
Wednesday, December 19, 2012

2012 FMQ Challenge

I have enjoyed the monthly challenges sponsored by SewCalGal and the introduction to so many experts and their techniques that they so graciously shared with us.  The simple leaf pattern, feathers (oh, I lament), loopy loops and squigle flowers (I squigle good), motifs and stencils, fillers and scrolls, and playing with finding a pattern with in a fabric.  I mainly used muslin , but some were used on projects - table runners, place mats, little zip purse made from the sample, and mini topper.

I learned I had trouble following lines, but let me go free and organic and I was on the flow!  I tried these with all three of my machines discovering they each had their quirks with technique and threads - notations made in their manuals for when I want to use the process again.  I use single thin bat for most of the samples, a couple I used a combination of ultra thin cotton with a layer of polycotton for a little more 'puff' accent.  And I played with thread - I love thread - and have no fear of color thread!

I know I can FMQ on all three of my machines, with their limitations YET I still want that long arm!!

Thank you SewCalGal and Experts for sharing this year of growth with me,

Sewingly Yours


  1. Fantastic! Congrats for completing the challenge and doing so well! You were really smart to get familiar with your three machines and learn how to FMQ on each one. Yay you!

  2. Nicely done and I'm impressed. I know what you mean about wanting a long arm.

  3. I have one more to go. It would be nice if I finished something I've started...grin.


  4. I love variegated thread ... and metallic threads, too!! I adore thread, it's such a fun, fun part of quilting! :)

  5. You did a really great job on your challenge pieces this year Sharon! I have enjoyed reading each post and following your journey.

  6. Congratulations on doing the challenge, I started off but was not able to keep up , great job!!

  7. What a great year it has been and I'll bet you learned so much. I did a few of them along the way and it really helped with my fear of FMQ. I wish I had done all of them.

  8. Great job! Congratulations on completing the challenge. What a fun and encouraging year of learning this has been!

  9. Good on you for stepping up to the challenge and FINISHING it! I'm still at the starting line, which is the same as saying "at the procrastination point."

  10. You did it! Congratulations. That's next on my list.

  11. Congrats for a great finish! Feels good doesn't it?

  12. Have a wonderful Christmas with your family. Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy.

  13. Hehehe, I still want my long arm too! I know I CAN quilt big quilts on my machine...but I don't want to! :) LOL*

  14. Super work completing the entire challenge. Layering thin cotton and poly sounds like a good idea. What brands did you us?
