
Sunday, April 1, 2012

April (Fools,Showers,Surprise)

April Fools' Day, or All Fools' Day, is the first day of April. No one knows where the custom began, but some historians believe it started in France. They had a New Year's festival that was celebrated from March 25 to April 1, and they would then exchange gifts. But, later, King James IV changed the holiday to January 1 for New Years. The people that still celebrated it April 1 were called 'April fish' and sent mock presents. April Fools' Day may also be related to the ancient Roman spring festival Hilaria, which celebrates the resurrection of the god Attis.

This is my second - yes second - basket mini quilt using just my favorite basket block from the 'Blessing Baskets' project. My first mini was my Doll Quilt Swap - and I wanted one for myself. It will stay on the design wall while I consider adding a border or two. **linking up with PatchworkTimes**

This is the first block in the Sew Hooked Garden Party paper pieced block a day blog hop - see side button. I LOVE to paper piece and this will be another scrap buster as I am just going to the scrap bin on this one.

And with encouragement from Marcia, I decided to show what all this messy cleaning has been all about. No 'beginning' picture, but this is HALF of my huge center hallway. I had everyone's 'leftovers' from my three kids stashed here and it was finally hauled off to the recycling center. Now I have a 10' x 14' area to set up my sewing center - so I can have a living/dining room back. The shelves have been assembled and up; and I am slowly sorting-tossing-boxing to ship off to Sarah and then I'll share more.

And I appologize for not posting winners on the 1st as planned but forgot that was Palm Sunday and I had family visiting for the day. Yes, I found a tote with some 2" squares that looked like I was starting another Postage Stamp Quilt, so my backdrop for the winners. Hafza of Hook'N NeeldE is our international winner and Patti of Pattilousquilts is our USA winner. I will be sending both a personal e-mail for mailing information. Congratulations ladies and thank you all for your support and friendship.


You will find me here today. Was that hard to keep a secret and I am honoured and thrilled!!


'April cold with dropping rain
Willows and lilacs brings again,
The whistle of returning birds
And trumpet-lowing of the herds.'
- Ralph Waldo Emerson

Sewingly Yours,


  1. Sharon a lovely size sewing room this will make,enjoy.xx

  2. That's going to be a lovely sewing area. I envy you being able to have a dedicated area like that.

    Congratulations too on your guest appearance "Behind the Seams". Your quilt is great and I love the story behind it too.

  3. I won the giveaway...thank you Sharon!! and Congratulations to you for being the April winner for the banner at Sew We Quilt...

  4. Love your Blessings and am thrilled that you are featured on the April banner. Way to go!

  5. Congratulations on the banner, Sharon!! Well deserved, to say the least!! And I LOVE your new sewing area!! What a smart idea to repurpose the entry hallway!!

  6. Shron I love your Broken Crayons and the story behind it - congratulations on having it featured on Sew We Quilt! I also love your baskets quilt. I've only made one small one but it was great fun. After I had it all quilted I realized I had one basket turned wrong but that just makes me smile every time I see it. blessings, marlene

  7. That's one of the cutest basket blocks I've ever seen, too. Love your notes! Looks like you're one busy lady lady stitching and organizing a new sewing space! Congrats on the banner quilt - lovely!

  8. Congratulations on being on the April banner! Cute story about your Crayon Box quilt (and sad with it getting lost) and I also love your cute label!

    My sewing room is getting a much needed face lift and will be all packed up for a little longer. Can't wait to get it all back in order so I understand how you feel about reclaiming you living space.

  9. Congratulations on being on the SWQ banner! Gorgeous quilt and wonderful story....your sewing spot will be so great - lots of nice natural light. Have a lovely day!

  10. What fun to have such a nice sewing area for yourself!

    I'm so excited to be a winner for your 400! Thank you!

  11. Oh, you sneaky one - I do imagine that was a very hard secret to keep and to think you had to make it over - that is called dedication. Congratulations and I will enjoy looking at the banner everytime I visit Samm. Judy C

  12. Sharon...that is going to be such a GREAT sewing area!

    And, congrats on a banner win!!! You are well deserving!!


  13. Broken Crayons is a Great Quilt! I'm looking forward to seeing a Broken Crayons sequel :D
    Congratulations! I'm so happy to see my friend's quilt in the Stash Manicure Banner today! And now for a whole month! Hurrah!

  14. What a fantabulous sewing space to come! Can't wait to see more!

  15. You are going to have a great quilting area!! Congrats on being featured on Madame Samm's header!!

  16. What a great story on the broken crayons!! And congratulations on being in Madame Samm's header!!

  17. I just saw your broken crayons quilt over at Mdm Samms. Congrats! Lovely quilt.

  18. Love your paper pieced musical notes block!
    Thanks for sharing your cleaning project... Can't wait to see it's transformation!
    Thanks for sharing at Minutes for Me Linky Party!
    Have a great weekend!
