
Sunday, January 1, 2012

Year of the Dragon

Chinese New Year is the most important of the traditional Chinese holidays. In China, it is known as "Spring Festival," , owing to the difference between Western and traditional Chinese methods for computing the seasons. The festival begins on the first day of the first month in the traditional Chinese calendar and ends with Lantern Festival which is on the 15th day. Chinese New Year's Eve, a day where Chinese families gather for their annual reunion dinner, is known as "Eve of the Passing Year."

The Dragon - one of the 12-year cycle of animals which appear in the Chinese zodiac related to the Chinese calendar, and the only animal that is legendary. The Year of the Dragon is associated with the earthly branch symbol --- Wood - Fire - Earth - Metal - Water . 2012 is the year of the Water Dragon. In Chinese element theory, water produces wood, which signifies growth and is the natural element of the dragon. The dragon governs east/southeast, wealth accumulation & the hours of 7 a.m. - 9 a.m. Associated with thunder, lightning and arousal, the Water Dragon personifies creativity at its best. The energetic high point of the year is the Dragon Moon, which is May 20.

I made fabric fortune cookies for our next quilt guild meeting program. There are several tutorials out there, but this is the one I used and it is so easy. We will be stuffing them with some 'items' for the next challenge. I can't share that, as some guild members read my bog! So, you will have to wait for later in the month.

And I played a little with those tiny houses. Yes, I mixed things up a little but maybe I will leave them. Not everyone's house is the same and I do have some other small house block patterns, so I may play with more than one small house - even thinking of using a NYBeauty block for the center instead of the large house.

These blue beauties came from the 'swap mama' herself. Sue was my partner for December in the 6" Australian Block Swap. I think another year will give me lots of pretty blocks to mix with mine to make for a super special spool quilt.

Like so many of you, my few Christmas decorations have been packed away for another year. A new kitchen tablecloth with snowmen with the January mini on the Ackfeld Wire frame sets off a new look. It's been unseasonably warm and only a dusting of snow so far. BUT, it's the Northeast and you know it is going to come.

The next block in the Blogger's Block of the Month. I am just playing out of my pre-cut scrap barrels with this one. I don't do brights, solids, more modern - but that's where this one is going and I like it. If you look close, you may be able to make out the black fabric is the map of Manhattan - some scraps given to me by one of our students. I think she picked it up when the guild went to the Red/White show in NYC.

A little more progress on the scrap challenge with Marcia - remember, this is about trying a new technique not about finishing or size. A mug rug will do. Although I'm thinking mine will be a crib quilt.

This is the 12 Days of Christmas mini. Using the left over Blueberry Crumb Cake charms and just loving this. These are quick and easy blocks and they work up so fast, they wet my appetite for more sewing. I could kick myself, one of my followers (wave your hand) said she was doing two of these - one for herself and one for a gift - what a wonderful idea. I may just have to make one up in some brights for my daughter.


Box#1 - Becky is ready to move the stash on - she has just posted (click on her name to take you there) and will hold comments open until Jan. 7th.

Box#2 - Ali will be posting the move next week, so I will remember to update you all

Box#3 - Barbara is announcing winner today - Miki Willa is the new home!


I don't make resolutions, I've done the 'word' thing, and in the 'winter' of my life I don't do lists of changes. In having Irene thru a curve ball into our community, I have learned even more to take each day as it comes, make the best of it, and charish what you have. I will keep my Gr.Gran's 'extend both hands' to those in need as our community continues to try and recover. Hopefully with the year of the Water Dragon - luck, prosperity, creativity, and harmony will flow.

It’s very sad that Dragons are extinct,
Just a Myth or a Fairy-Tale,
Kept alive only with pen and ink.

Sewingly Yours,


  1. Hi Sharon - Like Biilie, I really like your 12 Days of Christmas!! I am keeping an eye on each day and trying to decide what fabrics to use. I love your January mini and the Year of the Dragon info!! And I, like you, no longer make new years resolutions except one - "no new years resolutions"!! I hope 2012 is a banner year for you and your little community!! Kris

  2. OMG! I totally forgot about the traveling stash. Will do it as soon as hubby moves his buns off the computer!

  3. Sharon, I love each and every project you've shown here. You have a real talent for putting together colors. And your little houses are precious! I've made a couple, so I can really appreciate the difficulty in the fussy cuts...well done!

  4. I am a Water Dragon. I guess that explains alot since I always have so many creative things in the works. I don't do resolutions either but I do make lists. Lots of lists. My sisters call me the Queen of Lists but then again I typically get a lot more done than they do.

    I hope to make it to the meeting this week and get to meet you there.

  5. Love the 12 days of Christmas. Is the blueberry crumble as pretty in person as it is on the computer screen? I think I'm gonna have to get me some of that. Happy New Year!

  6. I am another water Dragon...and I also make lists, and more lists...must be one of our traits!
    Sharon, love seeing all you work, and always learn something new here !
    Go Dragons!!

  7. I was born in the year of the Dragon too. We celebrate Chinese New Year and many other Chinese husband of 38 years was born in So China many years ago.

    I LUV your fabric fortune cookies. I've been trying to think of an idea to make them into pin cushions far, no method has come to mind. =(

    I do MAKE lists. Following is a whole 'nother story =P. Does trying count?


  8. I had to google right away and found out I am an earth dog! LOL It was fun because many of the traits really do match up with me! I love your January mini - looking forward to what everyone will show in February.... Happy New Year!

  9. What lovely projects you have made!

  10. Gracious -- you constantly have so much going on!! Barbara announced her TS winner. It wasn't me. *sigh* Have a great week, Sharon! :)

  11. Sharon - I love all of your projects - you are so creative and busy. Wish I had more to show for December, ohwell, there is always January. Not doing any resolutions this year - need to take one day at a time and make it the best every day. Happy New Year. Judy C

  12. I love your closing thought! I'm not making a list either...giggle!

    Happy New Year!

  13. Love the house blocks. I think I may try the fortune cookies. The blueberry crumb blocks are one of my all time favorite color combinations.
