
Saturday, May 12, 2012

Christmas Quilt Along - Part 1

Good Morning Quilters! Yes, it is Christmas Quilt Along time - oh, I hope it doesn't snow like the last few - but hey, I do remember a few Mother's Day snow storms.

We welcome the next clue to QuiltSue's Festive Mystery Quilt right here on my blog. Hope you are ready to enjoy the party. Be sure to link up at the bottom of this page and share your progress along the way.

So grab that shower, get some breakfast, and then pull out those zip lock baggies you have been keeping safe. Then open Clue # 4

Sewingly Yours,


  1. Good morning, Sharon! It's a lovely day here - as Lesley would say, a great day for quilting!

    Thank you for part 4 of the mystery quilt - I'd better get on with finishing part 3!!

    Oh, and if I'd have eaten all that lot for breakfast then I wouldn't be able to move for the rest of the day! ;-)

  2. Good morning. I'm here too, but not sewing today. We're going to try that recipe you gave us yesterday for our dinner tonight, it looks yummy.

  3. Good morning, Sharon! Your breakfast looks wonderful...wish I was closer! Cold cereal and hot coffee for me! Will wait till my eyes are a little more open before I go to my sewing corner. The instructions look great,as usual!

  4. Good morning. I'm linked and have my first cup of coffee in hand. I will get moving soon.

  5. You have breakfast for us! How Wonderful! Thank you.
