
Saturday, March 31, 2012


It was a very productive and fun month. The only piece I haven't posted a photo of was my little quilt for the Doll Quilt Swap - because I wanted it to be a surprise! And what's a doll quilt without a doll to go with it?

I know NewFo is about starting something new, not necessarily finishes - but I did finish up all my projects. And I won't re-photo, but list:

Mini Charm Wallhanging with SewLux
March Schnibbles
Bust Yo Scrap Quilt
Farmer's Wife Hop - Pillow. Armchair Caddy, Journal Cover
Zig Zag Quilt
FQ Star Quilt
Ackfield Wire Hanger - St. Patricks Day(and FMQ challenge), Snowman
String A-Long Block with SewLux - flimsie donated to Sarah
Made in Cherry Wallhanging
Pioneer Friendship Quilt
NYB blocks (on going)

And I have added several new buttons for some fun adventures to add to NewFo for the month of April.

Please visit Barbara at Cat Patches and see all the NewFo link ups.

Sewingly Yours,

Friday, March 30, 2012

Traveling Stash Winner

Cherise of Sewingly Along - give her some love, she has a wonderful blog. Congratulations and I will be sending Cherise a personal e-mail for information.

Just an Update:
Echinops and Aster has that box up for comments.

Sewingly Along,

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Feed Sack Quilt Auction

Sarah at Confessions of a Fabric Addict wonderfully spotted this lovely quilt top and brought it home. She is auctioning off this and

these lovely fan blocks on muslin sugar sacks and 30's fabric (30 blocks) which were acquired at the same sale. If you are interested , please visit Sarah's blog for more information and for how to place a bid. All proceedes will go to their charity quilt ministry work

Sewingly Yours,

Wednesday, March 28, 2012


This is my play on the mini charm fun being offered at Sew Lux - see side button for the string along - now we are playing with charms. I have been trying to use my orphan charms in projects and this was just too cute. So I made use of some Salt Air, left over backing fabric, left over binding, and some scrap batt - now a cool mini hanging over my computer. Why not hop over and see her tutorial, dig out those orphan charms (or cut your own) and brighten your wall.

And here is this month's Schnibbles 'Bibelot' done in Salt Air. I kept to a small wallhanging - remember it is my year of small projects. I was not really that into this pattern, hence, it was added to the stash box. I know the 'T' block as another way, which I much prefer and actually have plans for that will be using the wonderful FQ bundle 'Summer Breeze II' that my SIL gave me.

The next NYB block for the quilt along. This is going to be a zinger quilt and even though not my usual color and work, I am really loving this. Not sure how to quilt this, may have it done by a local long armer when the time comes. Or I may get inspired and hand quilt this. This NewFO will certainly be next year's UFO.

The next block for the Blogger's BOM. Just using some of my colorful scraps from the bin with scrap muslin with these. Another NewFO that will be next year's UFO .

And I have received some lovelies in the mail. Flo of Butterfly Quilting sent me the wonderful snip bag with pincushion. Pat of Pattilousquilts sent me this cute coffee fabric mug rug - using at my computer stand. Laura of Fun with This and That was my partner for the Journal Cover swap and sent me the most wonderful journal cover in my favorite color (blue). Love the voile little kids and the accent blue stripe fabric. With a steno book and pens - it is popped right into my Quilt Guild tote as my planner - on the quilt planning committee, so will be used!


Box #1 moving on to Kim at One Krafty Kitty Momma

Box #2 is moving to RichardQuilts - congratulations family - Julia has arrived!!

Box #3 is ME and will be announced Friday night.

Box #4 is still with Echinops and Aster and I contacted as it has been a long time - no post yet - feel free to contact her and ask

Box #5 is moving to Cheryl at Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting

Box #6 - pass along box does not move until the 29th (leap year box) so watch Linda at Stray Stitches


I have just been so swamped with cleaning and clearing and meeting quilting obligations and our quilt guild program and preparations for April and May blogging surprise fun and another furnace fire and ordering the NEW Ghastlies - phew - that I hardly noticed until someone kicked me. Numbers, oh you sweet,dear people have made me just blush. Look - 400 + in just a year and a half! How can I say thank you to make my special number?

Well, with some 'Friendship' by Howard Marcus for Moda paired with some Bella Black. One set for my USA neighbors and one set for my lovely international neighbors. Just my way of thanking all of you in blogging friendship. Just let me know in the comments if you would like your name in the draw - and who wouldn't as this is gorgeous. Winners announce April 1st!


With all this rearranging, clearing that has actually made more of a mess, workmen fixing my furnace, noise, business - my poor furries are be-muddled to say the least - sweet Bella mostly hides in my bedroom.

