
Monday, May 7, 2012

May For Me - Day 7

Well did you un-plug? I enjoyed Saturday with my daughter and grandsons. Oh the little guy is into books and I even got some lap/cuddle time with him - he's always on the go, so a big surprise. And the big widget is into transformers and sports. Yes, NaNa did a little bit of soccer and basketball. And Sunday I finished up my 'must do' project - YEAH!! as well as got some outdoor time. All but one flower bed is cleaned and ready for planting - Monday's job - as well as get those Gladiola bulbs in the ground. Those Glads will an extension to my May For Me as I love to cut them for inside the house.

Are you sharing some May for Me on your blog? I have been popping into the blogs linked up with Marcia's May For Me Celebration. Only a few of you have been - yes, I am peeking in on ya all.

I would like to share Felicia's blog - The Slow Quilter. Now this is exciting and maybe will give you a little inspiration.

You might want to check out the Alphabet Swap and the 12" Mini Club Swap (side buttons) - it would be great to get some more USA members to join in. I know a lot of you were inspired by the Table Topper Blog Hop - here's a chance to have some fun with that.



Remember we all have different lists and this week we call 10 items each, so check in with Marcia, Tonya, and Snoodles for their words as well as what they may share for May For Me.

If you get a BINGO contact Tonya at Hillbilly Handiworks.
Need a refresher on the BINGO Information and Rules click HERE.


I am giving away 2 double pks of charms - Papillon by 3 Sisters and Lily & Will II by Bunny Hill. You must be a follower and make sure I have a way of contacting you. I will ship international. Since Tonya's post about shoes, we have had a 'behind the scenes' discussion on shoes. So leave me a comment on your favorite shoe(s) or funny shoe story or favorite shoe color - anything shoes. Comments open until Saturday, May 12th until 8pm (EST) and winner announced at 9pm.


"cottonwood fluff stuck to dry weeds -
looking like silent wind chimes"
- Michael Garofalo, 'Cuttings'

Sewingly Yours,


  1. OOOh! I get to be the first commenter. It sounds like you had a great weekend. The glads will look lovely this eyar I'm sure. I finished the blocks for the 2nd teacher quilt last night and now am wrestling with the layout.

    Shoes....well my mom could tell you stories and stories. She managed a shoe store for 26 years. I learned at a very young age how to tie the laces the display way. Each year, the day after Christmas, we'd have to tip toe through her huge windows and remove all the holiday decor. Balance and a light step was definitely required. Ah the things one learns while growing up.

  2. I like comfortable shoes so usually I am in sneakers or sandals in the summer now. I can remember when we would love Easter time and we knew we would be getting new dress shoes and we girls would be getting new "bonnets" and we could hardly wait

  3. I don't have a funny shoe story - for me it is all about comfort - so i go for shoes with low heels and lots of softness. thanks for BINGO - I'm having fun.

  4. When I was a kid, of course we left our door unlocked, never worried about anyone breaking in, so my sisters and I always left our shoes on the porch. I had just gotten some new tennis shoes, and I was so proud of them. Being the youngest of 6 girls, I rarely got anything new. Came out in the morning, and one of the neighborhood girls had stolen my new shoes and was wearing them!! I had to chase her for a block before I caught her and got them back. I look back now and realize that they were so very poor, that she just wanted to wear my new shoes.

  5. I loved comfortable shoes. I liked brown color shoes. I loved genuine leather shoes too.. :)
    Thanks for the chance to win.

  6. I have a 26 year old with quite an extensive shoe collection...when she married and moved to Germany, they practically took up a crate on their own! Would love to win!

  7. Yesterday was a great May for Me day. I spent the whole day at my sewing machine, just for me. The time was all mine and the quilt I am making is going to be all mine. :)

    I like black shoes the best.

  8. Shoe story...I remember leaving my school shoes(does that make me old that I had "school" shoes?) in the livingroom over night one time and put my foot in in the morning to find a big old waterbug in them the next day. To this day I check my shoes befor putting them on. And I finally have a couple of the bingo words on my card!

  9. My favorite shoes are tennis shoes, but I bought my first pair of boots this weekend and I'm loving them, too - a May for ME present!

  10. Hi Sharon my shoe story is about my mum,she is so funny if she buys a pair of shoes and finds them comfortable she goes back and gets every colour that they come in,we tease her and tell her that she is a centaphede,thankyou for hosting such a lovely givaway.xx

  11. My very favorite shoes were green velvet pumps I wore with a green velvet off-the shoulder evening dress (size 4, that was a while ago). The pumps had rhinestone bows and I truly felt like a "princess" in them......I must confess they are still in my closet....and they still fit, even if the dress doesn't....

  12. Shoe story: I bought pumps in the colors of blue and black. One day at work, the only senior female executive said to me in front of a crowd waiting for the elevator...Did you know that you have on different colors of shoes? Yep, I was embarassed for a little while. I am a follower.

