
Sunday, July 8, 2012

R/W/B Winner & Milestone(s) Give Away

First, I would like to thank everyone for the wonderful comments on my Celebrate Red,White, & Blue post. There were a lot of requests for the Eagle Block pattern - so a tutorial is in the works and I hope to have that ready by Thursday. Also, for the Bird House Block which I will have ready for the following week.

The winner of the Red Rooster QOV fabric bundle is 'Quiltma' of  Sue's Quilting Haven. She had stated "A friend of mine is having a Quilt of Valor mini retreat in Sept. That would be great for that." Congratulations Sue - I will send a personal e-mail to obtain mailing information.

Now, for all those milestones in blogging :  300 posts, 90,000 page visits, and 500 followers.  I have three Jelly Rolls to give away - Petite Odile, Trade Winds, and  Coquette.  You must be a follower and list your 1st, 2nd, 3rd choice - I will try to fill the best I can once the names are pulled.  I will leave comments open until Sunday, July 15 (midnight EST)  and announce the winners on Monday's (16) post.  Thank you all for making me smile, create, and blog.  I will ship international!

Sewingly Yours,


  1. Congratulations on those amazing milestones Sharon! Petite Odile,Coquette and Trade Winds would be my three order of choice!

  2. Congratulations on all those achievements! And thank you for all you share with us on your blog!
    What a generous giveaway... My choice would be Coquette, TradeWinds, then Petite Odile. But really any one of them would be wonderful! Thanks.

  3. awesome milestones Sharon.... congratulations... those are all fabulous jelly rolls - my favourites in order are Tradewinds, Petite Odile and then Coquette....
    I love the picture with all those lovely colours of floss...

  4. I love them all and would love to win one but if I don't it's ok because you are really fun to know.

  5. Thanks for the giveaway! I like the coquette, tradewinds and Ofile in that order. I can't really tell what they look like. Hope I win one so I can make a 1600 quilt.

  6. Love how you smile, create, and blog! It makes the rest of us want fo smile, create, and blog! Congratulations on so many accomplishments! I would be happy to win any of these three delightful jelly rolls! You are so generous!

  7. Congratulations of the outstanding milestones!! Very impressive. My choices would be:
    1 - Trade Winds
    2 - Coquette
    3 - Petite Odile
    Thanks for the chance to win - you are so generous!!

  8. Congratulations on your milestones Shaorn - I can't imagine my weeks now without reading about your sewing adventures these days!! ... The giveaway is lovely, I think my first and second choices would be Coquette and Trade Winds. They'd both look gorgeous!!

  9. Congrats on your amazing milestones Sharon!!!
    Thanks for the sweet, and very generous choice would be:
    1-Trade Winds
    3-Petite Odile

  10. fantastic milestones Sharon,you have a lovely blog and thats why we keep coming back,well done my friend.xx

  11. Congrats Sharon and thanks for the chance to win.
    I love them all but my choice would be:
    1- Petite Odile (my mother's name)
    2- Coquette
    3- Tradewinds

  12. Thank you for doing this giveaway -
    Petite Odile, Trade Winds, and Coquette.

  13. Congratulations and thanks for the chance
    1. Petite Odile 2. Trade Winds and 3. Coquette

  14. Nice! I would say coquette, petite odile, then trade winds.

  15. Congrats on your milestones! Way to go! My choices are Coquette, Trade Winds then Petite Odile. Thanks for the chance! Have a Wonderful Day! :)

  16. Trade winds, then Coquette and Petite Odile. I have sent you something in the post but I am guessing it hasn't arrived yet. Linda

  17. Such amazing achievements. Thanks for sharing them with us. 1 - Trade Wins; 2 - Petite Odile; 3 - Coquette

  18. Congratulations on some great quilting milestones! My choices are Trade Winds, Coquette, then Petite Odile

  19. Best wishes on your blog achievements. I enjoy reading your blog and hope you continue for many more milestones (and quilts) to come. Trade Winds, Petite Odile, then Coquette, such nice gifts to share.

  20. Congratulations!!

    I know I could find something to make with a jelly roll. My choices would be:
    Trade Winds, Coquette or Petite Odile

    Have a great week Sharon!

  21. Congratulations on your milestones.
    My choice for the jelly rolls would be:
    1. Petite Odile
    and then either of the other two for second and third - I love them equally so I am not fussy.
    Thanks for hosting a great giveaway on your brilliant blog.

  22. Wow! Great milestones Sharon. Congratulations to you. I do love to follow your blog.
    My choice would be Trade winds, Coquette and then Petite Odile.
    Thanks for the opportunity.

  23. 300 posts, 90,000 page visits, and 500 followers! WOW! Congratulations!

    I do follow. Love reading your blog. My choices Trade Winds, Coquette, Petite Oldie; although I would love adding any of the 3 to my stash.


