFC.

  140. I LOVE "Twirls" from Cadbury England. I live in Canada but I have family in England and I always ask for "Twirls". It's a flakey chocolate center covered in milk chocolate. Yummy.

    Thank you for your generousity

    ktreve (at) hotmail (dot) com

  141. I love dark chocolate especially a sweet dark chocolate candy bar. I'm not sure of the name except Dark Chocolate. Love your giveaway!

  142. White chocolate, milk chocolate or M&M's. I like most chocolate but I am not that fond of dark unless it has a flavour to it, like mint, pear or coffee.

  143. I do like chocolate, but it gives me a headache. I prefer caramel or coconut candies. This is a really fantastic giveaway. Thank you for the chance to win.

  144. I can't help loving Mars bars but at this time of year I do like a Chocolate Orange!

  145. Anything that has a combination of caramel and chocolate makes my All Time Hit Parade list. Turtles, which include pecans, is right there at the top! I am a follower. What a great gift box - I love Connecting Thread's thread - so many colors, perfect for anything that comes up!
    Merry Christmas!

  146. Great giveaway! I love peanut butter m&m's!

  147. I am a fan of chocolate, in its many forms and combinations. Top on the list is anything with chocolate, caramel and nuts...yum! Thanks for the chance at your giveaway.

  148. I like Reisens. They are dark chocolate covered semi hard caramels. So so good!! Vivian

  149. Anything with mint - ande's mints are at the top of the list though.
    Thanks for the giveaway - lovely fabrics! Merry Christmas!

  150. I love any chocolate, I'm not too picky. LOL. I love snickers, and I love some good chocolate with nuts in it - hazelnuts are always good.

  151. I'm a huge fan of most chocolate, but Snickers icecream bars are my absolute favourite through =)

    Thanks a lot for the chance to win!

  152. Gorgeous pack of fabric and thread!!

    I try not to play favorites when it comes to chocolate....I don't want to hurt any of their feelings!!


  153. Wow! Such a great give away! I love chocolate, but this give away prize is even better! My favorite chocolate is filled with soft fudge, or some with peanuts, or....well there is a lot :)

  154. What a great giveaway idea! My favorite for cooking and eating is Hershey's Special Dark!

  155. mmmm chocolate with sea salt and caramel! Thanks for this generous giveaway. your prize is amazing!

  156. My absolutely favorite chocolate is Vosges, especially their Wooloomooloo Bar (macadamia nuts, milk choc, hemp seeds and coconut). Out of this world! (Did you know that Wooloomooloo is a neighborhood in Sydney? The sign indicating you are entering it has 4 pictures on it: sheep ("wool"), toilet ("loo"), cow ("moo"), and other toilet.

  157. Hello from Minnesota! What a decadent, generous giveaway! I love Rolos but I'm partial to any chocolate/caramel combination.

  158. thank you for the chance to win. I love turtles...yummy

  159. Thanks for letting us visit. I've been a follower for a while and am a fellow quilter/blogger/hopper/giver. I love Whitman's boxed chocolates...especially the caramels. Drop by and see us at Prairie Cottage Corner.

  160. If I must eat chocolate then M*Ms or Hersheys with Almonds. I'm a salt girl. Love chips and fries! Even at 51! Just not as often as I used to. Thanks for the chance to win!

  161. I love all candy, but I'm a chocoholic....Mars bars are a favorite....Thanks for the chance to win!

  162. Nice giveaway! Love me a good big Mars bar. Can eat that anytime. Thanks.

  163. oh this is awesome! What a great gift. My favourite chocolate are Lindor balls!

  164. I love chocolate in all forms. I think I love dark chocolate best, but any chocolate is good for me. I am kind of addicted to it I guess
    saruqa at gmail dot com

  165. I'm a caramel/butterscotch person. The newly popular sea salt caramels are totally irresistible. I know--as if all the sugar and butter wasn't bad enough, now it has salt. Doesn't matter. I'm still eating it. Thanks for the incredibly generous giveaway opportunity.

  166. I love M&M's You giveaway is awesome! I sure would love to win. Thanks for being part of the hop.

  167. Peanut M&M's are my favorite chocolate candy. They're the perfect food - sweet & salty, soft & crunchy, and they don't melt in hand. Thanks for the great giveaway.

  168. Wow! Nice gift, my favorite color pallette.
    Snickers is my fave

  169. Oh, picking just one....chocolate and carmel covered nuts--I think they are called turtles. Anything chocolate! love the giveaway.

  170. Oh wow, those are beautiful fabrics.

    My favourite chocolate is probably anything with dark chocolate and orange. I love that flavour combination, it always reminds me of winter and christmas :)

  171. I love chocolate - all kinds of chocolate! Lately we've been eating Millionaires...yum!

  172. Oh pretty fabrics. My favorite chocolate is Ghirardelli dark chocolate.

  173. What pretty warm fabrics! I love the browns. I follow you in my google reader! My favorite chocolates are just plain milk chocolate, a girl in my lab has her mother send out large bars from Switzerland by the box and they're just delicious!


  175. My favorite chocolate? You've got to be kidding! ANY chocolate will do for me! Especially chocolate colored fabrics and threads. They would fit so well under my Xmas tree this year. Please. and Thank You.

  176. Oh goodness...perfect giveaway so I have to put my name in on yours!
    I can't say there is a chocolate that I don't like..that's way easier than listing all the ones I do like. But this time of year is when I love to get chocolate covered cherry ice cream from Baskin Robbins....yum!

  177. I'm a sucker for that darned ribbon candy & I don't know why. Mostly, I love COOKIES!

  178. What a generous prize! Connecting Threads is my favorite catalog. Chocolate? ever hear of Sponge Candy? it was made in my hometown long ago and is now a thing of the past.

  179. See's Candy dark chocolate bordeaux I am hoping for some for christmas. Thanks for the chance to win.

  180. I love Cadbury milk chocolate. I am a follower and thank you for such a yummy giveaway

  181. I love dark chocolate...Dove, Milky Way Midnight Dark, Hershey dark chocolate with almonds, etc. LOL I also love milk chocolate, but I figure the dark is better for me. This fabric is gorgeous. I am already a follower.

  182. What a yummy giveaway! I love all things chocolate. I really like dove dark chocolates. I am a new follower. Thanks for the chance to win such a generous giveaway!

  183. WOW your giveaway is yummy! I like chocolate in any form, but today I found a new flavor of M&M's, chocolate raspberry! They are also making chocolate cherry cordial and orange chocolate this Holiday season. Better check them all out to see if I need to stock pile! jbechosend at sbcglobal dot net

  184. Oh that is so cool! My favorite chocolate is chocolate covered caramel. Darnit this just reminded me my sister gave me a box of chocolate covered cherries which are my runner up so...I have to go eat one now ;) Thank you for the giveaway!

  185. Wow! What an awesome giveaway Sharon! You're the best! ;) I'm going to have to say I love all chocolate. There's isn't really one that stands out. Well maybe the one you're offering. ;) Thanks for such an awesome giveaway! Happy Holidays to you! :)

  186. Wonderful giveaway!!!! Favorite chocolate is a plain Hersey bar, no nuts. Thanks

  187. my kids last name is FUDGE, honestly :) used to be mine..before the divorce must make goodies for christmas....
    vickie.van at

  188. My everyday candy is Hershey's Special Dark Chocolate minis, and special candy is homemade fudge as chocolate as can be made. I do like to use Connecting Threads fabrics and threads....

  189. I love homemade fudge. For store bought I love Lindt truffles and Dove milk chocolate squares.

  190. I love chocolate covered cherries!
