
Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Traveling Stash Box Ready To Move

I just received this wonderful overflowing Stash Box from Joanne of  Splitting Sstitches.  Since I will be tied up with quilt shows and vending - I want to get this box right out for comments, give away , and mailing on.  This was STUFFED!

These are the items I chose:  Two panels, a FQ bundle of solids, several FQs, thread, machine needles, and those lovely fan-shaped shell buttons.

This is what I am adding:  zippers, some Batik FQs, hand dyed charms, a Moda charm pack, Alexander Henry yardage, Connecting Thread Quilter's Candy yardage in the teal, and yardage of Urban Odysey in Lime Green.
What is a Traveling Stash Box? It's a box that's filled with a collection of fabrics, patterns, thread and other quilty fun! When you receive a box you take out what you like, replace it with items from your own stash, hold a giveaway, and then send it to the next lucky person. You can find all the rules and guidelines here.
Most importantly, be an Active Blogger and pass the box on quickly.  Due to postage costs, shipping only within the USA.  Comments will be open until Monday October 15th - midnight (EST) and I will announce the winner the next morning.  All attempts will be made to contact the winner, so be sure you are not a 'no-reply' commentor (see side button to see how you can check your settings)
Sewingly Yours,


  1. This sounds like so much fun so I really hope that eventually I get chosen to participate. :-)

  2. I am so wanting a traveling stash to make it to Kentucky - horse fabric anyone?

  3. I need another box. I want the zippers. Pick me.

  4. I need a box the FIRST time! LOL! It's my birthday ... pick me! Bahahaha!!! Looks like it was a fun box to go through, Sharon! :)

  5. This sounds like lots of fun. Maybe I'll be settled a little bit by the time I win one.

  6. Awesome idea, would love to participate!

  7. Please add my name into the draw for this wonderful box.

  8. Hi Sharon,

    Oh my, what a glorious fill! It's a wonderful the postal worker was able to carry the box.

    I'd love to win the box. . . I have tons of stuff to clear out of my stash to add.

    Thank you!

  9. Oh, please throw my name i the hat!! It's been a while since I saw a traveling stash around here - it would be fun to loot one and load it up again!

  10. This sounds interesting!! Please add me to the list. I wanna play!!!

  11. Ok, this has got to be the box for me!

  12. Oh how fun! I just ran across your post this morning and the idea is great! I'd love to participate and write about it, too. Have fun with your show. Hoping to attend next year.

  13. Please add my name to the box drawing. I would love to have it.

  14. I have never heard about the traveling boxes until I ran into another post about them. Sounds fascinating, who doesn't like a surprise?!!!

  15. What a fun idea with this stash box. I have learned so much here in blogger land!! I am just starting my first quilt along this week.

    thanks for a chance to win these goodies you picked.

  16. It would be great fun to have a visit from the traveling stash box. I do love the Alexander Henry.

  17. Oh, this looks like a fun one! Thanks for the opportunity!

  18. I have always thought these were a fun thing to do. I am hoping I can be a participant one day soon. Thanks for the chance to win.