  24. Congratulations on reaching these major milestones. Thanks for the giveaway. Should I be lucky enough to win, my choices would be: 1) Petite Odile 2) Coquette 3) Tradewinds

  25. Hi Sharon! Congratulations on your milestones! I would love to celebrate with you by winning one of those fabulous jelly rolls :*) Of course, I'm a follower! My choices would be 1) Coquette, 2) Trade Winds, 3) Petite Odile. Thanks for the giveaway!!!

  26. Congrats on your milestones. I would love any of the jelly rolls, no preference.

  27. Congratulations! I always enjoy your blog posts. Coquette, Trade Winds and Petit Odille.

  28. Congratulations on all your milestones Sharon. If I was lucky enough to win I would choose
    1. Petite Odile, 2. Trade Wins and 3 Coquette. But they are all lovely. I would be happy with any one of them. Thanks for the great giveaway Sharon.

  29. Woohoo!! Look at all those milestones you've passed!! My order of choice would be Trade Winds, Coquette, and then Petite Odile. Thanks for the chance!!!

  30. Congratulations for reaching all those incredible milestones!!! Woo Hoo! Now, if I were a lucky winner I'd choose Tradewinds first, Coquette second, and Petite Odie. Thanks for your generosity!!

  31. Wow - what milestones - Congratulations! Thank you for a generous giveaway.
    1. Trade Winds
    2. Petite Odile
    3. Coquette

  32. Congratulations! That's a lot of dedication! My choices would be 1. Coquette; 2. Tradewinds; 3. Petite Odile.

    Thanks so much.

  33. Congratulations to Sue.

    Also....congratulations to you for the great milestones. You are offering a wonderful giveaway too. Any one of them would be appreciated.

    1. Petite Odile
    2. Coquette
    3. Trade Winds

  34. Congratulations Sharon, a lot of milestones to celebrate! My choices would be Petite odile , tradewinds and Coquette but I really would be more than happy with any of them , a very generous giveaway.

  35. Congratulations on all of those milestones. I always enjoy seeing what you come up with next and I'm happy to hear you'll be posting a tutorial on the eagle block! Thanks for the giveaway. #1 Trade Winds, #2 Petite Odile, #3 Coquette.

  36. Lots of congrats, Sharon!! We'll be following along for the next chapter. I'd love to win any of these great jellies, my prefs would be Coquette, Trade Winds and Petite Odile. I'll be watching!

  37. Yay !! What milestones ! My choices would be Petit Odile, Coquette and Trade Winds. Thanks for the chance to win.

  38. Congratulations again Sharon! Keep up the good work, I always enjoy your blog. Here's my preference
    1. Tradewinds
    2. Coquette
    3. Petite Odile

  39. Congratulations on the amazing milestones! :-) My choices, should I be so lucky as to win, are Tradewinds, Coquette, and Petite Odile--- all beautiful fabrics! :-) Thank you so much for the chance to win!

  40. Congratulations! My choices would be 1, Coquette, 2. Tradewinds, and 3. Petite Odle.

  41. Congratulations on your milestone!!
    My choice would be Petite Odile,Coquette and Trade Winds.Thank you for the giveaway !

  42. Congratulations on your fantastic milestones! Thanks for the great giveaway. My choices would be:
    1- Coquette
    2- Tradewinds
    3- Petite Odile.

  43. Tremendous miles stones. Congratulations! I am happy to now be a follower (and to have met you). As to which jelly roll I would pick I don't know any of them so if my name gets drawn whatever is available is fine with me. Joane

  44. Congartulations with all those milestones! You have a great blog that I love to follow (for some time yet) Love this give away as well. When I might be a winner you may pick a roll for me, I love them all equally! Thanks for organizing this!

  45. It's a pleasure to follow your lovely blog. How about 1. Petite Odile 2.Trade Winds
    3. Coquette
    Thanks very much.

  46. Hmmmm I thought I was a follower but/well I am now :0) Congrats on making all those milestones!
    and thanks for a chance to win some yummy fabric.....of course I don't have a strong preference but here is my list: Coquette, Petite Odile and Trade Winds.

    My little dolly and matching quilt are such a great addition to my red, white and blue decorations, thanks again.

    Happy sewing

  47. WOW!!
    Congratulations! on all of your milestones! :)
    And Thank you for making blog reading so much fun :)
    1 coquette
    and then which ever is available
    Thank you again for the chance!

  48. Hi Sharon, yep I did come back to the USA, I think a posse may have been sent over if I hadn't! Congrats on the milestones!

  49. Wow, what a lot of milestones and what a generous giveaway! My choices would be (1) Tradewinds (2) Coquette and (3) Petite Odile
    Thanks for the chance!

  50. Congratulations!!! Thanks for the great giveaway - I'd choose
    1 - Coquette
    2 - Trade Winds
    3 - Petite Odile

  51. Congratulations to the winner!
    What awesome giveaways, WOW!!!
    1. Petite Odile
    2. Trade winds
    3. Coquette
    Best of luck to all.
    Have a great day.
    Always, Queenie

  52. Congrats on all the achievements! If a winner of the giveaway, I don't really care which one I receive! Thanks!

  53. Hi Sharon, some fantastic stats, I love reading mine and seeing where people are visiting me from. Don't mind which order the jelly rolls are, they all look lovely. Thanks for the giveaway and sharing. Susie x

    What a sweet giveaway! I''d choose Coquette,Petite Odile+Trade Winds in that order.Thank you so for a chance to win!Keep up the good work>love your Blog!

