
Friday, March 2, 2012

Updates and Winners


Box #1 - Samantha - Quazy Quilter - no word

Box #2 - Lindsay - Lindsaysews - comments open until March 6th

Box #3 - Traveling to Martha - Living Life

Box #4 - Jennifer - Knotted Thread - no word

Box # 5 - Traveling to Sarah - Confessions of a Fabric Addict

Box #6 - (new box started with Leap Day Blog Hop) traveling to Linda - Stray Stitches


Prizes are listed over at Tonya's - Hillbilly Handiwork

Remember, in order to participate in the May For Me Bingo, you will need a Bingo Card and it will need to be linked up when opened. We will all be giving you updates and gentle reminders as things roll along.


Did you catch the charms in the beginning? Well I was overwhelmed with the number of comments, we had our first snow storm here in the North East, I picked up a lot of new followers, and heck I just feel like it. I decided to double-down my give away. Yes, another set of charms: Domestic Bliss paired with a red Bella solid.

Marlene - Stitching By the Lake and Lesley - The Cuddle Quilter will receive the "Sassy bundle and Susan - Hanging on by a Needle & Thread and Richard Healey - Richard Quilts will each receive the Domestic Bliss bundle.

And for those who think I have sponsors - NO - I either have it in my stash or purchased specifically for a give away, but more importantly it is from my heart. I will be sending each winner a personal e-mail for information and I thank all of you for participating.

Sewingly Yours,


  1. congrats to the winners ,and Sharon what a generous heart you have,xx

  2. Congratulations to all the winners. Sharon you are a sweetie.

  3. Sharon, thank you for the generous giveaway - especially since it comes from your heart! Congratulations to the winners.

  4. Sharon, thank you so much for your wonderful giveaway. I definitely see a Schnibbles quilt on the horizon, or perhaps a "sassy" bingo card? Also, can you please send some of your talent and creativity in the package? It's a great day for quilting!

  5. Congrats to all the lucky winners! Thanks Sharon for your generous giveaway!

  6. A very large giving heart it is too.

  7. I'm so excited to be one of the winners! Thank you so much, Sharon!

  8. Congratulations to the winners.
    You are a very generous, kind person, Sharon. Generous with your sewing and quilting ideas, and your donation quilts and giveaways.
    Looks like your state is in for some cold, rough winter weather. Stay safe and warm.

  9. Congrats to the winners. You have a heart of gold Sharon, such a sweetie :)

  10. Sharon I'm thrilled to have won. Thank you so much for doing this! blessings, marlene

  11. That was sweet of you, Sharon, to add the charm packs. Congrats to all the winners!

  12. Congratulations to the winners. Thank you for providing a warm and generous spot on the web that we all feel comfortable visiting. I can't wait to get started on my bingo card.

  13. Congratulations and happy stitching to all the winners!! Have a great weekend Sharon...(o:

  14. Congratulations to the winners, but also a great big "YOU ARE AMAZING" to you. Such beautiful and generous giveaway.

  15. Yes thank you much for picking me as a winner. I too love giving things away. So excited to make something out of this when it shows up.

  16. Congratulations to ALL the winners and Sharon, you have a big, big, wonderful heart!! I know!!! Thank you!! Kris

  17. Congrats to the winners! and YES you have a BIG heart! Thanks for all you do -- from all of us!
    Have a wonderful weekend!

  18. Congrats to all the winners and thanks you so much.YOU ARE GREAT!

  19. You are a gracious and kind-hearted person -- I'm so lucky to know you!!! Have a GREAT weekend! :)

  20. Are you absolutely sure you are not from Texas? You know, Texans are fond of saying they have the biggest and best of anything you want to ask them about...."up north" sure has a treasure in you - and the biggest heart, too. (Hush, Texans, you just don't.) LOL So glad that we have you as a quilting friend!
    Congratulations to ALL of the winners!

  21. Congratulations to all the winners!! And Sharon, you have a wonderful generous heart and I'm so glad I can call you a friend - hopefully we can meet in person some day!! Thanks for all you do!

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. Traveling stash hasn't arrived to me yet :( as soon as it does i'll post it!

  24. how sweet of you, wished I hadn't missed this giveaway...i'm such a slacker

  25. Congrats to all the winners, Sharon you are such a generous person!
