
Sunday, October 14, 2012


It is good to be home - well the show was only 20 minutes away so I came home every day, but cold and tired!  I just had to sew today and finished up several blocks for QALs that came out while I was gone.  Also, quilted and bound the Mini # 2 with Moose on the Porch Quilts using Konda Luckau's 'Simply Charming Minis' new book.

And while away, some very special squishies came in the mail. This was my September Doll Quilt from Joni.  And love the Maple leaves and pumpkins - quilted in metalic gold thread for some sparkle.  Love it and it is already hung.

And my October Doll Quilt from Barbara B - sweet pinwheels and Batiks quilted with verigated thread.  Yes, that one is hanging up too - I'm on a start to my fall decor - a little behind, but getting there.  Thank you so much sweet ladies!

I didn't take a single photo of the show.  The day I took my camera - silly me - grabbed the 'dead' batteries instead of the newly re-charged.  Over 200 lovely quilts so wonderfully displayed, but I felt so badly for them as there was a very poor turn out to the show.  Alas, we vendors were tucked away in the nether-regions of the church - with NO heat (we had even fewer venture our way).  I did bring home some lovelies from the silent auction (also tucked away near us).  36 FQs for a $1 apiece!

And this complete kit with the monthly patterns/fabrics for this wonderful country, scrappy quilt for $35 - be still my heart.  I don't do a lot of applique, but this will be my long term project for 2013.  I will share my special auction wins tomorrow - I was jumping up and down when they were handed to me.

Yes, come back Tuesday - I have to announce the winner of the Traveling Stash Box, share my lovelies and YES - it's my 2nd Blog-aversary so there will be a give away.


"I saw old Autumn in the misty morn
Stand, shadowless like Silence, listening
To Silence."

- Thomas Hood

Sewingly Yours,


  1. You got some wonderful bargains. I cannot believe your kit was only $35.

    Still love your brown quilt....grin.

  2. Glad you were able to get out and have fun, but I hope you didn't get so cold that you get sick. Sounds like fun and beautiful quilts.


  3. Glad to hear you were able to be around some quilty goodness...welcome home!

  4. Don't we all just love a bargain! And you did very well Sharon! :)

  5. Sharon, your mini is wonderful, the gifted squishies are adorable, and what a lucky gal you are to get that kit...a wonderful project for those cold winter days bound to come our way! Congrats on your upcoming anniversary...I love to read your posts...always inspirational and your positivity radiates...except for today's account of those cold days sitting at the show...giggle..wrap yourself up in a quilt and "nest" for a few days!

  6. Oh no! Don't you hate it when you grab the wrong batteries??! I'm forever leaving the charged batteries in the charger, instead of carrying them *with* me. I love, love that first piece, Sharon -- is that the one from the book? The chevron look of it is marvelous!! Great design. And both you mini-squishies are *squeee* worthy!! :)

  7. You lucky girl you!! Love all the quilts in this post! Batteries are a big problem for me too. They just don't last long enough, even when I grab the fresh ones!!

  8. Wow, you got some great deals at that silent auction. I just adore the quilt kit you got and for a steal!! Those minis are just wonderful, love the pumpkins. Now that has to make ya feel a little warmer huh?

  9. What a great deal....but not surprised. You are so good a finding good deals!! Great quilts in this post.

  10. Your "Simply Charming" mini quilt is, well, simply charming. I still have to sew mine up as soon as I get home.

  11. Love your new small quilts and glad you had such a good time

  12. The minis are so sweet. I'm sorry you were cold all weekend. If I hadn't had a house guest all weekend I would have been at that show. Those bargains you got definitely were impossible to resist I'm sure.

  13. Grab a mug of cocoa and cuddle up with the'll be warmer in no time! Glad you had fun and got some wonderful bargains. The kit is gorgeous; what a price for patterns and fabrics, too. :)

  14. What lovely doll quilts!!! They will be cheery and happy for you each time you enter a room :*) And I can't believe the deals you got in the silent auction - wow!!! Sometimes we just get lucky like that. I'm glad it happened for you this weekend :*)

  15. I love your squishy mail. The pumpkins and leaves are adorable. Great deal on the fat quarters!

  16. I love your Mini #2. I really like the subtle browns and creams and all of those tiny HST.

  17. Some lovely doll quilts. ...and I love that you at least got some bargains on your chilly day! The Mini #2 is very nice. I love those colors.