  55. CONGRATs on those blog related milestones! I am a follower and have been for awhile. I'd love to win any of those jelly rolls, no particular preference. Too hard to choose!

  56. Congratulations! If I would be so lucky and be drawn I would like
    1-Petite Odile
    2-Trade Winds
    Thanks for the chance!

  57. Congratulations!

    I love all of the jelly rolls and would be delighted with any of them. If I had to choose I would probably put them in this order.
    Petite Odile, Trade Winds, and Coquette.

  58. I'm a happy follower who is part of your awesome stats. Congratulations on these amazing blogging milestones. My choices from your fantastic prizes are:
    1 - Coquette
    2 - Petite Odile
    3 - Trade Winds
    though would be so very happy with any of your amazing jellies.
    Once again, CONGRATULATIONS Sharon.

  59. Congratulations to the winner. Exclude me from the next giveaway. You're freindship is prize enough.

  60. Wow. That's a lot of big milestones for you. Congratulations. I am already a follower and would be thrilled with any of those jelly rolls. But, since you are forcing me to list in order of my like they would be 1-Coquette Jelly Roll
    2 - Petite Odile and 3 - Trade Winds.

    Thank you for the chance to win.

  61. Oh my I don't think I could choose. :) If I win just send me whatever one the other two don't choose and I'll be thrilled. I've made two jelly roll quilts and need to make a third...that way my three daughters/daughters-in-love will have one for Christmas. blessings, marlene

  62. Yay for milestones!! And here's to the next 300, 90,000, and 500!! Hmmm...putting 'em in 1-2-3 order is rather tough when they're all that pretty!! Trade Winds, Coquette, and Petite Odile! Hugs to you, Sharon -- you're a tremendous blogging and quilting inspiration!!! Hugs! :)

  63. Congratulations on your many milestones, I see you're up to 505 followers. Thanks for giving us such a great blog to look forward to reading. Of course I'm a follower. I love all fabric and would be thrilled with any of these beautiful Jelly Rolls. Thanks Sharon, ;-> Toni Anne

  64. Congrats on your milestones! I am a follower with RSS in google reader!

    My favorites in order are: Coquette, Trade Winds and then Petite Odile.
    Thanks for the chance!

  65. Congrats on such a great milestones!

    My favorites in order are:
    Petite Odile,
    Trade Winds.

  66. Congratulations on reaching such impressive numbers. I was convinced you would reach the 500 followers mark during the May for Me celebration. Your jelly roll pattern looks like Legos. Would you share how you are making it?

  67. Gratz on all your milestones! Thanks for offering such a great giveaway!
    1. Coquette
    2. Trade Winds
    3. Petite Odile.

  68. Great list of milestones they are each amazing.

    Trade Winds
    Petite Odile

  69. Wonderful Milestones congratulations. My order is: Coquette, Trade Winds, Petite Odile.

  70. 1. Trade Winds
    2. Coquette
    3. Petite Odile


  71. Congrats on all those milestones. You are always an inspiration. My choices are 1) Coquette, 2) Trade Winds 3) Petite Odile. Thanks for the opportunity.

  72. Congrats on all of your milestones...what lovely choices! I would be thrilled with any of them, so if my name is pulled, I can be the third one to be assigned! I love creating with jelly rolls, so it won't matter which one. I love them all.

  73. Congrats on all the milestones you are celebrating. I like Trade Winds the best, but, I'm not too fussy.

  74. Congratulations on your milestones!
    I would choose Coquette, Trade Winds and Petite Odile

  75. This is a very generous giveaway fingers crossed I get
    I would love to win Petite Odile please oh please... lol!
    Thanks for a chance! :)

  76. Oh I got so excited I forgot to tell you all three!
    1. Petite Odile... 2. Coquette...
    3. Trade Winds.
    Thanks again Sharon! :)

  77. No need to include me to win; I would feel badly if I did! Only I did have to say Congratulations on your milestones. And that I love seeing all your floss so organized and ready to be put to work.

  78. Congratulations, Sharon! Wonderful milestones! Love seeing your projects in this post! I'm a happy follower of your blog. My first choice would be Petite Odille, but I'd love to work with any of the three jellrolls. Have a fabulous weekend!

  79. congrats to Quiltma and congrats to you. You do have a lot of followers and I am one of them. I do enjoy your blog. thanks for a chance to win some beautiful fabric.
    here are my choices.
    #1 trade winds
    #3Petite odille

  80. Congratulations! What an achievement.
    I'm a GFC follower.

    My choices:

    1) Trade Winds
    2) Coquette
    3) Petite Odile

    Thanks for the chance
    shel704 at aol dot com