  13. My favorite shoes are my wedge sandles. They are the most comfortable high heels I own.

  14. Some lap time is just what makes me feel like everything is ok, how nice that you got to enjoy that this weekend. I'm looking forward to the same thing next weekend. Shoes huh??? I really prefer no shoes - but if I have to wear them I like something that goes on and off easy and that the dogs don't think are big chew toys :)

  15. My favorite shoes are always flip flops! :-) And I only wear them because it's not safe to go without at least something on the soles of your feet--- I was born to be bare foot-- and when I'm inside at home, that's the way you'll always find me! :-)

    Well, I've got two buttons sewn on my BINGO card so far-- but I have seen quite a few of my items listed (just not on the same letters as my card)--- so we're heading in the right direction anyway! ;-)

  16. Haha! I know just the story to share. I was so excited last week to finally be able to wear a pair of my favorite yellowbox flip flops. It was nice to slip on something other than the crocs I've worn for the last two years, practically! I was so excited I wanted to take a picture of me wearing them and post it. Then I got a good look at my feet in the picture and decided I desperately needed a pedicure -- something I haven't had since the last foot surgery -- before I posted any pictures with my feet in them!! LOL! So, May birthday girl, which day do you claim as THE day?!?! :)

  17. I once went to work in different shoes, they were both black so you would think that would be okay....apart from the fact one had a bow on and the other didn't....what can I say...I was in a rush!!

  18. oh- the papillon looks nice!

    humm.. my hubby thinks that I have too many shoes (with my 4 pairs)

    I have a hard time finding the flip flops that I like. I dont like the thong sandals (the toe thing bugs me)so i like the kind that has velcro across the foot. Its hard to find them in womans as they sell them mostly for men.

  19. I'm not much of a shoe girl (would rather spend the money on fabric), but many, many , many years ago - I remember falling in absolute love with a pair of dark lavendar Bandolino pumps. I can't remember how I managed to get the money for those babies, but I did and I loved them with all my heart.

  20. These were fun stories to read through! And you are hosting a very generous giveaway! Good luck to all and their shoe stories :)

  21. I do recall you are a May baby...May is full of this bingo is appealing to me...You always amaze me with your stitching....please don't include me in your draw...I think I have enough fabric for now wink...all the best this month for you..

  22. Last week when out for a dog walk I found myself a pair of lovely "nearly new" duck boots. Yes, found! They were on the side of our country road not near any houses just sitting there. And they are my size. A trip through the washer and voila. Sooo, if anybody has lost a pair please contact me. ;)

  23. p.s prefer slippers...have more slippers than fav are these pink plush ones that I just completely worn out...
    and if I had to pick a pair of shoes it would be some leather cut lace ones that are very lady like.

  24. Hmmm, the only show story I can think of is to tell you about how we would tie a jingle bell on one of our toddlers' shoes each time they got a new pair....helped us keep up with where they were, since we had three kiddos to keep up with! LOL
    I spent some time in my garden this weekend, too - but mine is for veggies, not pretty glads!

  25. While wearing my most comfortable pair of shoes on a trip to England, they broke. Catastrophe! Had to spend a couple hours shoe shopping. Now, to some that would be heaven. To me - not so much! Then I had to break a new pair of shoes that day til I got back to the hotel to change. That's when DH and I discovered that we get along well until my feet hurt.

    Thanks for the great giveaway!

  26. Sounds like you had some wonderful Me time!! My favorite shoes are polka dot tennies!!

  27. no space today.
    I used to have a fetish for shoes when I was younger but then I had to have 2 surgeries on one foot and that ended that fetish. I favorite shoes are my walking shoes. Most comfortable.

  28. My kids have tons of shoes now that they are grown up. I have 3 pair, one tennis shoes, one bogs, and one sandle. I guess I am not into shoes.

  29. Shoes there were two kinds I like as growing up. One was the GYM shoes we took them to school in the fall and never brought them home until school was out ,then they became our summer shoes. I always liked the Black and white saddle shoes with the red soles. I remember getting my fist pair for Christmas . They were made by Spalding. Loved those shoes and wore them out! Plus the Keds for gym I used to wash them and the strings and polish the shoes does anyone still do that? Patty

  30. Just so you know 140 words and I have only ONE besides my free space. hatis still fun though!!

  31. Thank you for giving me a shout out for May 4 Me. And now you have called two of my BINGO spots, I thought I was never going to sew a button again.

  32. Wow! I got three bingo buttons today! Very exciting.

    I'm not a big fan of shoes. I wear sneakers every day. I have a pair of black, brown, bone and white dress shoes, which just about covers anything I might wear.

  33. HI Sharon... am enjoying the Bingo... my favourite shoes are a slip on sandle.... and as soon as I am indoors I like to go without shoes...

  34. I have a funny shoe story... when I was a teenager, I bought some fancy heels and barely made it one quarter of the way to school the first morning that I wore them due to blisters forming on my heels!! I couldn't decide if I should take them off, run home to change the shoes and be late or bear with the pain!! Let's just say that those shoes were not worn ever again because I was NOT going to be late!!

