
Sunday, June 24, 2012

Summer's Day

Inspiration - my SIL's Clematis - gorgeous.

"A something in a summer's Day
As slow her flambeaux burn away
Which solemnizes me.
A something in a summer's noon ;
A depth - an Azure - a perfume.


This was the Patchwork Times color palette for June. Now a problem - I have but scraps of pink and yellow, so it took all month to figure this one out without buying more fabric.

Transcending ecstasy.
And still within a summer's night
A something so transporting bright
I clap my hands to see -
Then veil my too inspecting face
Lets such a subtle - shimmering grace.

I used up my Bella Solid bits from the newest quilt with a bit of scrap I found in the bin. Scrap back, batting and left over scrap binding. A little mug rug for my computer desk.

Flutter too far for me -
The wizard fingers never rest -
The purple brook within the breast
Still chafes it narrow bed;
Still rears the East her amber Flag,
Guides still the sun along the Crag
His Caravan of Red.


Cindy Needham, was our June FMQ Expert for SewCalGaland the challenge was to create a free form loop/spiral base and then fill in the areas with various forms. I still cannot wrap myself around feathers without a stencil. I enjoyed a lot of the various play, but would stray from the straight lines and boxed areas - practic. The small practic squares are hard to manuevor once on the edges, but I spent only about an hour playing with this - until the bobbin ran out.

So looking on - the night - the morn
Conclude the wonder gay -
And I meet, coming thro' the dews
Another summer's Day!"


DWM for Patchwork Times are these leaf blocks using the tutorial and template from Kristi - QuietPlay - Red Herring block. Everyone is making them with brights, moderns, whites - hey, I'm different. I have a lot of green scraps to use up, so I see a lot of leaves. And I changed the 'center' ribbing - instead of the small strips on the blocks making a thick mass in the centers, I am making the 'herring' blocks minus those and then joining those two units with a 1" strip in the center. They lay so much nicer.

There are some hidden works - my Santa Sack is heading out in the mail today, and blocks are made, photo'ed and draft done for the R/W/B Blog Hop as I am the first day - July 1st! And a commission piece is on one table - while that box of fabrics is out - I will work on the blocks for the up-coming Christmas Block Hop. As, well as getting ready for our Vending Season. I need a nap.

- Emily Dickinson, A Something in a Summer's Day

Sewingly Yours,


  1. Looks like you've been a busy, creative lady! LOVE your clematis... my mom's fav in the world!

  2. You NeVeR stop Sharon.. you are one busy lady! Love visiting though to see all you're up to! :)

  3. Love those leaf blocks...what a great idea for fixing the center!
    Gorgeous clematis!

  4. you sure have been busy sharon,love the colour of the clematis.xx

  5. Lots keeping you busy these days , I have yet to get to the FMQ this month , bad girl I am. I am really loving the leaf blocks ,can't wait to see what that creates.

  6. I love your red herring blocks. I will have to try those with my scraps.

  7. A really lovely post - have missed seeing everyone's accomplishments. Yours are beautiful and with the poem intermingled - I love it. JUdy C

  8. I think you DO need a nap girl! Lovely FMQ and all your works. I love seeing what you do.
    Is it hot there or has the heat wave left you and migrated south to me??

  9. Well I need a nap looking at all those lovely projects, I'm tired :) Your SIL clematis is just beautiful. Love the herring blocks and look at you with the FMQ!! Ya it's hard when you get close to the edge.

  10. I thought I had a lot of projects going. Good luck on the RW&B blog hop. Lucky you to get the 1st day. Enjoy your nap. I think I'm going to need one from waking up too early today :/

  11. I would be in trouble with the pink fabrics too! LOL

    The leaf designs are terrific. I love the fabrics you are using.

  12. The leaf designs are wonderful. Personally I love them green.

  13. Love the color challenge palette for the month of June -- spectacular colors! And your tree blocks are marvelous!!! :)

  14. Clematis is one of my favs....just beautiful.
    Love what you did with the color palette piece....and your other projects, too -- you deserve that nap!

  15. Those leafs look really nice in the chosen colors, not like others I have seen at all :)

  16. Enjoyed your post. I'm going to have to go do my FMQ...yikes. Another month almost over.

  17. Love those blocks. Your quilting looks great! I stay away from straight line quilting myself. I love free motion/improv quilting. I just finished one my self.

  18. Wow you have been busy!

    Love how your Red Herring blocks turned out! I've been keen to see them all in green (just haven't tried it myself yet!). Yours look so fantastic.

    Love the change to adding the centre strip - I didn't think of that! Mind if I note that suggestion on the tutorial?

  19. Love the clematis and LOVE your red - er green - herring blocks! I downloaded the template to make later, and I'll use your idea for the middle strip.

    Your met the color challenge brilliantly, you clever girl!

  20. I love the colors in your little mug rug!

  21. Beautiful flowers Sharon! Love your paper pieced blocks with all the different fabrics! Thanks for sharing!
    Quilting at the River Linky Party Tuesday
