
Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Spring Blocks

I think our flowering Forsythia inspired this yellow/green NYB block. It may be time to start putting these on the design wall - yes I have one now. I want to mix them up into a nice flow and see what the next color/block will hold.

I'm enjoying the Paper Piecing Pattern A Day blog hop. I changed this pattern up with applique fussy cut from a geranium print I just love instead of the paper pieced flowers in the cup.

And the garden gate block I changed to just a straight rail instead of a picket fence. I think this needs some embroidered and button flowers along the fence.

Spring violets are starting to sprout, so this was a special block. I did find the one section to just not 'work' even after re-piecing a few times - so rather than stress the fabric - I'll make a 3-d leaf and attach to cover.

The next Garden Steps embroidery is finished - delicate pinks with butterflies. I have had a few little butterflies in my flox bed.

And these lovely spool blocks done by Chantell arrived - part of the Australian 6" Block Swap. She used a wonderful 'wood' look brown for the spools - love them.

These are in progress - but sewing with my SIL again. Cute cupcake potholders. Her first time working with insul-bright. I am a little alergic to and she has found out she is too - so working in short time frame with them.

Thank you to those of you who commented on my Sew We Quilt Tut - it didn't open so got a late 'kick' from M. Samm. It is there, so please stop by.


"Come, I come! ye have called me long,
I come o'er the mountain with light and song:
Ye may trace my step o'er the wakening earth,
By the winds which tell of the violet's birth,
By the primrose-stars in the shadowy grass,
By the green leaves, opening as I pass."
- Felicia D. Hemans, 'Voice of Spring'

Enjoy your Easter weekend,
Sewingly Yours,


  1. lovely blocks Sharon and love the cup cakes you and your SIL are working on,its a shame you both have a reation to the insulbright.xx

  2. So pretty! the NYB just stopped me in my tracks, it's just so springy! Love the violet paper pieced too.....

  3. Your quilt blocks are wonderful. The NYB is stunning,and I love how you bring your own Ideas to each block. The colored embroidery is so neat. Have a great weekend!

  4. Your NYB are gorgeous!!!! And don't you just love to paper piece??

  5. All of your blaocks are lovely but that New York Beauty is outstanding!

  6. Love seeing all your NYB blocks. I can't wait to see them on the design wall. Really like the violet and other paper piecing projects. Always so many goodies to look at here.

  7. Ah, I see the paper piecing bug has bitten you also. Having fun putting together mine - love all your wonderful blocks. Judy C sends warmest wishes

  8. another busy week for you !! I absolutely love the colors in your top picture, cant wait to see it all put together!

  9. What springy blocks! Love the violet!

  10. I love what you are doing with the spring paper pieced blocks. The NY beauty blocks are amazing.

  11. wow the nyb is wonderful. great idea with the geraniums. Generally just great stuff. Saw your post on Sew WE Quilt. The reverse applique is pretty niffty.

  12. Love that violet block. Sorry it was hard. I'll be taking a paper piecing class in a few weeks.

  13. Such a shame you are allergic to the InsulBrite...cute cupcakes, tho!

  14. So many wonderful blocks! I have to remind myself that just because I see these fun and lovely projects I cannot start on another. The violet block really jumped out at me. My room is done with violet accents.

  15. WOW ! You just always always make beautiful things ! thanks for sharing !!!

  16. You've been busy!! I love the NYB - that is on my bucket list. The garden gate block is interesting and that a stand-alone project, or will there be other blocks? Thanks for the block show!

    In stitches,
    Teresa :o)

  17. Beautiful blocks, Sharon. I love the NYB's especially, and that violet paper pieced block.

  18. That yellow block is beautiful!! Along with all of your other lovely projects :-)

  19. Yes! I want to see your NYB's on the design wall. You know I love bright and cherry quilts.

    Although I've not taken any time to start any BOM's this year, I think I've got to do that Clover and Violet one. It is just too cute to pass up.

  20. Sharon, your yellow/green NYB block is simply fantastic! All your spring blocks are lovely, but the NYB block takes the prize!! :)

  21. I don't know how I missed this post. I love everyone of these blocks especially the NYB block.

  22. Really nice blocks. I especially like the NY Beauty one.
