
Sunday, December 30, 2012

December NewFO & Secrets

My list is small for December (compared to other months).  The FMQ Challenge monthly project as well as happy to report completed 12 months - whoot, whoot!  Monthly Doll Quilt(Doll) Swap and Konda's Mini Quilt.  And I sent out my pillowcases for Sandy Hook well before the snow storms.  I do have a few projects done for early January, but can't list or show - SO - I had to be honest and show I had to cave to the 'end of year inventory sales'.  But at $1.24 - $2.49 a yard - they were just too good to pass up.  I can see some of these being used in future mini swaps.

I did get the last Jelly Roll Quilt Challenge quilt top done earlier in the month and had hoped to have it totally finished, but catching the Flu kept me from getting to the binding.  I used this pattern by Piece N Quilt for inspiration and changed it up a little.  I used 'Tend the Earth' by Deb Strain, simple straight line quilting with robin's egg blue and lilac purple threads -  and will have a  pretty spring quilt ready when my favorite birds and lilacs return. 

** linking to Catpatches and Crookedseams **


Today is the first day of Quilters Secrets Blog Hop.  Please be sure to visit Mrs Pickles each day as well as the quest blogger for the day.  Today it is  Christine of Quilt Monster in My Closet .  I hope you enjoy as well as share the hop with others - not everything has to be kept secret!

Sewingly Yours,

**And for those wondering, the Leap Year Box has still yet to arrive**


  1. Those are some great sale deals! Sorry to hear you had the flu...the purple and blue Tend the Earth quilt turned out beautiful.

  2. I think that flu stuff along with nasty head colds are traveling cross country!! Hope you are feeling better!! I love your jelly roll challenge quilt - the strips and the postage stamps together are so great!!

  3. You have had a very productive year! So many people are catching the flu. Hope you will be all well very soon.
    Love your purple jelly roll quilt. It looks like spring :)

  4. I had that flu/cold crud for 3 weeks in December...just coming out of it. I really hope you get to feeling better soon...that's no fun. Yes your jelly roll quilt is wonderful. Thanks for all the inspiration you have given us for 2012. (hugs)

  5. Love your fabrics and love the prices even more! Your jelly roll quilt is wonderful and the two girls whispering their secrets is too cute. Be well...

  6. Wow the fabric is beautiful and I love the prices. Your quilt is lovely, very pretty. I hope you are fully recovered now. Have a very happy New Year.

  7. Your quilt is lovely. Great And pretty catch on the year end sales.

  8. It's hard to say no to those kind of sales! I love your jelly roll quilt, especially the rows with all the little squares. I hope you are feeling better soon.... I have also been sick and it zapped some of my quilting mojo, too. Thanks also for the link to the secrets blog hop, looking forward to learning a lot this month!

  9. So sorry that you caught the nasty flu bug. There is a lot of that going around. Your jelly roll quilt is really great. The sale temptations are really hard to resist and I'd love to hear where you found such great deals.

    I hope your new year is truly wonderful.

  10. Sharon I ordered several new jelly rolls so I'm really glad to see this one made up. It will be perfect for one of my girls. :) My daughter's in-laws have had the flu at their house - nasty stuff. blessings, marlene

  11. Very cute! I couldn't have passed up that fabric either.

  12. Yeah -- when prices are that good and the selections are that pretty, it's a win/win, right?!? Thanks for the reminder of the *secrets* and nice job on your NewFO! :)

  13. Wish our retailers in the UK sold pretty fabric at such a great price. Sorry you've had the flu my son and daugter in law had it over Christmas despite having the yearly vaccination. Hope you are on the mend.