But this is how we are finding poor Moe - squeezed into the tightest of places. Hey he's got taste, that's a Fat Quarter Shop box!

Sewingly Yours,

Monday, March 26, 2012

Scrap Attack

This is one of my entries for the Scrap Attack Challenge hosted by Stitched in Color. The pattern for the quilt was designed for the Bust Yo Scraps at Just a Bit Frayed. I used much smaller pieces - 4.5" snowballs and 2.5" setting squares using Kona Snow that was some strips trimmed from a previous quilt. I had to piece one of the final borders to have 'just enough'. The color bits are 1.5" squares and 1.5 x 2.5" bricks from the scrap bin. So many pieces of different projects.

Luckily this is a baby quilt - I used a left over piece of striped binding and had just a 2 inch bit trimmed. The backing is a trim from a larger quilts back and had to be pieced. Batt is two trims zig-zagged together. I used a simple STID with a lite blue CT Essential thread.
This little quilt will donated for the Hands2Help project.

My second entry is my Fat Quarter Star Quilt with photos and information found here.

Please visit the other entrants for the Scrap Attack Challenge,

Sewingly Yours,

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Traveling Stash Box Moving

The box arrived a few days ago, but busy with other things kept me until today to open it and take a look. I could keep this whole box! But what fun would that be for you folks?

This is what I chose to keep. Strawberries, tomatoes, some little pixies, some of the small pieces (the scrapper in me), love the primative dolls and bee hives, two books for our sewing classes and the template.

And this is what I am adding to the box. Some FQs, horse panel with cowboy boots yardage, left over Fig Tree, RJR and Hoffman, some kid's prints yardage as there is none in this box, 2 CT charm packs and 1 Moda Salt Air charm pack, Green Fairy patterns and Schnibble pattern.

1. Be an active blogger to be able to post your give away.
2. Replace comparable quilt quality amount taken from box.
3. Move the box on along in reasonable time.
4. Due to the amount of postage, shipping only within the USA.

I will leave the comments open until Fri. March 3oth 10pm and then post winner so box can ship right out. All attempts will be made to personally contact winner, so be sure you are not a NO-REPLY blogger (see side button).

Sewingly Yours,

Friday, March 23, 2012

Farmer's Wife in Your Life

I enjoyed following along with the blog hop hosted by Sunni at Love Affair with my Brother and finding many sources of inspiration for these delightful blocks. You could use blocks from the book - which I don't have but these wonderful ladies shared spotlights - or you could use any 6.5" block. I played with two blocks shared from the book and one from Quilter's Cache (maybe it's in the book).

I wanted to find a use for some abandoned charms and this was a perfect fit for them. The classic Churn Dash block.

They became perfect pockets for an armchair pincushion keep. Even orphan charms were used for the pincushion.

And left overs from last month's Schnibbles became the base, backing and binding. Even a bit of trimmed batt was used up.

The next try at using those orphan charms. Another classic heritage block - the Bow Tie.

Just a fun pillow to match my afghan. And again, a bit of recycling as I used a Christmas pillow, just made my Bow Tie with a placket back so I could slip this pillow form right in. The pillow no longer is in storage and I didn't need to purchase another.

This was our inspiration in the Color Challenge for PatchWork Times and I thought it would be great to combine these two challenges, so went to a wonderful block source - The Quilter's Cache.

I chose the block - Cock's Comb - for my next project. I am also following the Free Motion Quilting Challenge and thought I would dress up that plain notebook. I used some 'period' fabrics for the cover and block, but had some fun with the back.

I like to show I have a sense of humor - so just had to use this chicken fabric with this block. Hey, the chicks have to be with the rooster.

And I put a few different size pockets on the inside cover slides. I can keep any templates, pencils, etc... on hand. And my notes, sketches, printouts are in protective sleeves. Now I have a more inspiring notebook. Hope it improves my free motion quilting!

Thank you for stopping by and please visit the other entrants in the 'Farmer's Wife' challenge.

Sewingly Yours,

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Playing with Charms, Fat 8's and Up-Cycling

I remember as a young girl, just thrilled with my first charm bracelet. Then passing it to my daughter thinking that 'charming phase' was gone. Now a new obsession with charms - a different kind of charm - precuts! So fun to play with, but when you don't use all of the pack - or if you are like me, you pull from this one and that one - you end up with a box of orphans that begin to look like your scrap bin.

I have been following the Farmer's Wife in your Life and finding some use for those orphan charms. This time two 3.5" squares and two 1.5" squares. Those scrap bits feed my box to use for those little houses so no waste there.

