
Tuesday, January 31, 2012

January NewFO

I absolutely fell in love with Barbara's NewFO idea for the 2012 year - it is OK to start something new!! And with my plans for no large quilts - just a year of small fun projects - it just fit. It was 'the wind beneath my wings' and I did soar.

Marcia's scrap block challenge did stir me and I have a flimsy to quilt.

The Pleasant Home - scrap challenge resulted in this lovely Picnic Quilt (flimsy to be quilted), table mat and mug rug (done) and a Dresden Mini (done).

A self challenge - received a bag of scraps from a Quilt Guild member and set off to see how many projects I could come up with. This birdhouse mini, house/tree mini, a few note cards, and a baby quilt (in progress) - I think another mini wallhanging can be squeeked out with the scraps from the scraps! They do multiply!!

It helped me to decide to join in with the year of Schnibbles and the first one was 'Full House' - so perfect as I love house blocks. OH and I loved the year of little houses - so 31 little houses are nestled in box with a bag of scraps from the month's projects - yes, building houses from the year's scraps for another quilt.

And the Color Palette Challenge is going to give ample latitude for a new project each month. I combined this with another group that has monthly technique challenges - so my color and circle project in one.

The Bust Yo Scraps showed up - this piece will be done as a leader/ender project and is slowly growing (I noticed one section turned the wrong way). It will help to tame those 1.5" squares that I just love to save. And the Made in Cherry has been fun - working it smaller with 2" squares to stay with my year of small projects.

And of course there are the cross stitch ornaments - at least one a week - and some other mini wallhanging pieces being done.

Oh - the FMQ Challenge - good practic and can be used on the NEWFO pieces that are evolving.

January has been a productive and fun month. I look forward to what February brings. I will be linking up with Barbara at CatPatches. I hope you take a visit and see what others have done with their NewFO year.

Sewingly Yours,


  1. My goodness Sharon! You have certainly been very prolific!!! Great job on all your projects - I can't wait to see what February brings too!

  2. Oh, my! Sharon, I really love your birdhouse mini. :D

  3. How in the world do you do it all?

  4. Everyone has done so much this month, really impressive!

  5. Oh Sharon -- you did a terrific job of 'soaring' this month! So many lovely things you've working on ths past month! I really am enjoying the NewFO movement myself.

  6. Do you ever sleep? what a wonderful bunch of projects. Love the little birdhouse.

  7. Oh, you had a lot of fun. I'm so glad you joined in!

  8. You have some really great projects here. I really like your houses and your scrappy quilts.

  9. You have some great NewFO's going! yay, Feb is almost here!

  10. Lots of fun projects, but I love the little houses the scrappy and cute!

  11. I love your Full House Sharon. You've been very busy.

  12. A year of small projects sounds like a wonderful idea. You have certainly been busy this month :)

  13. Oh Sharon you are always so busy, prolific and creative. I love to visit! Love the wee houses... :)

  14. Do you ever sleep? I don't know how you get all this done. I love your projects especially the little houses.

  15. whow you amaze me Sharon with your projects,well done and i also love those houses.xx

  16. Look at you go!!! Great projects. The bust yo scraps project would look great with some of your stitching in the white spaces :) Love seeing your stitching.

  17. Good show for the month of June. I'm still enjoying the little picnic quilt. Perfect for a little boy.

  18. It is fun to come here and see what you have been up to! Never disappointed either.
    This week I have to try and fit in making a quilt for a guild program next Tuesday. The girl who was scheduled to run the program is recouping from surgery so I am taking her place. I might be sewing and quilting in the wee hours! But your inspiration will see me through!

  19. Loved the whimsy of the "Home Tweet Home"! Just darling.

  20. Loved the whimsy of the "Home Tweet Home"! Just darling.

  21. Wow you really did get a lot done in January.

  22. You've been busy! I only got small things done.
