
Thursday, July 5, 2012

Summer Scents

I love these 'Chocolate' hollyhocks - not only for their color, but the scent just fills the yard.  It is a perfect accent to the welcome chimes.  And since this photo was taken a few weeks ago, this one has grown to an estimated 15 feet and all its' blossoms are out in full spendor. 

This was my Sliced Apples Quilt Along - I used 'Birchbark Lodge' and naming this one 'Bears in the Woods'.  Yes, we have a lot of welcome signs.  Remember the Pets on Quilts Parade is coming in August.

Oh, that chain-saw bear is heavy!  But, I thought this flimsie needed to be photo'ed in the woods.  So off I trekked with my two furries following but not too helpful - they are in amongst the trees - hunting.  I'm waiting for my long armer to return from vacation - I want a panto that has bears and pines for the quilting.

And being home for the 'celebration' day - tending the shop and keeping an eye on the homestead while everyone else was away - I needed to play with some new fabric.  'Bungle Jungle' by tim&beck is so fun and colorful.  I have all my semi-blocks made and laid out, but my SIL has a super eye and I think I will let her 'shuffle' them around before I sew them together for my July  "Let Me See Your Jelly Roll" piece.

Remember the R/W/B Blog Hop - the full schedule can be found at Jane's HERE

 Also, I realize I have passed my 300th post (with May For Me), so waited for the 70,00 visit and that is now over 90,000, and now I see I am one follower away from 500.  So on Monday (July 9th) I will be posting a give away (and announce the R/W/B winner)


"Nothing is more memorable than a smell. One scent can be unexpected, momentary and fleeting, yet conjure up a childhood summer beside a lake in the mountains..."
- Diane Ackerman

Sewingly Yours,


  1. I love the quilt you took into the woods.

    Congrats on all your blog milestones, now I'm off to check that I am a follower. I am sure I am, but with my memory, who knows?

  2. congrats on your milestones Sharon and lovely post,well done my friend.xx

  3. Love your Bear in the Woods! And congratulations on your achievements! We are so grateful to have you in are such an inspiration! Now what are you making today?

  4. Your Bear in the Woods is super! I love the movement and the zig-zaggy lines :*) And your Bungle Jungle blocks look very interesting indeed. I've been a sucker for a puzzle and they look like puzzle pieces to me. Fun fabric!!! I will be checking back for your celebration giveaway!

  5. I love seeing quilts photographed outside. I started doing that too.

    My favorite outside smell is honeysuckle. MMMM.

  6. Sharon, I'm always in awe by the loveliness of your work! And you display them so nicely too! Wow, you've really had some milestones lately, haven't you?!! :)

  7. Bear in the Woods is a good name. Perfect quilt pic staging.
    COOL chimes!
    Such a 'fun' quilting block pattern for a 'fun' fabric collection like Bungle Jungle.
    Over 300 posts, 90,000 visits and 500 followers! Congratulations! I love your blog, Sharon.

  8. I really enjoy stopping by even if I don't always comment (words are hard for me). Keep up the good work

  9. Sharon, your quilts are always so beautiful. You inspire me constantly. Thank you!

  10. Love "Bear in the Woods"! Congrats on reaching your milestones....I echo Lesley's comment -- we are blessed to have you here in blogland!

  11. congrats on reaching some pretty awesome milestones! the quilt is pretty great too!

  12. Wow, Sharon. Congratulations!! Your legacy has begun, now to keep up the work. LOL It's all in fun - fabric and friends.

  13. Love all your quilts Sharon - I do think we like similar colors. I wish I could grow the Hollyhocks, just have never been very successful. Yours are beautiful and for the "cottage" maybe I will try again. Judy C

  14. I love hollihocks, too. One of the old fashion flowers that I don't see as much anymore. Bears in the Woods looks super. Your number crunching is something else. Congrats on reaching so many of us.

  15. Oh the hollyhock is gorgeous , I have never seen a chocolate one.Absolutely love your quilt and the photo was great amongst the trees.Congrats on reaching this milestone :-)

  16. Your quilt looks beautiful out in the woods with the bear and hiding kitties :) Can't wait to see it quilted and congrats on 300 posts!

  17. You Bear in the Woods turned out really nice. Look at have 500 now.

    Your really good at blogging and sewing.

  18. Oh my DH would love those Hollyhocks! Great R/W/B quilt. Congrats on the followers and the posts!

  19. Don't you just love summer, when the weather is lovely and quilt photos can be taken outside, and the critters can go hunt?