Yes, some pretty little bow tie blocks are growing. My always faithful tub of muslin scraps comes in so handy and for these 'heritage' blocks, muslin is perfect.

I finished the zig zag quilt using the winnings from Let Me See Your Jelly Roll. The box was crammed with cut jelly roll pieces and I pulled 2 Bella White charm packs. Sliced them in half and paired up to make a 2-rail block that is set to make the zig zag. So quick to make! The last of my Moda 'Chocolat' for the back and found an old Bernetex 'Circles' in the stash for the binding.

The NYB block using my fat 8 bundle. I had just enough of these lines to make this block - just widgets and smidgets left! I think I said before, I am really measuring and mathing on these to get the most from the fabrics - no room for error.

I am so happy to say that my Fat Quarter Star Quilt Along quilt is finished. Although no fat quarter was used - up-cycled men's shirts, some shot cotton left overs, sashing from the sale room ($2.50 yrd), pieced batt, and a yard sale cotton charcoal grey sheet for the back (10 cents) - you can't beat it!

Only project left for the month is this month's Schnibbles. And that is ready for quilting tomorrow. I am in the 'Spring Cleaning' mode and want the final week of March for total clean out - Mr Clean better look out!


Erma Bombeck said it with laughter:

My second favorite household chore is ironing. My first being hitting my head on the top bunk bed until I faint.
My idea of housework is to sweep the room with a glance.
The Rose Bowl is the only bowl I've ever seen that I didn't have to clean.
My theory on housework is, if the item doesn't multiply, smell, catch fire, or block the refrigerator door, let it be. No one else cares. Why should you?

I prefer:

I am thankful for a lawn that needs mowing, windows that need cleaning and gutters that need fixing because it means I have a home.... I am thankful for the piles of laundry and ironing because it means my loved ones are nearby. ~Nancie J. Carmody

Sewingly Yours,

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Spring Re-Born

How fast the year has flewn - tomorrow is the first day of Spring! Although we have yet to really see it in full form - the birds are returning, green grass is showing, flowers buds are straining to open, and the apple trees are trying to shake out their branches into luscious colors that will some day bare fruit. You can actually smell Spring in the air.


Several quilts were sashed, bordered and sandwiched readied for quilting (well, quilted now) while on my mini hiatus from blogdom. This is my Fat Quarter Star Quilt Along quilt. Right now I am on the last corner and homestretch of sewing the binding down. Yes, I am swamped in miles of binding - and all to be hand done. **will link up with Patchwork Times**

I did the next little basket (bottom one) and don't they look so cute together! This is going to be a lovely piece and I may have to make one in red/white.

I've got a few projects going that are underwraps - one being using left over charms to make Churn Dash blocks. I just placed 2 charms on top each other, cut a 3" section which was the sub cut into a 3" square and a 1.5" x 2.5" rectangle - then seperated the the 2" pieces and used one to make two more 1.5" x 2.5" rectagles (the extra went into the mix for my little houses). I have lots of muslin strips and triangles I am using up with these.

Very cute 6.5" Churn Dash blocks. I am even mixing the corners and the bars when I don't have 2 charms alike. I get to clear out those odd charms and BONUS, some lovely blocks for a project.


Just a reminder, Sarah at Confessions of a Fabric Addict is taking sign-ups for the Hands2Help. Please visit her for all the information and sign up instructions. I hope you will consider in joining in.


A sense of warmth is tapping at the door;
And hope, a feeling out from distant lore
– Or so it seems – clears the deep refrain!

Emerging youth: a dormant lea awakes.
The raging colour, singing loud, partakes
In annual birth – spring is born again!

Sewingly Yours,

Wednesday, March 14, 2012


I'd like you all to consider joining in with the Hands2Help Charity Quilt drive being organized by Sarah at Confessions of a Fabric Addict. Click here or on the side bar button to take you to her blog for all the information and the schedule. She has set up so many options to make it easy for anyone to participate - even offering outside of the U.S. quilter's to send their flimsies (backing,batt,binding) to be quilted by her to help keep the cost of mailing down. Go read her blog posts and seriously consider contributing a charity quilt.

I managed to get the next NYB block done - the grey fabric really did not handle well and went with my shot cotton stack to pull the orange solid instead of using the orange in this line. This was a difficult block and I do a lot of paper piecing. I am keeping the sections seperate as I want to be able to mix these blocks up when all done.

I did up a quick St. Patty Day Mini for my hanger. I think a 4-leaf clover is lucky, so opted for that setting rather than a 3-leaf of the Shamrock. And I used this piece for the March FMQ Challenge with SewCalGal.

