
Sunday, November 13, 2011

November Woods

I feel like our November woods. A little bit of color is trying to stay, but Mother Nature and Father Time are battling. Morning mists, morning frosts, morning snow - all fade away with the warmth of days sun. 2011 is fading into 2012. Projects done, projects that need to be done, and those we look ahead to. Changing our creativity with the changing season.

Almost to the end of the Raspberry Rabbits 12 of Hearts BOM. I still haven't decided on fabric(s) for finishing. Do I want a bright, do I want a dark?

And on the design wall - the finishing of the Sew Happy Sew Along embroidery. I may have to take this to my LQS and browse fabrics as nothing made me happy within the stash. I think it is the scrap quilters stash syndrome (is their such a thing) as just tired of the same old. Again a bright modern, or a muted country?

I never tire of playing with my small bits. When in a 'think' spot, I like to pull the barrel of pre-cut tinies and play. I know, who cuts 1.5" squares - I do! And they make for wonderful things as you get the fun of dark, light, bright, muted, spring, summer, fall, winter - all those bits of projects are in there.

I had to play with something new. This little clutch - The Dumpling - found here. Not sure it is something I would use, but know a few pre-teens that might like it.


Be sure to check out the Henry Glass Blog Hop that started Sunday. Meet some of the designers and pick up some inspirations as well as some free projects.

You can still join in the 12 Days of Christmas Sampler.

Check those projects and think about joining in the SewCal 2011 Christmas Quilt Show.


I added a new button for a project coming in 2012 - 'Made in Cherry' found over here.


Box #1 - Shannon of NuNus Quilt World - She is ready to pass on the stash, so pay her a visit.

Box #2 - Staci of The Confused Quilter will be opening for comments Tuesday.


"November woods are bare and still;
November days are clear and bright;
Each noon burns up the morning's chill,
The morning's snow is gone by night.. "
- Helen Hunt Jackson

Sewingly Yours,


  1. I really love this picture and your description is so perfect. You are closing up some projects, good for you. They are all wonderful. Judy C

  2. That photo of the woods is amazing! You always have such great posts!!

  3. Yep, I get tired of old scraps too. I'm glad you'll find something that your heart sings to when you get new fabric for your embroidery. With all that work already put into it, the fabric should be something that compliments your work!

  4. I so enjoy seeing what you do with your "tinies" scrappy projects never look that good! LOL Do you have a formula that helps them all play together? Like alternating lights and darks, or a certain number of rows?

  5. All of your stitcheries are wonderful. It always seems that no matter how much fabric I collect there is always something I need to complete a quilt. Love all the tiny pieces in your blocks!

  6. What a beautiful picture! Just lovely! It's fun to see what you have been doing :-)

  7. I love your dumpling. :) I use a bag that size in my purse, not for makeup as the preteens would do, but for things that are needed for my 65 year old body...aspirin, GasX, Preparation H wipes, etc. :) :) blessings, marlene

  8. Love your picture. Looks like a scene from a 'Grimm' tv series episode.
    Lovely needle work. Lot of patience. I usually go with darker borders as I think of borders as picture frames. Sometimes mine are smaller than I'd like because I'm running out of fabrics toward the end. Glad scrappy bindings are IN. haha
    Love, love, love ALL your small squares at play. Can't imagine playing with such small blocks. I should give it a try.

  9. Gracious -- you stay so busy! Have you had fun with the hearts? I've saved them but haven't worked them yet. I'm loving the Christmas SAL blocks--are you going to do the banner like she did, or something different? I loved your closing thought poem -- just beautiful! Hugs and have a happy week! :)

  10. lovely picture of the woods and great looking projects!

  11. What a wonderful fall picture, Sharon! That one's worthy of framing....

  12. Beautiful picture and what beautiful stitched blocks!

  13. Your picture of fall trying to hang on followed by you wintery stitchery was wonderful! Both are beautiful.

  14. Just letting your know, we are taking an unplanned trip out of town, so I am doing the stash giveaway beginning tomorrow afternoon and closing Monday 21st. That way I don't need to mail the box until I get back home. Sorry if there was confusion, this is one of THOSE weeks where all the plans are flying out the window!

  15. You picture of the November woods is could make it into a lovely landscape quilt!

    You have been very busy and I love to see your projects.

  16. Thank you for the reminder about the hearts blocks. I wanted to make this project and totally forgot about it. Love your Christmas blocks too!

  17. Your projects seem to becoming along quite well! So many wonderful creations. I wish I could afford more stash, I went to the store the other day and I get depressed at the price of yardage!

  18. Oh my gosh do I love that photo of your woods! I could write a whole story just looking at it! So magical!

  19. Beautiful projects, and a beautiful post! Perfectly summed up my mood today. :o)

    (I cut 1.5" squares, too. lol)

  20. the autumn wooded picture...I can ALMOST see a wolf hiding in the mist.

    I neeeeeed to cut some scrap pieces! I have 2 huge plastic hampers with flannels and one with just cottons. But, I don't know where/how to start =(

    thanks for your fun post.


  21. I really appreciate your post and you explain each and every point very well.Thanks for sharing this information.And I’ll love to read your next post too.

  22. I can't believe how prolific you are! Love the embroideries, thanks for sharing!!

  23. I will have to check out that little pouch, I made one but this one looks alot easier. Thanks,

  24. Your woods photo is mystical...I love it!

    Are you going to join the Bonnie mystery? I think I would like to but am afraid it will time stress me. I've never done one of hers yet, but she warns that it is intense. Undecided...