  35. My favorite shoes are flip flops! I love them! A couple of years ago a store had them for $1 a pair and I bought every color they had in my size. :) I wear them all the time when I go out. In the house it's barefoot or slippers. Oh and sometimes I forget to change my slippers and go to the store in them. I always realize it when I get to the store... which is too late of course. Then I walk around the store in slippers and feel as though everyone's starring at me. Now I keep an extra pair of flip flops in my car for just those times. ;)

  36. "Me do me-self!" was the battle cry of my baby brother at 2 years of age. He loved cowboy boots, which he wore on the wrong feet! My mom bought him a size too large so his feet would fit. He definitely made a fashion statement!

    Me I prefer sandals - my toes need to be free!

  37. At work we do a shoes of the month calendar. Each month some one picks their favorite shoes (woman shoes) and then we all try to pick them.

    Note I work with all guys. (Ok we have 2 women but they act like men)

    Richard Healey

    P.S. Its all 12 inch heals for me.

  38. Well I'm a follower for sure, and I don't really have a funny anecdote about shoes, but it's a shoe story nonetheless....I used to own a pair of those jelly sandals in pink...I was running for a bus one day and thought I felt something in the bottom of my shoe, but kept running and managed to catch the bus. My foot felt fine on the bus and when I got up to get off it still felt fine, but once I started walking home from the bus stop it was a different story. The further I walked the sorer my foot became. I got home, took my shoe off, to reveal 'blood' Oh Oh, not a good sign. My mum helped me to the Dr's who sent me off to the hospital as he could see a fine sliver of glass in the wound, but didn't want to dig about as there was a nerve along there that is very easy to snip and can cause long term problems apparently.

    Once at the hospital, they x ray my foot and the piece of glass is small, but it's dangerously close to nerves etc, so I get knocked out (by anaesthetic) and the piece of glass removed and I had an overnight stay in hospital and 3 stitches.

    I've never liked those style of shoes since then!


  39. Am a follower. Really like my heels. Have a pair of peep toe shiny black heels that I love to wear every chance I get. I actually will wear them barefoot all winter too!

  40. Shoes? I hate shoes. I love wearing them and don't like going barefoot, but I hate the fact that I have strangely shaped feet so hardly any shoes fit them! I only have 3 pairs that I wear. ;)

  41. I HATE clothes shopping, and that includes shoes. When I find a pair of shoes that I like I tend to wear them until they wear out, then I go back to try to buy the same ones again. Shoes don`t change styles quite as much as clothes do so sometimes I`m successful. I have been wearing a pair of super comfy trail runners all winter. It will soon be time to change to my lighter summer runners.

  42. Love shoes, and always admire them, however if I could go barefooted all day I would and usually only put on a pair if I have to go into town.

  43. My daughter and I were talking shoes on Saturday. We decided we're not real women, as we both own 1 pair of winter shoes, 1 pair sandals, 1 pair of boots and 1 pair of slippers!

  44. My two year old has more pairs of shoes than I do. She loves shoes and most of hers are purple. I would love a pair of purple shoes (I have purple Crocs but it is not the same). She owns 6 pairs of shoes in her current size and about the same in the next two sizes up. This does not include the 2 pairs of slippers she has. I hate shoe shopping and buying new shoes - I wish they made everlasting shoes for adults so that I never had to replace a pair once I found a pair that fitted and were comfortable.
    Hope everyone is having more luck with their BINGO words than I am. (3 cards and 10 buttons total sewn on!!)

  45. Both my parents have very narrow feet (mom's were size 10AAAA). I wear 8 wide. So weird! I love my Merrell's. They fit like a glove the moment I first put them on - which is really unusual for me!

  46. I have a pair of PURPLE shoes from Land's End that I love wearing. They put a bounce in my step. Thanks for these extra ways to make May special.

  47. We never had much money as kids but we always had nice shoes. My mom had a thing for good leather. I used to judge people on shoes. But now there are so many kinds. My daughter Chelsey has a rich boyfriend (very long story and not as nice as a mother would want). When I see her in her very top name brand shoes, I think...what a waste. Oh well. Love your blog. I don't always comment but I love reading what you have going on.

  48. I love colorful shoes. If you have an assortment I think there's no reason to buy black! It's kind of a joke in my bible study group. So much so that the other day someone picked up these bright striped salad tongs and said, "These must be yours." I asked how they knew and they said they were colorful like all of my shoes! Thanks for the chance to win!

  49. shoes--I've been obsessed with witches' shoes and boots. Have a wonderful hat (quilt block) and dying to make a cabinet or shelves with hats abd shoes for Halloween...

  50. Well, I once wore two diff. shoes to work.. one black and one navy. :/ But my favorite shoe story is when we went to a SF Giants baseball game and sat in the first row of my upper deck.. my son was about a year and a half old.. and somehow lost one of his shoes over the edge. I had to go down to the lower deck, try to pin point the area where it fell, and ask around if a shoe fell on anyone. Everyone was so nice. Shoe was recovered, everyone had a good laugh, but I was sooo embarrassed!