And I finished up the bonus project started with the Christmas Quilt Along. As you can see a 12" x 14" mini will fit on these hangers, too. This one is completely handquilted which I felt was more fitting with the very country look with all the plaids.

This is the first stitchery for the Garden Steps - with Clover & Violet. I used a lite weight fuseable pellon interfacing (just to cover the center) after tracing the design as I like something backing my stitching. With the stichery and then a stitch in the ditch when quilting up the top - it will be held well in place.

No closing thought today - just a note - I will be powering down from Friday to Monday. Most will be blog hopping with the Quilt Gallery and I am skipping that. I have a LOT of projects with deadlines and the nose has to go to the grindstone. So I am not ignoring you all - I'll catch up - but I need to get serious with my two machine.

Sewingly Yours,

Monday, March 12, 2012

National Quilting Month

I know we are half into the month, but thought I would make you all aware of the National Quilting Association site. They offer a free pattern for National Quilting Day, which is March 17, 2012. This lovely Mariner's Star pattern is this year's pattern. The site has a number of past patterns still available.

Also, silly me, new to me and I use a lot of their products:
Pellon main site with lots of projects as well as their products should you want to review. Maybe there is a project that fancies you for National Quilting Day.


Box #1 - Moving on to Linda at Stray Stitche (she also is waiting on Box #6)

Box #2 - still no word with From Blank Pages

Box #3 - Moving on to ME!!

Box #4 - Moving on to Jenelle Echinops & Asters

Box #5 - Moving to Terri QuiltNCards

Sewingly Yours

Sunday, March 11, 2012


I hope you all remembered Day Light Savings Time. I have all but one clock that are computer/auto re-sets. My battery kitchen clock is a little high, so will wait for son to visit for that to be changed - as well as to climb the step stool to change the batteries in all the smoke/carbon monoxide detectors.

It hasn't been the time change that is a bother, but our funny weather. One day it is 20, the next 50, the next 30, the next 60 , etc.... AND so nice that it freakishly snowed on Christmas Quilt Along! I rather it stayed a little cold for a bit, I don't want flowers and fruit trees to bud out too early and then Mother Nature throw a 'laugh' at us and lose them.


This is my New York Beauty (NYB) block - block #0 with the quilt along. Even if you don't want to join the quilt along the site has free blocks that might inspire even a single block wonder. Ula's beauty blocks and she has other patterns.

The next little basket block with Temecula Quilt Co's "Blessing Baskets". Yes, they are tiny pieces - just go slowly. They are just so sweet!

I finished up the last few string blocks for SewLux Scrap Attack Strings Quilt Along and put them into a quilt top. You won't see the finished quilt here as it has been sent with some other goodies to Sarah's ministry group.

I did up all the Court House blocks in prep for Clover and Violet's Garden Steps quilt. The first little stitchery is available, but I have a few other items to finish up - then I can stitch. *also linking up with PatchworkTimes 'On The Wall'

I haven't seen these on other blogs? Yes, the flicker group, but not blogs. They are the first two blocks for Schell's "Harrington & Hannah" BOM over at The Raspberry Rabbits. I have to work on them a little at a time - oops, so forgot why I had to give up making Mohair Bears - allergic to wool. Yes, my flower pot is crooked - happens when you are placing/fusing when a furry wants your attention.


I didn't want to forget - this is the cute little bundle and pattern that I won from SewLux for last month's link-up with all my string blocks. I already have fabric pulled for the pattern and the FQs are ear-marked for a small project.

And I got a delightful e-mail from Linda at Stray Stitches that I had won this beautiful cross stitch stocking kit. DUH me totally forgot about this give away, such a pleasant surprise and can't wait for it to come.

OH MY - a wonderful package arrive Saturday morning. Love my FALL swap from Sherry. A disappearing 4-patch table topper and the most fantastic ceramic pumpkin. I actually have it sitting out. I want to enjoy it now.


Tonya has posted a very discriptive rule listing as well as answered some questions - please visit. And her site will be the one to post further questions. ALSO, please visit Sheila at Sew Cook and Travel and Blinda at The Seamrippers for some inspirational Bingo Cards. It's been fun seeing these popping up and thank you ladies for helping with a little promo. The tutorial for the Bingo Card is here but feel free to make this your OWN card - have fun with it.

***I will update the Traveling Stash on Tuesday***
***Please visit Sarah with updated info on Hands2Help -click on button***


“What comes first, the compass or the clock? Before one can truly manage time (the clock), it is important to know where you are going, what your priorities and goals are, in which direction you are headed (the compass). Where you are headed is more important than how fast you are going. Rather than always focusing on what's urgent, learn to focus on what is really important.”
*source unknown*

Sewingly Yours,