
Monday, July 30, 2012

July NewFO

This is my Let Me See Your Jelly Roll Challenge quilt.  I used Bungle Jungle - very cute line and this was such a quick and easy quilt to put together.  Just took almost a week of flipping the pieces around on the floor until everyone was happy with the color and animal placement!

I tried to catch the quilting in this photo - just some wavy lines using a lime green thread - I like to quilt with color thread.


Oh, my - thought I had a slow month but once I went back thru my posts, yikes! 

All the feather tree blocks for the Think Christmas Blog Hop
X-mas Festive Mysery Quilt finished
started the Tetris Quilt Along
started the Christmas Village Quilt Along
Free Motion Quilting challenge done
Crafter's Campfire - Bandana Crafts
Bonnie Hunter's Shirttails - half the blocks done for quilt
Patriotic Doll Quilt for Monthly Group
Sliced Apples quilt finished
Bird House Block Tutorial
Convergence/Color Challenge piece
6 Doll quilts for Mrs. Claus charity
R/W/B blocks for July Blog Hop - Eagle Block tutorial
string blocks and leaf blocks
more postage stamp blocks
And the July Schnibble


Sewingly Yours

linking up with:


  1. Love the jelly roll quilt (fabric choice is perfect there)! I like that you use colored thread. I want to do more of that, but often shy away and use gray. I tell myself with Orca Bay that I will use purple thread. Here's hoping!

  2. I like that jelly roll quilt a lot. It turned out wonderful.

  3. Beautiful quilt and what a fun design! That is too funny Sharon that it took a week for everyone to agree on the color and animal placement! Thanks for sharing.
    Quilting at the River Linky Party Tuesday

  4. Oooh! That jelly roll quilt is so happy! Great job!

  5. Love how the jelly roll turned out! You are always busy busy!!!

  6. You are amazing! You get so much done it makes me really feel like a slacker.
    The jelly roll quilt is lovely so bright and cheery.

  7. What a great quilt! I reminds me of puzzle pieces!

  8. As always I am out of breath just reading your list LOL!!! Love the sweet colors in your puzzle quilt and all the cute animals!

  9. I love that jelly roll quilt! It is so fun!

  10. Very cute and I like that wavy line quilting. I will try that soon! I start thinking I don't get much done and then I review my blog and remember, hey I was productive. Great job!!

  11. Love your jelly roll really does look like puzzle pieces. Great colors! And your Schnibbles is a stunner...yay for you for getting it done for the parade. Love it!

  12. PHEW is right! I'm going to go take a nap now. August sewing doesn't look so good as July. Lots of other "life" happening this coming month. I'm still on the no Start-itus plan this month.

  13. Love the jelly quilt design and bright colors.

  14. Until now I have not been at all impressed with the jelly roll quilts out there. I Love your design,just might have to give it a whirl. Thanks for sharing :)

  15. LOVE your quilt - what is the name of the pattern? Is there somewhere I can find it on the web or can you tell me how to do it. I would love to do one of these for my grandson.


  16. Cute quilt. So colorful and fun. You say it is easy?? Hmmmm, looks like some complex piecing... but if you say so.

  17. That jelly roll quilt is so bright and colorful. I think you used that fun fabric to a great advantage.

  18. Wow! You had a productive month! I can from the parade to visit your Schnibble. It's a beauty! I haven't made that one yet, but after seeing yours it is definitely on my list!

  19. OMG! Such a cute pattern - did you follow a specific pattern or just make it up as you went along? Either way, it's the perfect choice for that fabric! Thanks for linking up!!
