
Sunday, March 18, 2012

Spring Re-Born

How fast the year has flewn - tomorrow is the first day of Spring! Although we have yet to really see it in full form - the birds are returning, green grass is showing, flowers buds are straining to open, and the apple trees are trying to shake out their branches into luscious colors that will some day bare fruit. You can actually smell Spring in the air.


Several quilts were sashed, bordered and sandwiched readied for quilting (well, quilted now) while on my mini hiatus from blogdom. This is my Fat Quarter Star Quilt Along quilt. Right now I am on the last corner and homestretch of sewing the binding down. Yes, I am swamped in miles of binding - and all to be hand done. **will link up with Patchwork Times**

I did the next little basket (bottom one) and don't they look so cute together! This is going to be a lovely piece and I may have to make one in red/white.

I've got a few projects going that are underwraps - one being using left over charms to make Churn Dash blocks. I just placed 2 charms on top each other, cut a 3" section which was the sub cut into a 3" square and a 1.5" x 2.5" rectangle - then seperated the the 2" pieces and used one to make two more 1.5" x 2.5" rectagles (the extra went into the mix for my little houses). I have lots of muslin strips and triangles I am using up with these.

Very cute 6.5" Churn Dash blocks. I am even mixing the corners and the bars when I don't have 2 charms alike. I get to clear out those odd charms and BONUS, some lovely blocks for a project.


Just a reminder, Sarah at Confessions of a Fabric Addict is taking sign-ups for the Hands2Help. Please visit her for all the information and sign up instructions. I hope you will consider in joining in.


A sense of warmth is tapping at the door;
And hope, a feeling out from distant lore
– Or so it seems – clears the deep refrain!

Emerging youth: a dormant lea awakes.
The raging colour, singing loud, partakes
In annual birth – spring is born again!

Sewingly Yours,


  1. as usual Sharon ,wonderful blocks,well done.xx

  2. Love the Fat Quarter may inspire me to sew my blocks together! And the little basket blocks are adorable. Love to see your creations!

  3. Oh Sharon, you have such fun things going on today!! I hope your weekend was as productive as you needed it to be!! Your FQSQA piece is lovely -- I love that color combo! :)

  4. I can't believe how time is flying as I get up in "numbers". We have about 3" of snow on the ground, all around us. I think that Spring is feeling a bit confused. =P

    I am always amazed at how you so creatively "use-up" and work with your stash. It's very inspiring! Can I learn thru osmosis even if it's over cyberspace? Maybe if I just keep your blog tab up ALL the time? =)



  5. The fat quarter stars is beautiful and I love the little baskets.

  6. Beautiful fat quarter block quilt! I am also in love with your churn dash blocks. I have been thinking of making more of these of all sizes into a quilt. It is one of my favorite blocks.

  7. Spring, me that means thunderstorms....:(( We are suppose to get one today. Yep bad weather scares me.

    But I love your flimsy and your blocks and the poem. Did you write it?

  8. Fat quarters are a wonderful way to make blocks and use up scraps.

  9. I'm so inspired by your using up orphan charm squares....that is such a great idea!
    Love your blue and white blocks, too!

  10. Sharon - Looks you had a very productive "power down"!! My favorite - your Fat Quarter Star Quilt!! Can hardly believe tomorrow is already the first day of Spring!! Kris

  11. I honestly can't believe tomorrow is Spring already, but boy am I happy about it! Pollen is in full swing around here. Looks like a green fog! hee,hee,hee.
    Have always loved the churndash block. So pretty!

  12. Have you decided how you are going to make the latest JT2 block?

    Happy sewing

  13. That fat quarter star quilt is just wonderful!! And thanks for the quick tip on using up those extra charm squares, love it!! I'll definitely be using that one. I pinned it for later reference

  14. Look at all these beautiful blocks! Thank you so much for sharing the link! :-) Happy Spring!
