
Sunday, December 4, 2011

Yule Tree

In 722 A.D., Saint Boniface, an English missionary and Benedictine monk, came upon some men about to cut down a huge oak tree to be
used as a stake for a human sacrifice to Thor, one of the Norse Gods. With a mighty blow from an axe, Saint Boniface felled the massive oak and, as the tree split apart, a beautiful young fir tree sprang from its center. Saint Boniface informed the people that this beautiful evergreen, whose branches pointed toward heaven, was a holy tree symbolizing the purity of the New Faith and the promise of eternal life. Saint Boniface then instructed them to carry the evergreen from the wilderness, place it into their homes and surround it with gifts symbolic of love and kindness.

Legend has it that Martin Luther began the tradition of decorating trees to celebrate Christmas. One crisp Christmas Eve, about the year 1500, he was walking through snow-covered woods and was struck by the beauty of a group of small evergreens. Their branches, dusted with snow, shimmered in the moonlight. When he got home, he set up a little fir tree indoors so he could share this story with his children. He decorated it with candles, which he lighted in honor of Christ's birth.


Saturday I finished the binding and tie on the Stitch Along blocks and hung it on the mantel. I decided not to put buttons on the tie as there were beads and buttons on the blocks - would have been button over-kill.

I hemmed some curtains and got them hung. Just flat single bed sheets - easy peasy no headache sewing. But spruced up the bedroom which also was on the cleaning list.

This is a photo memory quilt that my daughter made for her MIL and asked me to quilt it. So picked out a Henry Glass blue voile for the back and one of their clam shell blue prints for binding, grabbed a batt. Basting went rather quickly and I went to town with quilting, using Marcia's ribbon technique. And I ended up machine stitching the binding on after calling her to say it was done - she was originally going to hand sew binding down, but with two little ones, didn't feel she would get to it. I hope to get an outdoors photo of the finish tomorrow.


I layed out my blocks from the 12 Days of Christmas to get some idea what I want to do for sashing. I will have to go to my LQS (gosh darn)as my Holiday fabrics now are just scraps and strings. I know what I want to do with sashing and a border, but some of the blocks need a little more embellishing, too. Will link up with Judy at Patchworktimes.


Box #1 - Growing Stitches comments will end Dec 13th

Box #2 - KelbySews comments open until 11pm Dec 9th

Box #3 - PhillysBlarney - announcing winner today


Quilters Gallery blog hop to celebrate 4th anniversary - sign up by Dec8th if you plan to be on the list of blogs participating.


"Under the tree the gifts enthrall,
But the nicest present of them all
Is filling our thoughts with those who care,
Wanting our Christmas joy to share."
- Joanna Fuchs

Sewingly Yours,


  1. WOW! You've been usual =)

    I'm trying to get some Christmas gift-eeez ready and I'm not making nearly the progress that you are.

    annie m.

  2. Clever of you to embellish your stitchery. I might put a little bling on mine too.

  3. love your stitchery and love the 12 days of Christmas!

  4. Loved the story of the trees. Always a pleasure stopping by on a Monday morning!! Your mantle stitchery is soooooo beautiful!! What a joy to have that hanging for the holidays.

  5. Thanks for sharing the tree story. The stitch along blocks looks very pretty hanging on your mantel. The 12 Days of Christmas blocks are so cute. I look forward to seeing them all sashed together.

  6. I have all the embroidery done on some blocks to do for my mantle so I'm hoping to get them finished up this week. blessings, marlene

  7. Hi Sharon, I haven't forgotten about you but I can't seem to get your blog. I signed up on google reader but I never received and every time I try to sign up again google says I am already signed up. Anyway I just wanted to know I am still thinking about you and we will get talking in New Year. Blessings Sandra

  8. Busy girl! You are certainly keeping out of trouble!
    Merry Christmas Sharon :)

  9. You have occupied your sewing room well! Los of pretty things!!

  10. I zoomed in to see your ribbon quilting, but couldn't see it. Can't wait to see it hanging. I bet it is beautiful!!

  11. Wow! You've gotten a lot done! Can't wait to see the quilt hung up- looks like you spent a lot of hard work quilting it!
