
Sunday, August 12, 2012

Dump Quilt on the Design Wall

As soon as Beth at Love Laugh Quilt showed the tutorial and put out the challenge for a Dump Quilt, I knew I had to play.  I love doing these kinds of quilts and I just had a bag 'donated' from another quilter that I hadn't  looked into - so many other projects to do. (the baseball quilt is my SIL's newest project and the Postage Stamp is my other 'wall' project) Oh well,,,,,,,,

It is like opening a present - the anticipation of opening - look at all these goodies!!  Well the scrap system sort in me went thru the pile.  The baggie held lots of green scraps that are perfect for my leaf blocks in progress.  And the blue will work for the two blue quilts in progress.  And the orange - well, I have trouble working with orange and I didn't want to work it into those pretty pinks.

Since I removed some fabric, I needed more (said the scrap quilter in me) - so I pulled out the trusty super tote.  Oh, it is like dumpster diving!  And it took a while to gather a good pile of pinks.

This is what I ended up with.  There were a lot of large size 9-patch blocks in the original bag and it looked like someone was not happy with them.  Rather than use a seam ripper - they looked like they were 'ripped' apart (maybe out of frustration).  So I did trim them into workable pieces to eliminate holes and rips.

Here I am just chain sewing bits and pieces.  Once I get that line of 'blocks' thru, I just  clipped to the block under the needle and went back thru the pile again - adding pieces.

I have 56 blocks - very quickly.  I know they look a little more controlled than Beth's, but I think it is because I had the 'original' squares to start with.  I have to work a few rows to bring them all to 8.5" and then I will lay them out  - with out a lot of thought - and start assembling the flimsie.  This was a bit of fun on a rainy day.


The Bowls with Borders blog hop starts today (Monday), so be sure catch the line up with the button.
Carol of  is the hostess and has the line up.

Linda of Casaboose in Stitches was the winner of the Pass it On Box - and she is posting for comments until Thursday, so pay her a visit.  Also, check that Traveling Stash suitcase button - I think a few other boxes are ready to move on also - or about to.

OK - this is a little early as I am out the door now to watch the   Perseid Meteor Shower again - the night before was too cloudy, and tonight is the last good night for our area.


We are all flowers in the garden of the world.
Some of us are daisys dainty and bright.
Some of us are poppys,with sweet contagious laughter."

Lanie Costea

Sewingly Yours,


  1. You describe my "system" perfectly!!! LOL! I LOVE your up and coming DUmp and SEW!

  2. Wow!! You had a very busy day!! I hope the Perseid Meteor Shower is spectacular!!!

  3. You look like your are having so much fun with your dump quilt!

  4. I love your SILs baseball quilt. Looks as if you rubbed off on her. She has a finish....grin. Look at all those pretty

    I sometimes stomp a mudhole in my blocks.

  5. Pretty in the way those blocks are shaping up...such a fun project!

  6. Your post reminds me of the Grab Bags we used to get when we were kids. You really know how to make good use of those scraps.

  7. Looks like you had fun Sharon and I love the "dumpster diving" remark!

  8. Your "dump" blocks look so is not something I have a lot of in my stash or my scraps! I'm looking forward to seeing those as you assemble the top!

  9. Pretty "Dump" blocks! I love the thought of dumpster diving in my scrap tote. :D Scott almost threw mine out when we were packing, thinking it was >trash<! egads. I hollered "No, no, no!" real fast. ;D

  10. OH! It's like me opening up the bag of fabric my sister sent home with me!! Only it was mostly large pieces -- all at least a half yard if not more!! But I think I recognize one of my fabrics as the same as one of yours! LOL! :)

  11. That "dumping" looks like it was a bunch of fun. I can't wait to see how it all turns out.
