
Thursday, January 5, 2012

Building More Blocks

My grandsons love playing blocks as much as I do. I get to build, they get to play. Well, I guess I get to play too!

I've added more to my 'building blocks' for Marcia's scrap challange. You have until Jan. 17th to get your project finished to enter for a free quilting. It can even be a pot holder, mug rug, table runner - largest is baby quilt. And since it's scrap play, you could even enter it into the Scrap Along.

A couple more little house blocks. Done with whimsy - fish and cats. When I finish a project, I am putting my scraps into a baggy and that's my play material for these. I like to chain piece these, so I work 2 blocks every other day to equal the 'block a day'. These will be linked up with Marcia's Minutes for Me fun.

I know - it is a strip not a block, but this is for the Color Pallette Challenge (and a circle challenge). This is being used in building some new blocks. Also, using a new technique learned (from my MOM) and I have been documenting so I can share with you all.

The 12 Days of Christmas sampler blocks are all done. I think I will sew these together with 2 skinny borders as a finish. I think everyone has enjoyed these little treasures - a quick bit of play with a charming finish.

See - told ya, did a second one up of this cute little pattern. These I think are left over charms from Hoopla. This one I think I will sash with white to break up all that bright. And then a scrappy binding with the rest of those charms to use them up. Linking up with Sarah's Whoop Whoop.

Progress on the Scrap Along quilt. I have all the blocks pieced and now need floor space to start laying them out so the top (flimsy) can be done. This is a perfect SQUARED UP project - just one 4.5" block with two 2.5" blocks - easy peasy and soooooo quick. And after my practic FMQ leaves are a little better - I will use that on quilting this one up.

Remember I set a goal to get one ornament a week done. Love these Santas. I think I need to add some 'Ho Ho Ho's' around them.

So a lot of the challenges and block/quilt alongs I am doing are in great building progress - some of them doing double duty - love when you can 'kill two birds with one stone' - so to speak. And I am enjoying my NEWFO for the year already.


'Ideas are the building blocks of ideas'
- Jason Zebehaty -

Sewingly Yours,


  1. You've been very busy! I love your mini-sampler quilts...too cute!

  2. Goodness me - what a busy little beaver you've been Sharon!!! I'm very impressed ... but then, I'm always impressed by the amount of sewing you get done!! I love the building blocks together ... and those 12 Days of Christmas sampler blocks are gorgeous, especially those bright blocks!!! They'll look gorgeous with sashed with white and bound with more brights!!! ... And what a great idea for your project to do your FMQing challenge on!! May I do the same? Lol!!

  3. So much progress since your last post! I've been struggling with 30 squares for a strip quilt. Yipe!
    Love all your blocks, challenges and quilt alongs. I think the beautiful bright fabrics in the second sampler quilt are from the collection HAPPY by Me and My Sisters. One of their best fabric collections, IMHO. Can't wait to see how you finish that one! I can imagine a 'happy' little girl cuddling up with that one.
    Cute house blocks, esp funny kitten face in window :D Good start on Scrap Along. You go girl!

  4. I agree with everyone else, you have been busy!

    I love all of what you are working on!

  5. you've been super busy, love all your work, but love that blue and brown 12 days of christmas, so pretty

  6. Wow, Sharon, I'm impressed! So many pretty things - especially your 12 Days of Christmas blocks! Both colorways are gorgeous! I'm hoping to start digging into my scraps next week....

  7. Wow Sharon you are on a roll! All those fun blocks are going to make many new quilts. Thanks for sharing!

  8. Love how that dark color plays in the buliding block blocks...everything looks great!

  9. you are such a wonderful source of inspiration!
    i am off to Oneonta to see Warhorse with hubby who is on vaca this week. i cannot sew a stitch with him here!

  10. Love the bright sampler. Can't wait to see how you'll sash it!

  11. Love your 12 Days of Christmas quilts! Thanks for sharing!

  12. I don't know how you get so much done! Love the little Santas!

  13. OH my you have been busy. Great work though!!

  14. Gee, Sharon, you've been a busy bee! Nice progress on all your projects!

  15. Your 12 day blocks are wonderful. Definitely two different looking blocks. I like your house blocks. Whoop! Whoop!

  16. Good grief you are a busy lady! What an amazing group of pretty things!

  17. Gosh, all that work blows me away!! I love the fabric from your 12 Days, too. And also the colors you picked for the color palette challenge!! (And of course, I *really* like playing with blocks with my grandson. LOL!) :)

  18. Great house blocks. Love the brights in the sample, they're really cheerful and happy.

  19. I wish I was half as productive as you are! Your progress looks great!

  20. whow Sharon you sure have been busy,beautiful blocks.xx

  21. wow so many goodies this week! Ok the fish and the cat in the windows are just adorable! Made me laugh. And the brights in the 12 days of Christmas - WOW - that one is super! I love the strings for the color palette challenge, I think I'll have to check that one out. What fun seeing all you've accomplished. Makes me tired. I think I need a nap :)

  22. I always enjoy stopping by both your colorways on the Twelve Days blocks! I chuckled over the whimsical houses - they are so cute!

  23. Wow you have been sewing up all your scraps! I love your Scrappy Quilt! Aren't they fun to make! Love all your other projects too! The houses are cool!
    Have a great day!

  24. Building blocks are inspirational aren't they? Didn't ever think of that before. I may have to have a play with them tomorrow.
