
Sunday, February 5, 2012

Harbinger of Spring

It's so hard to think that it is still Winter when it has been so warm, lite of snow and the yard is filled with Robins. And they vie with the possom and the skunk for the few wiggly worms in the mud of lawn and drive. I love being able to get more walking in, checking the flower beds to see what is starting to peek thru the 'covers'. But I'll keep those tender shoots under their blankets of leaves and bark - because I know Mother Nature can still throw a tantrum. And Robin Redbreast, we'll give you tender treats as you find your favorite spot in the old grape vines and bare apple trees. (and scold those furries for teasing you so)


I just love the pattern chosen for the next Schnibbles - i.s.t.h. And pulled the fabric quickly as I knew exactly how I wanted to do this. Howard Marcus 'Collecions for a Cause - Comfort' just sings 'traditional' to me for this little quilt - with some 'Chocolat' by 3-Sisters and my favorite muslin. I already have bits of it hanging on the wall and mantel - working it as leader/enders. I will link up with Judy at Patchwork Times. I can't wait to see what everyone else has on their walls.


I had done a lot of house cleaning and the extra table was taken down because my grandsons came to visit over the weekend - needed a clear 'playzone' for all those cars and trucks. So when the table went back up, I was determined to get some quilts finished. So the Picnic Quilt was tackled first. Since I used a flannel back, I stayed with a simple stretched 'wiggle line' and used up some scrap binding (pieced a bunch together). Done - first large (50" square) quilt for the year and will be one of my donation quilts.

This quilt top was made during the Sew Scraps Along - and look - I was the Grand Prize Winner!! When my goodies arrive, I will surely share. Thank you Jodi and all the lovely people who helped with tutorials, inspiration, and sponsoring.


More little houses. They are starting to look alike as I am still playing out of the same scrap bag. Think I need to use that bag for some string blocks and get some fresh scraps (and I do have plenty of them) for more house building.

More ornaments stitched. I think there are enough in that box now to pull out some Christmas fabric scraps and start making these into completed ornies. Now to find my ribbon!


I still have to get a scale - but I know the pounds are dropping as I have had many ask me 'are you losing weight'? And, I bought some new jeans - a size smaller! I'm trying hard to eat scheduled meals - finding it most important to start the day with a healthy breakfast. Adding more protein in my diet - I really like greens and fish - eating a lot of fish!And maybe with the 'spring-like' feel, have been on a salad kick. Can't wait for those fresh salad fixin's from the garden. To add to this week, more walking. And the nice weather has helped me get outside for that. I have set time limits at the sewing machine - set that timer and get up and move. The ironing is set up across the room so I have to get up and move. And pushing that vacumm does put up a sweat more than my pedal machine.


(poems for the class room)
Robin sits in the apple tree
Singing sweetly down to me.
She tells me of her cozy nest
In the tree she likes the best.
She tells me that her robin mate
And she herself can hardly wait --
They have four blue eggs, you see,
That soon will be their family.
They'll live together in their cozy nest
In the tree that they love best.
Happy in her apple tree,
Robin sings her news to me!

Sewingly Yours,


  1. gee Sharon you have been busy and congrats on your win.xx

  2. Congratulations on your win, and on your loss.

  3. I was thinking exactly what Quilt Sue said! Good for you girlfriend!

  4. Sounds like you're staying busy. Losing weight does so much for a person's spirits.

  5. Congratulations on your weight loss and healthy lifestyle changes. The incremental changes you make all add up. I always enjoy your posts!

  6. Oooh! Nice win *and* loss! And your stitcheries are looking great! Have a lovely day, friend! :)

  7. Congrats on winning the grand prize!!! Oh and look at those ornaments, my gosh those are adorable. I especially like the Christmas pig. One year we put up a small tree and all it had was pig ornaments :)

  8. Congratulations on your winnings, and on your losing, too! LOL I'm trying to move around more, too. It seems harder to me when it is cold, tho some say that makes it easier. Your houses are so much fun!

  9. Congrats on the winning and loosing - That is wonderful. I like buying new clothes when they are smaller!
    I long for the fresh veggies again! We have a little grocery store with limited fresh veggies. It's celery and carrots this time of year - oh and apples!
    I love your houses! They are looking so cool! You really do get alot of sewing completed!
    Have a great day!

  10. Congratulations on your Grand win! Your little houses are so cute! Congrats on the weight loss too!

  11. I was so excited to see you won!! Woohoo!!! And those little house blocks are so cute!!

  12. Congrats on the win! It is always great to see what you are up to. Love the ornaments and the houses.

  13. Congrats on you win!! The houses are so cute as are all the ornaments. Good job on sticking to you meal plan and exercise!

  14. You have had some great wins lately. Congratulations!! Love your post today. Making me long for Spring.

  15. Love the little houses... and the chrissy ornaments. You certainly have had a wriggle on! :)

  16. Sounds like you are making some healthy choices :-) We had salad one night and cookies later. Do they cancel each other out? I don't know. Congrats on your hard work! I can't wait to see your Schnibbles this month!

  17. Get in all the walking you can. I'm betting that Old Man Winter is going to bury us in the white stuff at some point before spring truly arrives.

  18. Good for you on losing weight! Love your little houses. It's been nice here too. When I came in the front door the other day I noticed some valiant purple little flowers still blooming on a plant that gets the warm sunshine during the afternoon. How it survives the really cold nights is beyond me, but there it is! A hope for spring!

  19. Hi there, your quilts are adorable. I love the one with the little houses. So cute. Thanks so much for sharing. I have recently found your blog and am now following you, and will visit often. Please stop by my blog and perhaps you would like to follow me also. Have a wonderful day. Hugs, Chris

  20. Congrats on your win. Also on the weight loss. I've only gone up (and up and up) since the first of the year. I don't know why, but, I'll be working on it even more now.

  21. I love your little houses! I tried looking on the blogger's site that had the little house challange but she has removed the instructions. Do you know if anyone sells the pattern?
